Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 399 A long journey is coming soon

"How many original crystal nuclei do you have left?" Yang Chudie suddenly asked.

Lu Yu opened the Qiankun bag, counted it, and replied: "There are nine left."

"Then keep it for now and don't activate the formation for the time being." Yang Chudie said.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned: "Aren't you going to continue practicing?"

Although he had already risen to the next level, such an efficient cultivation method was really a rare and wonderful experience. He was immersed in it and didn't want to stop.

Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "Didn't you say that this is all your wife's capital? I have to leave you some capital to protect, right?"

After a pause, he said seriously: "After cultivating to the level you and I are now, we are all about to break through to the big realm. It is inappropriate to blindly pursue speed. We need to work steadily and steadily. The right way is to constantly sharpen the Tao in actual combat and integrate it. "

"Next, I may leave Jade Butterfly Peak for a period of time, follow what Jade Butterfly did back then, travel around, understand the rules of Taoism, and conclude the golden elixir of my life. Only in this way can the golden elixir achieved be as stable as heaven and earth. A great realm lays a solid foundation..."

"Although you are temporarily unable to form a golden elixir, the same reason applies to the return of true energy to the sea!"

Lu Yu was startled and asked subconsciously: "How long will you be away for?"

Yang Chudie replied: "It's hard to say. It can take as short as one and a half years, or as long as three to five years... In short, everything depends on chance."

Lu Yu suddenly fell silent.

Although the two did not meet every day before, and there were also some short separations, the psychological feeling of such a separation was completely different from the current travel. No matter how the previous separation was, both parties knew each other's whereabouts. , understand what the other party is doing.

But at this time, her travels were elusive and she had no fixed place. She had no idea where she would go next and what kind of things she would encounter... Naturally, she would inevitably have worries in her heart, and even be in constant panic all day long...

The two sides were silent to each other.

Lu Yu thought for a long time and finally made up his mind.

"Then I will go out and travel with Senior Sister!"

Yang Chudie took a deep look at him: "Have you thought about it? If you follow us, there will be no one in charge of Jade Butterfly Peak. What should we do with this huge industry you have spread? "

Lu Yu thought about everything: "I have thought clearly that sooner or later you and I will have to get rid of these stalls. Senior Brother Qi and the others also need enough experience to have the ability to stand alone... Although if we just let go, it may be possible in the short term. It will cause a certain amount of chaos, but as long as we are well prepared, there won’t be any major chaos.”

Yang Chudie's eyes lit up: "It seems that you already have your own ideas..."

Lu Yu nodded: "It takes time to make adequate plans for various emergencies..."

Yang Chudie said: "Then just start making preparations. I didn't say that I would go out for a trip right now."

Lu Yu said happily: "So, Senior Sister has agreed to take me with her?"

Yang Chudie glanced at him: "I never thought I could get rid of you... Otherwise, why do you think I asked you to keep the nine original crystal cores? It's time for you to change your equipment. I can't. I don’t want to go out with a tow bottle... I’ll give you two months to make everything ready, and then we’ll be ready to go!”

Lu Yu suddenly became very happy: "Yes! Disciple will obey Master's decree!"

So the two of them got out of the confinement.

The strange phenomena of heaven and earth surrounding Jade Butterfly Peak also calmed down.

Although the vision subsided, seeing that the two men's cultivation had improved at the same time in just over ten days, the disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak couldn't help but feel very excited, and they felt more and more that joining Jade Butterfly Peak was something they had done. The most correct decision.

Now that he knew that he was about to leave, Lu Yu concentrated on handling the internal affairs, trying to arrange everything in order before leaving, so that Qi Yunkai, Baozi and others could just implement it step by step. Everything will be fine.

The first and most important thing is to deal with debt.

So Lu Yu conducted public alchemy for the next ten days to cash in the bonds.

Unexpectedly, those who hold bonds are unwilling to cash them in again, because people are very optimistic about Lu Yu's future potential. Correspondingly, the black market is also very optimistic about the value of these bonds. They found that these bonds can be circulated on the black market. , but it is more cost-effective than directly exchanging it for elixirs.

So, in the end, it was the creditors who held the bonds who came to the door, crying and begging Lu Yu not to cash in.

This scene couldn't help but make Lu Yu a little confused, and even made all the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

A few months ago, it was obviously the same group of people who came to the door aggressively and demanded that Lu Yu pay off his debts. Now they wish that Lu Yu could owe more and longer... What is going on with this? Is it that this world is too wonderful, or that people’s hearts are too crazy...

However, this also inspired Lu Yu.

He immediately wrote himself five IOUs for refining top-grade elixirs, and left his soul mark on them, making them impossible to forge... He planned to hand these IOUs to Qi when he left. Yun Kai, if Yudie Peak's capital chain is tight, he will throw these IOUs into the black market.

The days were busy and fulfilling. Just as Lu Yu was making various preparations for the upcoming journey, he suddenly received a message from the Bixiao Palace.

This message was naturally sent by Ling Yufei. Apart from greetings and describing the recent situation, there was no special content. Only at the very end, it was vaguely mentioned that there was nothing unusual.

Lu Yu suddenly understood that it seemed that she had met the Heavenly Palace Saint Meng Ting. This abrupt sentence naturally referred to Meng Ting's reaction when she saw the Feihong Sword.

Although he had already prepared himself in his heart, Lu Yu's mood was still depressed when he heard the news.

It seems that it is unlikely to find out the whereabouts of his mother through the Heavenly Palace Saint Meng Ting...

All hopes will eventually fall on the Nine Netherworld...

Lu Yu picked up his mood, picked up the pen, and began to brew a reply with thoughts churning in his mind.

He once again solemnly asked Ling Yufei to go to Youming Palace for him. Of course, he didn't ask her to go directly to find out the whereabouts of her mother, but to ask her to collect intelligence information about Youming Palace in the Nine Netherworlds...

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