Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 398 Falling in love and killing each other

Inside the Jade Butterfly Peak mountain, in the Yin-Yang Cave.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie were immersed in their cultivation and were completely unaware of what was happening in the outside world.

With the blessing of the original crystal core, the two of them devoured the spiritual energy crazily, took it for their own use, and transformed it into the true essence in their own bodies. The effect of improving their cultivation was extremely amazing. The effect of one day's practice is almost as good as a year of uninterrupted practice under normal conditions.

However, the effect of resources is also extremely amazing. On average, one raw crystal core is used almost a day. If converted into raw crystals, that is hundreds of raw crystals, and if converted into spiritual stones, that is Millions of spiritual stones.

Driven by such pressure, Lu Yu and Yang Chudie were racing against every second, not wanting to waste even a moment.

The formation here is called "Yin and Yang Sympathetic Spiritual Formation". Yin and Yang must be synchronized and interact with each other to maximize the effectiveness of the formation. To put it simply, the speed at which the two people devour the surrounding spiritual energy must be consistent. , so that the formation can be effective, otherwise the spiritual veins will be cut off and the original crystal core will be wasted.

At first, Yang Chudie was worried that Lu Yu would not be able to keep up with her speed. After all, she was already at the Guihai realm, while Lu Yu was only at the True Yuan realm.

But when the formation was actually activated, she realized that her worries were completely unnecessary. Although Lu Yu was good at the True Yuan realm, he was an alien in the True Yuan realm. When the nine red lotus cyclones in his body opened, they swallowed The power was suddenly as unfathomable as a black hole, and the situation was actually much stronger than her cultivation level at the Return to Sea Realm.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but be amazed. Only then did she truly understand the power of the Nine-turn Nirvana Technique. She stopped thinking about it and started to perform it with all her strength.

After fifteen days of this, a full fifteen original crystal cores have been used. The two of them have been practicing day and night for fifteen years!

On this day, Yang Chudie's body suddenly shook, and spiritual energy poured out in all directions. The glow continued, and the entire mountain shook violently.

If you look at the outside world, you can see that the sea of ​​clouds surrounding the Jade Butterfly Peak quickly swirled up, and were sucked into the Jade Butterfly Peak like a whirlpool, and disappeared.

Such a powerful fluctuation in spiritual power forced the Yin-Yang Sympathetic Spiritual Array to stop.

"Congratulations, Senior Aunt! Congratulations, Senior Aunt!"

Lu Yu said happily that such a phenomenon did not require too much explanation. It could be seen at a glance that she must have been promoted to a new realm.

Yang Chudie opened her eyes, glanced at Lu Yu, and smiled: "Isn't it the same for you? Congratulations to you too!"

It turned out that Lu Yu had also advanced to a higher level in the process and had now reached the seventh level of the True Essence Realm.

"I am only at the True Yuan Realm. Even if I improve one level, I am only at the seventh level of the True Yuan Realm. How can I be compared with my master?" Lu Yu said.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but think in her heart, this only shows how powerful you are...

Obviously, everyone keeps attracting spiritual energy at the same speed. They have also practiced for fifteen days. If it were replaced by other True Yuan Realm disciples with such a huge amount of spiritual energy, they would have exploded and died, but he was even more different. It's just like everyone else, and the realm has only been slightly improved by one level.

The first-level promotion of the True Yuan Realm is actually the same as the first-level promotion of the Guihai Realm. The total amount of spiritual energy required for both is the same. It is self-evident what this means!

"I wonder what level Master Gui is in the Return to the Sea Realm now?" Lu Yu asked again.

Although Lu Yu's total amount of true energy is already considerable, the suppression in the realm is still there. Yang Chudie can see the depth of his strength at a glance, but he cannot see the level of her cultivation.

"Eighth level." Yang Chudie replied.

"The eighth level?"

Lu Yu laughed.

"With such a high level of cultivation, should I change my name to you as Elder Yang now?"

Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him: "Is it so easy to get the position of elder? In addition to the mandatory requirements for years and meritorious service, you also need to pass the strict evaluation of the Elders' House. Not to mention anything else, just being on the job In terms of years of experience, I do not meet the requirements for the office of elder."

"In this case, doesn't it mean that you may become a real person directly in the position of deacon?" Lu Yu said bluntly.

She has already understood the realm of Taoist Heart Transparency, and now her cultivation has taken a step further. For her, the Golden Core realm is not out of reach, it is just a matter of time.

"Being a real person has nothing to do with your position. Even many powerful disciples were directly promoted to become real people as true disciples, such as... Yudie!"

Speaking of the last game, Yang Chudie's tone was a little stiff.

Lu Yu immediately shut his mouth obediently.

It can be seen that although she doesn't say it on the surface, she is still holding on to her heart deep down and refuses to be compared to her sisters. The two sisters really love each other...

He couldn't help but think of Wei Zhihan and Jiang Feiyan. As far as he knew, these two people had also realized the realm of Taoist enlightenment.

In this way, wouldn't it be possible for the two of them to directly break through the Golden Core realm and become the other two versions of "Jade Butterfly Master" when they were true disciples?

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