Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 368 Yelang is arrogant

At this time, everything is still business as usual on the Heavenly Hell battlefield.

But then I thought about it, since Su Jianqiu and Yu Qingya had already come over to recruit them to join the gang, it meant that the situation had reached a very urgent stage.

As soon as Lu Yu and others put it together, they decided to stay there for one night and set off early the next morning, heading to the depths of the third area to occupy favorable terrain and prepare for the battle.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, there was suddenly a loud noise outside the camp, causing everyone to crawl out of the tent.

"It's the troops sent by the coalition headquarters! The army is passing through!"

Xu Bin was the most alert. He was the first to run out of the tent. After observing the shadowy light spot in the distance for a while, he was the first to speak.

"The army passed through the border overnight, indicating that the situation ahead is urgent. Maybe the vanguard of the fallen demon army has already come out from the fourth area..." Luo Shuhui said.

Ling Yufei made a decisive decision: "Pack your bags, let's follow the coalition troops and set off!"

Everyone's sleepiness disappeared immediately, they immediately packed their luggage and followed the coalition troops into battle.

Wherever the army passed, not a scrap of fallen demon armor was left behind, only ashes were left everywhere.

Against the background of the night, an iron-blooded and chilling atmosphere suddenly emerged.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a faint heroic emotion in his heart. He couldn't help but put his hand into his arms and gently touched the Tian A-level mission card. He thought to himself: I don't know if there will be any danger in this battle. Meet the King of Hell?

When he accepted the mission, he left in a hurry and did not carefully inquire about the King of Hell. In the past few days, when he was recuperating in the camp, he had already asked Luo Shuhui to make up for it. knowledge.

The King of Heavenly Hell is the most powerful existence in the entire Heavenly Hell battlefield. It is precisely because of its existence that the fallen demons in the entire Heavenly Hell battlefield have become particularly difficult to deal with, because it can increase the concentration of fallen energy, making every fallen demon individuals become more powerful

It usually only occupies the depths of the fourth area, closest to the dividing line between heaven and earth. It rarely enters other areas to wreak havoc, because it stays in place and can accelerate the flow of fallen energy into the battlefield. It is better than directly participating in the battle. The damage caused is even greater.

Therefore, every commander-in-chief of the coalition forces regards the elimination of the King of Heavenly Hell as his ultimate goal, because once the King of Heavenly Hell is eliminated, the entire Heavenly Hell battlefield can be peaceful for a long time, and when the fallen energy flows in naturally, it can be restored again. At least several decades had passed when the King of Hell was formed.

It's a pity that the King of Hell rarely appears in the first three areas. In the fourth area, it is not only protected by a large number of demon generals, but also protected by the force field at the junction of Tianyu. Therefore, if you want to be in the fourth area, It is extremely difficult to kill them in the four areas.

Only when the fallen demons are launching a large-scale attack, the King of Hell will occasionally come to the first three areas, which will be the best opportunity to kill him.

According to Luo Shuhui, since the Heavenly Prison battlefield was recorded, the King of Heavenly Prison has appeared a total of 1,034 times outside the fourth area, of which only ninety-six were successfully intercepted. , the success rate is less than 10%, and most of the time it is helpless and hopeless.

The number of successful kills in the fourth area was even more pitiful. There were only a handful of four, both of which were accomplished by outstanding disciples who shone in the world at that time.

After the battle with the Porcupine Demon General, Lu Yu had a deep understanding of the Demon General's first-level strength. The Demon General was already so difficult to deal with, and the strength of the King of Hell was even more conceivable.

Therefore, Lu Yu did not feel that he had the strength to go deep into the fourth area to challenge the King of Hell. It would be best if the King of Hell could take the initiative to run out this time, and then he would try again to see if there was a chance to kill him in one fell swoop. Otherwise, this would not be possible. The next Tian A-level mission had no choice but to be given up.

Everyone moved forward, and as they continued to go deeper, the number of fallen demons became more and more. From time to time, some fish would slip through the net and escape the sweep of the large army, and turn to the eight people following them. The team attacked.

But before the offensive of these fallen demons could fully launch, Xu Bin, who was at the front of the team, swept the fallen demons into ashes with three strikes, posing no threat at all.

At this time, everyone noticed an astonishing fact, that is, after these few days of hard practice, Xu Bin's sword power has improved a lot.

"Hey, Senior Brother Xu has become more powerful!"

"In the past few days, Senior Brother Xu has been studying swordsmanship alone whenever he has time. He practices very hard!"

"No matter how hard he works, he can't make progress so fast. The previous battle should have given him some insights..."

"Great! Senior Brother Xu has become stronger, and with Junior Brother Lu's healing support, we will definitely be able to successfully complete the mission this time!"

Even Ling Yufei couldn't help but praise: "Junior Brother Xu is already extremely talented. I see that his sharpness is restrained and his aura is strong. I'm afraid his progress will not stop here, and there may be more breakthroughs!"

"Huh? Will there be another breakthrough?"

"Doesn't this mean that Senior Brother Xu is the fastest among all of us to achieve the unification of the Five Qi and step into the Return to the Sea Realm?"

Ling Yufei nodded and said: "It's very possible!"

A group of female disciples suddenly became restless.

"Ahhh! No! We are all at the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm. Why should Senior Brother Xu sneak away first?"

"I also have to practice hard! I also have to understand!"

"Senior Brother Xu, get out of the way and take a rest first, and let me clear the way!"

Seeing everyone's passion suddenly ignited, Xu Bin finally showed a long-lost smile on his face.

However, no matter how everyone scrambled for fun, Xu Bin never gave up his position to clear the way.

Because as Ling Yufei commented, Xu Bin himself felt that his sword skills were becoming more and more proficient and he was more and more familiar with it. The progress of his sword skills did not seem to have stopped. He just needed to work harder. A qualitative leap can be achieved.

Finally, when the sky gradually turned white, and Xu Bin no longer knew how many swords he had wielded, suddenly his sword shone with red brilliance, like a bright red sun.

This scene is exactly the same as the red sun that Ling Yufei used when she dealt a fatal blow to the Porcupine Demon General.

Yanyang Sword Technique!

Everyone was immediately shocked.

Xu Bin actually realized it! And it’s the extremely powerful Yanyang Sword Technique!

Only with a body at the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm, he understood the sword technique!

Everyone couldn't help but marveled.

"so good!"

"It's also the Yanyang Sword Technique... Is Senior Brother Xu paying tribute to Sister Fei?"

"This is called being influenced by what you hear and what you see!"

"Then why don't you try dyeing it? Senior Brother Xu Bin is indeed a genius!"

"Can someone at the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm actually be able to perform sword techniques? Huihui, is there any precedent for this in the past?"

"Well, theoretically speaking, as long as the true power of the five elements is condensed, and the power of the five elements is strong enough, you can perform Tao tactics and sword tactics. However, most people have to reach the level of the unity of the five elements to have enough True power can drive the magic formula, and people who can perform the magic formula at the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm do not exist, but they are all rare... And those who can drive the magic formula before have never even heard of it. …”

"No matter what, senior brother Xu Bin must be a genius!"

Listening to everyone's compliments, Xu Bin was overjoyed.

However, he did not share his joy with the other disciples and sisters. Instead, he silently walked to Lu Yu's side.

"Thank you." He said to Lu Yu seriously.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned and suddenly confused.

"Thank me for what?"

An arrogant smile appeared on Xu Bin's lips: "If I hadn't been stimulated by you, I wouldn't have been able to inspire such potential! In the past, I always felt that I was not strong enough, and I was naturally a head lower than Sister Fei and Su Jianqiu. From now on, I will never have such thoughts again!”

"From now on, I, Xu Bin, can be regarded as the number one person, and I am qualified to leave my name in the historical books of the eight major sects and spread it throughout the ages!"

Lu Yu felt extremely embarrassed when he heard this. This guy had just figured out a sword technique, and he had already imagined that he would be famous throughout the ages. It had to be said that this brother really had a lot on his mind.

At the same time, he felt that he was a little wronged. He obviously didn't do anything, so how could he be called being stimulated by himself? If you want to be stimulated, Ling Yufei should be stimulated, okay? Otherwise, how could it be the same Yanyang Sword Technique as hers?

"Why don't you speak? That's right, you must not have calmed down yet..."

Xu Bin's face couldn't help but feel high-spirited and energetic.

"Take your time, don't be anxious, you will gradually get used to it in the future...I am destined to be a hurdle that you will never be able to overcome in your life!"

Lu Yu was completely speechless.

Is it destined to be a hurdle that cannot be overcome in this life? I don’t know how many hurdles I have overcome like you, okay?

Isn't this the legendary Yelang's arrogance?

In the end, Lu Yu really couldn't think of what to say, so he had to pat the other party's shoulder gently and comfort him calmly.

"Work hard!"

Then he walked away silently.

Xu Bin couldn't help but be confused for a moment. He couldn't figure out why Lu Yu reacted like this.

It was obvious that he had understood the Yanyang Sword Technique, it was obvious that he had shown a talent that ordinary people could not match, and it was obvious that he had been unanimously praised by everyone... But why did he act so calm and calm?

He also asked himself to work hard and act as if he was the final winner...

The more Xu Bin thought about it, the angrier and angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he hated it, and he couldn't help but gnash his teeth again.

Huh, this guy is really good at pretending! We're about to have a head-on battle with the demon army. Let's see how long you can keep pretending!

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