Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 367 A complete miscalculation

Yu Qingya and Su Jianqiu were startled at the same time.

In fact, they had a very accurate grasp of Ling Yufei's character, knowing that she was a very dedicated person who valued the interests of the collective. Generally speaking, when it came to the overall interests of Bohai Palace, she would choose to give in.

However, this time they obviously miscalculated.

Su Jianqiu and Yu Qingya looked at each other, neither knowing what the problem was.

Su Jianqiu was unwilling to accept it and said earnestly: "Fei'er, I made this suggestion for your own good..."

"Although you finally won the last time and got the original crystal core, it was only a tragic victory. Your entire team suffered serious damage as a result. If you don't join us, how will you survive in this upcoming war? Where?”

"Please don't be so impulsive and refuse simply because of status..."

"Instead of being dragged down half-dead by a group of wounded, it is better to use your vitality and work with us to form a new team to seek greater benefits!"

"So this is your true intention?"

Ling Yufei sneered.

"Do you think we were seriously injured and depleted and can no longer continue fighting, so you came here to show off your power, thinking you have defeated us?"

"Isn't it?"

Su Jianqiu shook his head, but there was an unconcealable arrogance in his eyes.

"Fei'er, how long will you continue to keep your words? If you weren't seriously injured and unable to walk, why have you been camping here for so many days and not leaving?"

Ling Yufei couldn't help laughing.

She suddenly raised her voice and said loudly: "Sisters, please come out and show your face! Otherwise, others will think that we are about to die!"

Suddenly, familiar figures filed out of the tents at the back. It was Ouyang Ting, Yu Xiaoyu, Bi Qiu Shuang, Qi Xiaolan, Luo Shuhui, and Lu Yu who also sneaked out of another tent.

Every one of these people was full of life and had a flushed complexion. How could there be any sign of being seriously injured before?

Su Jianqiu, Yu Qingya and others immediately stood on the spot.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

During the previous battle with the Porcupine Demon General, these people were injured under their noses, and they knew only too well the extent of their injuries.

Ouyang Ting, in particular, was the most seriously injured. She was beaten into pieces by the Porcupine Demon General's arrowhead...

But now, in just a few days, these people have miraculously recovered!

Even Ouyang Ting is already like a fine person. Not only can she move freely, but her originally miserable face has returned to its original appearance, and even looks more youthful and youthful than before...

"This is impossible, this is impossible..."

Su Jianqiu kept mumbling to himself, unable to believe that this was a fact.

Yu Qingya was also stunned, but she quickly grasped the key to the matter and locked her eyes on Lu Yu.

She was very familiar with the people in front of her, and they didn't have such ability at all. Only this disciple of the Dali Sword Sect was the only variable.

"Junior Brother Lu, was it you who cured these sisters of mine?"

Lu Yu said calmly: "I am a disciple of the Jade Butterfly Peak of the Dali Sword Sect. Our Jade Butterfly Peak is rich in various elixirs, which are extremely effective and can cure diseases... If you have any purchasing needs, If so, you might as well go to Jade Butterfly Peak to contact us, we will definitely welcome you at Jade Butterfly Peak!"

Yu Qingya couldn't help but was speechless for a while, staring at Lu Yu fiercely, as if she wanted to find out all his details.

"Let's go." Su Jianqiu said suddenly.

At this point, he clearly knew that this time they had completely miscalculated.

Several people left without any delay.

Lu Yu looked at the direction in which the people were leaving and couldn't help shaking his head and making a "cut" sound.

This Su Jianqiu, once he knew that he could not persuade Ling Yufei, he immediately turned around and left without even saying hello. This performance was too utilitarian.

Several other female disciples also started talking at this time.

Ouyang Ting said angrily: "Yu Qingya, this bitch, is really shameless. She wanted to kill us a few days ago, but now she comes to beg Sister Fei again. She really has the face!"

Bi Qiu Shuang said disdainfully: "She was originally a utilitarian person. When she saw the benefits, she did not hesitate to frame Sister Fei and draw a clear line. Now that Sister Fei has value, she shamelessly sticks to her."

Qi Xiaolan said angrily: "I can only blame Sister Fei for being so nice. She always gave in to her in the past, which made her get more and more aggressive!"

Ouyang Ting added: "I used to think that Senior Brother Su was a nice person, but I didn't expect that he would become such a hypocritical philistine. He must have been influenced by Yu Qingya! It's true that those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are dark!"

Ling Yufei shook her head: "Actually, he has always been like this. It's just that I was blinded by emotion and didn't see his true face clearly!"

Yu Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Speaking of which, it's all thanks to Junior Brother Lu this time. We just stopped here to recuperate and want to adjust to the best condition before taking action, but they misunderstood that we couldn't move even an inch!"

Bi Qiu Shuang also covered her mouth and laughed: "That's right! If it weren't for Junior Brother Lu's miraculous medical skills, we would have been looked down upon this time! Did everyone notice that the moment Tingting came out just now? , their faces looked like they had seen a ghost!"

Ouyang Ting suddenly became dissatisfied: "What do you mean by this? Seeing me is like seeing a ghost. Am I a ghost?"

Qi Xiaolan smiled and said: "Of course you are not a ghost, but you were beaten into a sieve by the demon general under their noses before. They thought they should see something like a ghost, but they didn't expect you to be completely fine!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. While laughing, their eyes couldn't help but fall on the biggest hero - Lu Yu.

Ling Yufei suddenly said to Lu Yu seriously: "Thank you."

If Lu Yu's miraculous medical skills hadn't completely restored the entire team, she didn't know if she would have had enough confidence to refuse Su Jianqiu's proposal.

"Senior Sister Ling is too outrageous to say this!"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "We are all friends, and we should help each other. Maybe one day I will need your help!"

Ling Yufei was slightly startled, feeling that there was something in Lu Yu's words, so she asked, "Is there anything you need my help with?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Of course not now, but who can say for sure what will happen in the future?"

Ling Yufei nodded seriously: "If you need help, just ask. As long as I, Ling Yufei, can do it and do not violate the rules and morals of the sect, I will not refuse."

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "I remember what Senior Sister Ling said!"

But he thought silently in his heart that his mother had been imprisoned in the Nine Netherlands for many years, and he didn't know what the situation was like now...

If she has encountered misfortune, then I will definitely kill Bixiao Shrine one day and let all the culprits be buried with her!

If such a day comes, I hope it won’t be too difficult for you to make a choice...

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