Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 360 Can we change the time?

As we continued deeper into the third area, the surrounding voices questioning Lu Yu gradually disappeared.

It was not because they suddenly realized Lu Yu's true strength, but because there were gradually more fallen demons around him, and no one had time to judge him anymore.

Lu Yu and others moved forward bravely, killing more than a dozen fallen demons along the way. After harvesting five original crystals, they finally arrived at the place where the demon general came.

I saw a huge pig-headed monster standing on a small hill. Judging from the long pointed tusks on both sides of its nose and the sharp spikes on its back, it should have evolved from a porcupine. The demonized creatures came.

The body of the Porcupine Demon General is surrounded by black energy, which looks extremely evil and full of terrifying power.

At this time, several teams had already arrived here first, and among them happened to be their old acquaintance - Yu Qingya.

"Although I said that we would meet sooner or later, I didn't expect it to be so soon! It seems that the newcomer you have found is really good and is not holding you back!" Yu Qingya strode over. said.

She was accompanied by three male disciples. Although there were only four in the group, they were all true disciples with Guihai Realm cultivation, and they all had precious armor and swords at their sides, making them look extremely luxurious.

"Senior Brother Su, after all we have met, why don't you say hello to Senior Sister Fei'er?"

Yu Qingya stood beside a handsome man and asked with a smile.

Obviously, this person was Ling Yufei's original fiancé, Senior Brother Su, who was about to become a Taoist couple.

When Senior Brother Su heard this, his face showed a hint of embarrassment, but he still took the initiative to come up and said hello: "Junior Sister Fei'er, how are you doing recently?"

Ling Yufei couldn't help but turned pale again, pursed her lips tightly, and said nothing.

Ouyang Ting, who was on the side, couldn't help but cursed: "Su Jianqiu! You're a wolf-hearted thing, you have the nerve to ask Senior Sister Fei'er if she's okay! Don't you know how Senior Sister Fei'er felt about you in the past!"

"But you are half-hearted and have both ends! You are heartless and shameless! You clearly know that the original crystal core is extremely important to Senior Sister Fei'er, but you still come here with this bitch named Yu, wanting to interfere with it, deliberately Let Senior Sister Fei'er fail to complete the mission!"

"If you still have any conscience at all, you should turn around and leave now, quit on your own initiative, and don't bother us again!"

These words were said in one breath and heartily.

Lu Yu couldn't help but glance at Ouyang Ting in surprise. He didn't expect her to be so energetic when quarreling. She seemed to be a person worthy of close friendship. If there was a quarrel in the future, he wouldn't be afraid to take her with him.

Su Jianqiu looked ashamed, but still insisted: "Junior sister Fei'er, you misunderstood me. Jianqiu is not a half-hearted person, and he has never forgotten you for a moment..."

"It's just that the palace's major examination, which is held every five years, is about to be held. The palace master made it clear to me that your affairs cannot affect my examination results. For the sake of the overall situation of our Bohai Palace, I have no choice but to terminate the engagement with you..."

"I know that the original crystal core is very important to you, but I am about to take the big exam, and I also need to use the original crystal core... You also know that this big exam is very important to me, and it affects whether I can enter Hanguang Pavilion. , How much effort I have put into this, and how much financial resources Bohai Palace has spent on me..."

"After all, you and I have known each other for a long time. I don't want to fight with you and lose the last bit of affection between you and me, so can you please give in temporarily this time?"

As soon as these words came out, Ouyang Ting and others suddenly became angry and cursed at Su Jianqiu again.

This is really bullying!

Why should Ling Yufei give in? He said it so affectionately, why didn't he give in?

This makes it clear that Ling Yufei is thinking about her old relationship and wants to kill her!

Ling Yufei clenched her fists tightly, her knuckles turning white.

But he still pursed his lips tightly and didn't say a word.

Su Jianqiu just looked at her affectionately.

This scene made Ouyang Ting and others on the side anxious. They couldn't help but want to rush up and grab Ling Yufei's palm to help her give Su Jianqiu a big mouth.

The scene reached a deadlock for a while.

Everyone is looking forward to Ling Yufei's final decision.

At this moment, a red light suddenly came down and shone on Ling Yufei.

This sudden change made everyone slightly stunned, and several surprised eyes focused on the source of the red light - Lu Yu.

This kid, what kind of healing technique is he using at this time? Isn’t this intentional to cause trouble?

Lu Yu was completely unaware of this, and reminded him expressionlessly: "Senior Sister Ling, if you want to rekindle old friendship, can you change the time? If we don't take action, the original crystal core will soon be theirs!"

Everyone turned to look, and sure enough, someone on the other side had already taken the lead in launching an offensive against the Porcupine Demon General.

I don’t know which sect’s disciple the person who took action was, and the attack was extremely fierce.

In the midst of the sword energy, the Porcupine Demon General looked up to the sky and let out a howl.

Suddenly, the spikes on its back shot out continuously, turning into a rain of arrows flying in all directions.

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