Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 359 The Talent of the Pretty Boy

"Junior Brother Lu Yu..."

Luo Shuhui looked at Lu Yu timidly, seeming to have mustered up great courage.

"I have never heard the name of this technique. Could it be that this Rainbow Light Technique is the basic technique of your sect's supreme Taoist technique - Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique?"

Lu Yu looked back at her and smiled slightly.

"Senior Sister Luo thinks too highly of me. With my level, how can I be qualified to learn the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique? I don't know if this technique is the basic technique of Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique, but it is indeed A technique I found from a pile of old papers."

Luo Shuhui was slightly stunned and remained silent, but silently recorded the name Hongguang Jue in his heart.

"Whether it is the basic technique of Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique or not..."

At this time, Xu Bin suddenly waved his hand and patted Lu Yu's shoulder hard.

"In short, you must perform well for me next, and don't hold us back... We must not let Senior Sister Fei'er down again, do you understand!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Even if his previous performance was not wonderful, at least he didn't make any mistakes. Why is this guy still so dissatisfied with himself?

But when he saw the other person's eyes looking hotly forward, Ling Yufei's figure clearly reflected in his pupils, he understood instantly.

It turns out that this guy secretly has a crush on Ling Yufei...

He was thinking about Ling Yufei's future, so he came here to beat him up on purpose!

Lu Yu felt a sudden emotion in his heart.

I really didn’t expect that this small team of eight people would have such a complicated love relationship hidden...

I don’t know if there are anyone else involved besides the known ones...

I really have to say, your circle is really chaotic...

Just when Lu Yu was secretly sighing, dark clouds suddenly rolled in the sky in the distance.

Countless amounts of black energy were seen surging in, converging in the air, gradually forming a dark tornado, and finally descended on the mountains ahead.

Suddenly, the world ahead became dark.

"A demon general has arrived in the third area!"

Ling Yufei, who was walking at the front of the team, raised her head and stared at the dark tornado.

Her eyes flashed with brilliance, and she could no longer see the decadence and frustration she had before.

"Let's seize the moment and move forward at full speed!"

Demon General, as the name suggests, is a general among fallen demons.

It is a powerful fallen demon that was born from the arrival of a large amount of fallen energy. In addition to its tyrannical strength, it also has many ordinary fallen demons as followers, making it very difficult to deal with.

If you can kill such a powerful demon general, the harvest will be quite rich. Not only can you obtain a large amount of original crystals, but after the demon general dies, a substance called "original crystal core" will definitely precipitate. The density is hundreds of times that of ordinary raw crystals, and its power and efficiency are also hundreds of times that of raw crystals. It is extremely powerful and is the top resource that all major sects must compete for.

In addition, the coalition headquarters will also closely observe the behavior of the demon generals to prevent them from continuing to grow in size and develop to a scale that is difficult to fight and threaten the overall defense line of the coalition forces.

Therefore, every time a demon general comes, it must be a gathering of heroes, a competition among heroes, a feast of plundering resources and accumulating merits.

When Lu Yu and others finally passed through the second area and entered the third area, they had already seen many "commates" along the way.

Only then did he notice that everyone who could enter this area was at least at the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm or above, and they were all well-equipped ninth-level True Yuan Realm people like Ouyang Ting and others, and most of them were returnees. A true disciple who is above sea level.

There is no one like him who is at the sixth level of the True Essence Realm. Especially since he has nothing but common clothes, he stands out among all the people participating in the battle.

"Are you kidding me? A cannon fodder at the sixth level of the True Yuan Realm is here to join in the fun?"

"It's really desperate..."

"Hey, don't look at the people who are leading him. They are all women from the Bixiao Palace!"

"Women are all visual creatures. Most likely, they thought this pretty boy was pretty good-looking, so they took him with him!"

"Haha, women are women. Even if they have cultivated to this level, they can't change their nature of long hair and short knowledge. Can they be used as food if they are handsome?"

"It's a pity that this pretty boy is still enjoying it. I'm afraid he won't know how he died later!"

There is a competitive relationship between the teams, and no one needs to give face to the other. So when other teams passed by Lu Yu and others, some people talked loudly without hesitation.

First of all, these people really felt that Lu Yu's level should not appear here.

Secondly, I saw that Ouyang Ting and others are all beautiful women with excellent looks, especially the eldest sister Ling Yufei, who is even more beautiful and fragrant. In terms of appearance, she is not inferior to Yu Qingya, but Lu Yu is so beautiful. Surrounded by it, there is no doubt that there is some jealousy in it.

"Don't think too much, just do your own thing and let them have their say. Let's let the results speak for themselves later!"

Ouyang Ting was worried that Lu Yu would think too much, so she comforted her softly.

In fact, she was overthinking it. Lu Yu was not angry at all.

In fact, even he himself thinks so...

Who told him to be protected by a group of female disciples in the middle of the team, and he was only responsible for treatment? How could he not be regarded as a pretty boy?

This is the situation in the first place, no wonder others think so...

However, in order to continue to lurk among these Bixiao Shrine disciples so that he could spy on information in the future, Lu Yu felt that he had to endure no matter how humiliating he was...

Pretty boy, just be pretty!

In fact, it’s not that easy to be a pretty boy. Otherwise, if you were surrounded by a group of women, would anyone call Xu Bin a pretty boy?

It can be seen that being a pretty girl also requires certain hardware conditions and technical talent.

Xu Bin, who was rushing to the front of the team, suddenly stopped and scratched his head.

He always felt that the way Lu Yu looked at him was a bit weird, and he had an indescribable strange feeling.

Could it be that he was shocked by his series of fierce attacks just now?

Xu Bin seemed to have some realization...

Even though the other party is just a pretty boy, even though he only has the cultivation level of the sixth level of the True Yuan Realm, he is still a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect after all.

Being able to get a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect to express his admiration for him during his sword offensive, Xu Bin couldn't help but feel proud in his heart.

So he smiled inexplicably and charged towards the fallen demon in front of him with even greater energy...

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