Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2382 Beyond the Starry Sky

Fan Yunle said nothing more.

But his face, as dark as the bottom of a pot, fully showed that he was not at peace inside.

He did not hesitate for too long and immediately began to prepare the teleportation for Lu Yu and others. Anyway, he could still consider this matter slowly, and he could even discuss it with His Majesty the God King. The top priority was to send the people there as soon as possible.

He waved his hand, and lightning suddenly curled up on his fingertips. The whole building shook violently, and then the ground fell into pieces, and the whole city fell apart!

In the field of vision of Lu Yu and the others, the entire Heiliang City has been broken into pieces, and Fan Yunle is holding it in the palm of his hand, like a huge toy. This is not a real scene, but it is real. What happened was that the entire city's operating rules had been hijacked by him.

Fu Jing and Huo Yunru couldn't help but look in shock. They didn't expect that this person had such a powerful ability. He could hijack the laws of the entire city in an instant. This also meant that he could control the entire city with just one move. The city was completely destroyed.

However, even such a domineering person seems to have no choice in front of Lu Yu but to be defeated everywhere.

Faced with his performance, Lu Yu just raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a serious expression: "I'm just telling you! This Black Liang City must have something to do with the Fountain of Innocents! I just didn’t expect you to hide it in such a clever way!”

At this time, the scene unfolded in front of Lu Yu and others, the source of the undercurrent beneath the Dayuan Mine was...

In a similar way, it is actually an entrance to a multi-dimensional system. The only difference is that the source of the underground river is naturally formed, while the "entrance" displayed in front of him at this time has been processed to a certain extent. The person who can have such power in "artificial changes" can naturally only be the big-eyed king, which also shows that he has unparalleled influence on this part of the multi-dimensional system.

Fan Yunle's beard and hair were spread out, his hair was like dancing, and his whole body was surrounded by lightning. Seeing that Lu Yu was still interested in studying slowly here, he suddenly lost his temper and roared: "Don't waste time, hurry up Go in!"

Lu Yu turned around and glanced at Fu Jing and his daughter. Without saying anything, he stepped straight into the vortex formed by the thunder and lightning.

What should be said has been made clear before coming here, so there is no need to explain anything else at this time.

His body instantly turned into countless debris and was involved in the thunder whirlpool.

This was originally an extremely horrifying scene, but no one present had seen it for the first time. They knew that this was not the end of life, but a transformation from one form to another, more advanced form, so they all acted very calm.

Without much hesitation, Huo Yunru also walked in calmly, her body also turned into endless debris.

Next is Fu Jing

In just the blink of an eye, the three of them walked into the entrance of the thunder whirlpool. Fan Yunle was the only one left in the huge parliament hall.

Fan Yunle looked at the direction where the three figures disappeared, hesitated for a moment, and finally followed them in.


Calm again.

It was not until a long time later that the door of the parliament hall was reopened again. Looking at the empty hall, everyone couldn't help but fall into a long silence.

They all know in their hearts that things are far from being as simple as they appear on the surface.

I feel like I have been divided into countless fragments, each of which is a unique self.

This was supposed to be a wonderful experience that could only be experienced after cultivating the spiritual avatar. Unexpectedly, under the current multi-dimensional system, he had already experienced it in advance. This is really a very magical experience.

When he was at the source of the underground river under the Dayuan Mining Site, he saw the entire Wushu Spring through that entrance. Now during this magical journey, he also saw the Wushu Spring. There is a huge difference in the overall view of the spring, but due to the different angles.

Theoretically speaking, Lu Yu can directly reach the location of the Dayuan Mine from this part of the Innocent Spring system. However, this is not easy to achieve, because even with Lu Yu's strong mind and consciousness, he has not found two places yet. How to confirm the specific location?

It can be seen from this that how complex is this multi-dimensional system?

However, this may also be because the area he is currently in has been specially modified by "human beings". Lu Yu can clearly feel a special pointing force in it, which drives countless clones of it. , moving in a specific direction.

If his judgment is correct, this power naturally belongs to the Red Square Blazing Sun Dayan

god king

Others saw that Lu Yu was chatting and laughing, and did not seem to take the other party seriously at all, but he knew very well in his heart how powerful the other party was, and everything he experienced at this time undoubtedly fully proved this point.

"I didn't expect that the multi-dimensional system could be used in such a way," Lu Yu thought with infinite emotion.

At this time, he was like a toddler who walked into a "hall" of art. Every painting, every color, and even every stroke in this hall made him feel refreshed and enlightened. !

During this process, he had naturally felt the presence of the God King.

However, whether it was because he didn't want to have too much karma with him, Lu Yu did not feel the other party's "inspiration", and the two parties were always in a state of aloofness.

But even this kind of "near-apart" state is enough to guide Lu Yu.

Lu Yu seemed to have passed through a dark slide. Everything seemed to fall into place and he reached his destination naturally.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was already standing in a completely unfamiliar area, intact as before.

There are mountains, water, wind, clouds, and stars all around. Everything seems to be an extremely normal world, as if he is not really far away.

But in fact, he was already on the other side of the distant starry sky.

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