Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2381 Backhand control

"You are actually here!"

Fan Yunle stood in the parliament hall of Heiliang City and slowly turned around.

This place was originally the highest decision-making center of the entire Heiliang City, but now it has been occupied by Jiu, and it has become the place where Fan Yunle meets Lu Yu and others.

"What's so surprising about this?" Lu Yu said in confusion, "Did you originally think that we wouldn't come?"

"This is something that requires extremely courage." Fan Yunle said, "Especially after you have observed the situation over there using special methods, you should be very aware of the dangers involved. Frankly speaking, I do think you might give up on this. However, His Majesty the God King has great confidence in you, and in the end his judgment is more accurate!"

"God King" Lu Yu showed a slightly surprised look, "He would still discuss such things with you?"

Fan Yun said happily: "That's natural. I have already told you that teleportation over such a long distance is not something I can do. It must be done with the help of His Majesty the God King, so naturally I have to communicate with him. Isn’t it natural to discuss your affairs while communicating?”

Lu Yu said: "It seems that your second master is very impressive. Not only can you draw on his power, but you also seem to be able to communicate with him anytime and anywhere?"

Fan Yunle said with a smile: "You don't have to probe me. I won't tell you the state His Majesty the God King is in at this time. If you want to figure this out, you can only rely on yourself. You will have such an opportunity soon." "

As he spoke, he paused and turned his gaze

He turned to Fu Jing and his daughter who were standing behind Lu Yu: "Are you ready?"

Fu Jing and Huo Yunru couldn't help but feel a shiver in their hearts. They didn't expect that this would start directly. They originally thought that this process would require the use of some special magic circles or the use of some special artifacts. After all, the distance was so far away that it would be difficult to rely on external There is nothing wrong with the power of things, but now it seems that is not the case.

The two women looked at Lu Yu in unison. Naturally, they all relied on Lu Yu's opinion. If Lu Yu had no problem, they would have no problem either.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Yu suddenly said.

"Any more questions?" Fan Yunle looked at him doubtfully.

Lu Yu said: "We haven't even talked for a few words yet, why are we in such a hurry?"

Fan Yun said happily: "Aren't you eager to rescue the peacock? Besides, you already know the situation over there. The situation is very pessimistic. If you go late, maybe it will be too late!"

"Originally I was quite anxious," Lu Yu said, "but now I feel that you are more anxious than us?"

Fan Yunle was silent for a moment and sighed helplessly: "You are really a difficult guy. We are indeed very anxious, but don't think too much. We don't have any traps for you in this matter. I don’t want to see that peacock fall into a desperate situation.”

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you lying? If you really care about the Peacock King, why didn't you intervene earlier? Are you really afraid of exposing the identity of the God King? Although I don't clear you

What specific goals do we have, but I think no matter what, sooner or later you should have thought about such a day."

Fan Yunle fell silent again, and after a moment he said: "You are indeed a very smart person. Indeed, there have been some unexpected changes in the situation. The current situation is not what we originally imagined, so we are also seeking external intervention. possible"

Lu Yu thought for a while and heard some unexpected changes between the other party's words. In fact, they did not expect that King Peacock Ming would expose the secret of the Fountain of Innocents at the beginning, so they ignored it and even continued to care about it. Adding fuel to the flames, but now he suddenly discovered that this secret was at risk of being exposed, so he became anxious and quickly looked for remedial measures. Although this was all Lu Yu's guesswork, he had great confidence in it, because this was human nature.

"Okay, I won't talk too much to you." Lu Yu did not hesitate for too long and said directly, "I have the last two questions. First, you said before that the Freemasons will provide us with "Help, I want to ask what does your so-called help include? Isn't it just sending us there right now?"

"Isn't this help enough?" Fan Yunle asked.

"This is indeed a great help, but it is still lacking in strength." Lu Yu said, "Especially considering that the opponents we are facing, although I don't know their specific identities, they dare to attack a god. Even for a sleeping god, this is enough to say

It shows that the other party's strength cannot be underestimated. You should have some extra help for us, right? "

Fan Yunle couldn't help but burst into laughter: "What kind of help do you want?"

Lu Yu said: "His Majesty the God King Dayan wants to be a coward and refuses to be exposed. I won't embarrass his second master. It's okay for you to take action, right?"

Fan Yunle said in astonishment: "You even include me, but I want to stay."

"What? Is it difficult to teleport you while we are teleporting there?" Lu Yu said, "I don't think so? After all, when I said I would take them both with me, , you agreed without much thought, which means it shouldn’t be a problem even if you bring a few more people!”

Fan Yunle couldn't help but feel dumb.

He regretted it very much now. The process of agreeing to Lu Yu before was too pleasant. When dealing with this guy, it would be a flaw if he was not careful.

However, Lu Yu on the opposite side did not wait for his answer, and continued: "In addition, I want to explain that it is not just you, the second master, but also other personnel from your Freemasonry who can be transferred here Everyone is transferred to me and ready to stand by at any time. I will ask you to take action at the critical moment! "

"What did you say?" Fan Yunle was stunned.

He almost couldn't believe his ears. This was no longer just a discussion, but a tone of command. He really couldn't figure out where the guy in front of him had the confidence to dare to make such a request to himself. Was it you who was asking him? attitude is too warm

Is it soft?

"Don't be so surprised, okay? I said it very clearly, and you have heard it clearly," Lu Yu said, "If you don't want this matter to go wrong, then you can only follow my arrangement. In addition, before you Before you get angry at me, do you want to listen to my second question?"

When Fan Yunle heard this, he had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart and said patiently: "What is your second question?"

"My second question is, since you are so worried that the secret of God King Dayan will be exposed, why do you still let me go into this muddy water? Aren't you worried that I will inadvertently expose this secret?"

Fan Yun said happily: "Don't you still understand this question? Because there is no real intersection between you and His Majesty the God King, and there is no stable cause and effect between you, so no matter what, you can't expose the God King. Even if you take the initiative to explain His Majesty’s secrets, it’s impossible to explain them clearly.”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "In the final analysis, I feel that I am soft-spoken and talk without foundation. Even if I scratch my mouth and nose, others will not believe my words, right? But what if I do have the means to prove his existence to outsiders? ?”

Fan Yunle couldn't help being startled, and his eyes instantly became extremely sharp: "What did you say?"

Lu Yu showed no sign of weakness and looked tit-for-tat: "I have made it very clear. You may not believe it, but I do have the means. Your Majesty the King with big eyes, in my opinion, is not as mysterious as you think!

"Please think carefully about what we just said. If you can't properly answer my first question,

If I decide, then I will not hesitate to expose the second question to the opponent I will meet later."

"Okay, now I don't have any questions, do you still have any?"

Lu Yu looked at Fan Yunle in front of him, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Fan Yunle looked at Lu Yu in front of him in astonishment. He originally thought that he had seen through the other person and was holding it firmly in his hands, but it was not until this moment that he realized that the other person was still so unfamiliar.

The one who was pinched by others was actually himself

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