Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2354 Black Dragon Demon King

Soon, a group of black-armored guards boarded the ship to investigate the details of the Jinghai caravan.

All crew members were lined up and inspected one by one by each other.

Even Lu Yu, who was on the deep flagship, was no exception. Since he wanted to enter Heiliang City as an ordinary person, he naturally couldn't act too outstandingly. It was only right to accept the other party's review with a group of guards. .

However, Lu Yu was really surprised by the other party's array. You have to know how many business travelers enter Heiliang City every day. If the other party treats every business traveler with such an array, it would be a very huge undertaking. workload.

In addition, there was another thing that impressed Lu Yu, and that was the black armor on the opponent... To be fair, the equipment of these black armored guards was more sophisticated than the equipment of the Skyfire Legion's advance team. This shows the wealth of Heiliang City.

It is impossible to say that such a wealthy high-dimensional city has no background. Now Lu Yu has become more and more convinced that this black city must have a Masonic background.

"Hey! Boy! What's your name?"

Suddenly, a rough voice interrupted Lu Yu's thoughts.

Lu Yu raised his head and found that a black-armored guard had come to him for questioning.

"Me? Lu Afeng..." Lu Yu replied.

The black-armored guard stared at Lu Yu: "You were staring at us just now. What were you looking at?"

"Uh... I'm looking at the armors you're wearing, and I'm thinking that when our guards from the opposite side of Jinghai will be able to wear one... What, is there any problem with this?" Lu Yu said.

The black-armored guard's eyes became stern.

There is nothing wrong with Lu Yu's reason, but there is something wrong with his answer...

As the iron guards of Black Liang City, they have been envied by others for a day or two, but there are only a few people like this kid who dare to stare without blinking, and his calm and calm attitude at this time is also rare. ...All this shows that this person is not simple.

"Any questions?"

At this time, a tall man in black armor noticed the abnormal situation here, walked over, and asked loudly.

The black-armored guard was introduced when he entered. Lu Yu knew that this man was the captain of the inspection team. His specific name was not clear. He only knew that his surname was Liao and he was called Captain Liao by everyone.

"Captain Liao, there seems to be something wrong with this person..." The black-armored guard quickly bowed to answer and handed a roster to Captain Liao, "He doesn't seem to be on the roster!"

"Oh? Really?" Captain Liao took the roster and asked Lu Yu again: "You just said, what is your name?"

"His name is Lu Afeng!"

Before Lu Yu could answer, Manager Chen had already answered first, and hurried over, saying with a smile: "Captain Liao, there is a misunderstanding... our Mr. Lu's name is actually on the list!"

"Master Lu?" Captain Liao smiled playfully and looked at the roster in his hand, "Whether he is called Master Lu or something else, I don't have that name here!"

Manager Chen quickly said: "It's not this list, but the one we just submitted... Captain Liao, what you got here is the old list!"

Captain Liao raised his eyebrows: "Are you responsible for the review or am I responsible for the review?"

"Well, of course you are responsible..."

"Then do I need you to teach me how to do things?"

"Ah, this...Captain Liao, I didn't mean that. You misunderstood..." Manager Chen's forehead was covered with sweat.

Captain Liao said proudly: "Now the entire Heiliang City is in a state of emergency. Only those who meet the regulations can enter the city. I naturally know that you submitted a new list to us, but that is useless. Who can enter the city, only me?" That’s what you say!”

"Ah, this...Captain Liao, please forgive me for asking, what is going on? Why is Heiliang City suddenly so harsh?" Manager Chen asked cautiously.

Captain Liao glanced at him and snorted: "It's okay to tell you. Have you heard about what happened in the north?"

Manager Chen said: "Well... we really don't know about this. We have heard along the way that there is unrest in the north, but we still don't understand the specific situation..."

"There is a big trouble in the north!" Captain Liao said in a sad tone, "Have you heard of Lord Evergreen Bones? He was originally the overlord of the Beixuan District, but not long ago, a black dragon demon king suddenly appeared in the Beixuan District. Lord Evergreen Bones led a full fleet to destroy the Black Dragon Demon King, but his entire army was wiped out, leaving him alone and escaping with his life almost lost! "


Manager Chen was immediately shocked.

As a caravan steward who travels between the stars, he has naturally heard of the name of the Evergreen Bone Lord of Beixuan District, and is even more familiar with his vehicle "The Giant Bone", but he did not expect such a big man with a profound background. , the whole army will be annihilated.

"Who is this Black Dragon Demon King?" Manager Chen asked in a trembling voice.

Being able to make the Evergreen Bone Lord collapse in the North Spin Zone, there is no doubt that this Black Dragon Demon King will be a strong rising figure, and may completely change the pattern of the entire Cancer Star Territory.

"How do I know?" Captain Liao said, "Everything about him at the moment is just speculation, but it is obvious that he is coming in a menacing way this time. Everything we are doing now is to guard against him!"

Lu Yu listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

Black Dragon Demon King... Is this how he is called?

No, strictly speaking, this is more likely to be how he calls the Ark of the Other Shore... After all, he had been behind the scenes in the previous battle and had never shown up from beginning to end.

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