Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2353 Customs Inspection

Lu Yu and Fu Jing didn't communicate for too long.

After adding the changes of multi-dimensional truth, Fu Jing's control of Guanlan's power has now embarked on a path of specialization. With Lu Yu's understanding of Guanlan's power, he can no longer give any more information. It is suggested that she can only explore the next path by herself.

I don’t know what kind of achievements she will achieve in the end...

Maybe given time, she will grow into another "Huo Siyu", after all, she has begun to show such signs now.

Lu Yu was looking forward to this.

For the same reason, he was also confused about the so-called "devil's special training" between Fu Jing and Huo Yunru... Although he has powerful thoughts and super-high wisdom, these two attributes make his recommendation His ability to evolve has been greatly amplified, but after all, he is not the owner of Guanlan's bloodline. How can he know the joy of fish if he is not a fish? Some problems cannot be solved by deduction alone.

At the same time, he also gained a lot from this battle with Qin Shihai, and he had a lot of insights that needed to be settled.

Because of this, Lu Yu did not continue to communicate with Fu Jing, but chose to understand each other separately... He even did not rush to find someone to inquire about the specific situation of the high-dimensional world ahead.

He is very clear about his goal. The ultimate goal of this trip is to negotiate with the Red Square Blazing Sun Dayan God King. In the process, they will inevitably have to confront each other and strive for more say... From a point of view, it will undoubtedly be of great help to digest the combat experience as soon as possible. For this reason, everything else can be put aside for the time being.

However, what Lu Yu didn't expect was that although he had made up his mind to put other things aside for the time being, things still came to him...

Just as he was immersed in the sea of ​​thoughts, he suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart. When he opened his eyes, it was Manager Chen who appeared outside the restricted barrier in a hurry.

Lu Yu's eyes darkened, he waved his hand to remove the barrier, let Manager Chen in, and asked, "What happened?"

Manager Chen accompanied him carefully and said: "Master Lu... I shouldn't have disturbed your Qingxiu, but we are about to enter the customs..."

"Enter the customs?" Lu Yu hesitated for a moment, then reacted randomly, "Enter the customs as soon as you enter the customs. The Jinghai Caravan should have a ready-made plan for this, right? You just need to report normally according to the original plan... Could it be Someone wants to cause trouble?"

"That's not true." Manager Chen quickly denied, "Everyone is very cooperative and hopes that this matter will be handled properly... But I don't know what happened in Heiliang City. The entry procedures It’s much stricter than before. In addition to all the customs procedures they require from us, we also need to board the ship for inspection!”

"Boarding inspection?"

"Just send someone to our battleship to search it carefully!" Manager Chen explained.

Lu Yu asked in surprise: "All twenty-seven ships must be inspected?"

Manager Chen nodded awkwardly, obviously he was also very puzzled by the other party's actions: "All twenty-seven ships must be inspected, including not only all goods and materials, but also all personnel on the ships. And review!”

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Are they crazy? Was the entry procedure like this before?"

Manager Chen said: "When our Jinghai caravan came here in the past, we could easily pass by just saying hello, and all the red tape could be avoided... I don't know what they did this time, whether it was Maybe... some news about us has leaked out..."

"Oh? Then where do you think the news leaked?" Lu Yu asked.

"This... I don't know!" Manager Chen said in panic, "I can guarantee that everyone is very cooperative this time, and no one made any small tricks... Besides, Master Shending is watching from the side, even if he wants to do any small tricks, he won't Chance...I, I don’t know what the problem is!”

It was obvious that he was afraid of being implicated by Lu Yu's method of sitting consecutively.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Since everyone is so cooperative, there is nothing to worry about... maybe the problem does not lie with us."

Manager Chen couldn't help but be startled when he saw Lu Yu's confident look: "Could it be that... Mr. Lu, do you know what is going on?"

Lu Yu thought of the fleet leader who disappeared not long ago. They tracked him all the way here, but lost traces of him in the nearby area... If the fleet leader really entered the Heiliang City in front of him, then there would be someone in Heiliang City. Some changes are also normal.

Of course, this alone cannot be used to conclude that the fleet leader escaped to Heiliang City, but it proves that they have received the news, which is why such a change occurred.

No matter what the situation is, this shows that they are in the right place this time.

Lu Yu did not explain too much to Manager Chen, but simply said: "This is my first time coming to this city, and I have just heard its name from you, so how do I know what it is about? But there’s no need to worry, in short the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth will cover it up, just keep a normal mind!”

Manager Chen said: "Then I will let them in for inspection?"

Lu Yu waved his hand calmly: "Didn't I tell you before? Now you are the person in charge of the Jinghai Caravan, and all these matters are decided by you!"

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