Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 180 Regret

When Long Xuangang woke up again, it was already late at night.

A bright, cold moon hung high in the night sky, and the sound of gurgling water came to my ears.

"Fourth Young Master, you finally woke up!"

The guard's surprised voice rang out.

Long Xuangang felt reassured, no matter what, with this group of loyal guards standing by his side, no matter how difficult it was, he was still not at the end of his rope.

"Where are we now?"

Long Xuan just sat up straight, still a little confused about the situation around him.

"This is Yuanjiang. We are on a boat now and will soon sail out of the territory of Dali Sword Sect!" the guard replied.

Long Xuangang was stunned, and then asked: "Why are we here? Who rescued me from Jade Butterfly Peak?"

"No one rescued us. It was the people from Jade Butterfly Peak who took the initiative to send me to the dock and gave us this boat... However, they only gave us this boat, and all our other things were confiscated by them. "

The chariots, horses, and armors they wore before going to Jade Butterfly Peak were all priceless treasures. In order to purchase these outfits, Long Xuangang spent a lot of effort, but he didn't expect that they were all cheap in the end. To the Jade Butterfly Peak.

Long Xuangang was furious in his heart, but considering that the end was done, he had no choice but to suppress the anger in Anai's heart.

"It doesn't matter, just leave it with them first. They confiscated my things today, and I will make them pay them back tenfold the next day!"

"That guy named Lu Yu was very loud. He also said that he would deprive us of the true dragon bloodline and use it to refine elixirs, but in the end he didn't let us go honestly. This shows that they have no intention of us, the Long family, after all. Still have some scruples!”

"After I go back this time, I will definitely report the matter to my family in detail, so that our family can put pressure on the Dali Sword Sect. This lawless Lu Yu must be severely punished!"

Long Xuangang clenched his teeth, his eyes burning with the flames of hatred.

He has already begun to think about how to take revenge on Lu Yu step by step. First of all, this is definitely not possible. Lu Yu has his back against the Dali Sword Sect, so he cannot take action directly.

The best way is to let the family put pressure on the Dali Sword Sect to kick Lu Yu out of the sect. If this is not possible, then spend money to bribe some senior elders of the Dali Sword Sect and let them facilitate it. this matter.

In short, as long as Lu Yu is kicked out of the Dali Sword Sect, he, the Fourth Young Master Long, has many ways to make the opponent unable to survive or die!

The more Long Xuangang thought about it, the happier he felt, and a cheerful sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The guard beside him couldn't help but remind him: "Fourth Young Master, that guy is a devil. Do you really want to provoke him again?"

"He just let us go because he felt that our true dragon bloodlines were not pure enough and not worth his time, but for Fourth Young Master"

The guard looked hesitant. He said the word "you" for a long time, but refused to say the second half.

Long Xuangang was startled: "What happened to me?"

Then, he checked his physical condition, and his expression suddenly changed.

His body became empty, with no trace of cultivation left.

At first, he thought it was because he was too weak, and he checked it several times. Not only did he not gather a trace of cultivation, but even the abundant source of power in the past disappeared.

Long Xuangang suddenly panicked and quickly reached out to touch his forehead, but his forehead was bare, and the pair of horns he was so proud of in the past were gone.

Long Xuangang couldn't believe this was true. He hurriedly climbed to the side of the ship and looked at his reflection in the water under the bright moonlight.

In the water, his face remained the same, but he was missing a pair of horns on his forehead.

It's all true!

His bloodline was really stripped away, and even the horns on his head disappeared!

But, how is this possible!

Not to mention that Lu Yu was actually so bold, how on earth did he separate his blood from his body? Even in the land of Haixi, such a method has never been heard of from ancient times to the present!

Such power is something only the legendary demon god has!

Could it be that Lu Yu has a close connection with a certain demon god?

Long Xuangang's face turned pale, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Suddenly, he fainted again...

When he woke up again, the guards had carried him back to his original position.

The cold bright moon still hung high in the sky.

Long Xuangang hoped that this was just a dream, but the clear touch on his body reminded him that it was all real.

At this moment, Long Xuangang was about to cry but regretted his mistake.

If he had known that this would be the result, he would never have agreed to his brother's trip to Jade Butterfly Peak to take this troubled waters.

"Fourth Young Master, you finally woke up again..."

The guard next to him walked over with concern.

"Now that we have left the scope of the Dali Sword Sect, where should we go next? Should we go back to the land of Haixi, or go to Wangzhou to find the eldest son?"

"No, neither of these places!"

Long Xuangang gritted his teeth and said with all his strength.

"Let's go to Night Star City. The second sister should be there! She is the only one who can help me now!"

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