Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 179 I have mastered the loophole

Seeing Lu Yu taking the initiative to greet him, Long Xuangang couldn't help but reveal a proud smile on his face.

In fact, the pill they took was called Dragon Transformation Pill.

This kind of elixir will make the strength in the body continue to increase with the battle. The more you fight, the stronger you will become, and the more you fight, the braver you will become. On the contrary, if there is no fighting, the strength will gradually fade away.

Therefore, after taking the Dragon Transformation Pill, he was most afraid that the other party would avoid fighting. Those like Lu Yu who dared to take the initiative would be no different from a dead person in his eyes.

A ferocious smile appeared on Long Xuangang's face: "Very good, you are finally willing to come out and die! Today I will let you know what will happen if you provoke our Haixi Long clan!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands and grabbed Lu Yu's body.

The fingertips are filled with fierce energy, as sharp as real dragon claws.

The flying flowers flashed, but the sharp dragon claw hand only shattered an afterimage.

As for Lu Yu's true body, he came up close and bullied him in front of Long Xuangang.

Long Xuangang smiled disdainfully, it was just a small trick!

At this time, under the effect of the Dragon Transformation Pill, his physical body was extremely powerful. Any offensive attack by Lu Yu would not only have no effect, but would be automatically counterattacked by the power of his physical body.

In the face of absolute power, all skills are in vain!

However, the violent offensive in his mind never happened, and Lu Yu was not knocked away by the physical backlash.

Because Lu Yu didn't launch any fierce offensive against him, he just aimed at an acupuncture point under his arm and poked his finger lightly.

This understatement turned into Long Xuangang's nightmare.

Long Xuangang felt that the power in his body was rapidly draining away from the part that was poked by Lu.

He couldn't help but be shocked. He couldn't understand no matter how hard it was that his originally extremely powerful body could survive no matter how violent the attack, but it could not withstand the force of Lu Yu's poke!

He hurriedly circulated his inner energy, trying to stop the power in his body, but at this time, his body was like a raging flood, and the place where Lu Yu poked was a gaping hole. The more he struggled, the bigger the gaping hole became. The bigger the body is, the faster the strength in the body is lost.

Long Xuangang was horrified, but he was powerless. He could only watch the power in his body drain away bit by bit.

His whole body was like a deflated rubber ball, which quickly withered and could no longer pose any threat to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu succeeded with one blow, then followed suit and used the same method on several other Haixi dragons.

In the blink of an eye, all the madness of the Haixi dragons was neutralized.

Lu Yu returned to the place, stood in front of Long Xuangang, and clapped his hands gently: "Can this be called the power of a half-dragon? You are clearly trying to discredit the real dragon!"

The entire audience was stunned. Not to mention the Haixi Dragons, even the disciples from Jade Butterfly Peak couldn't look at Lu Yu with disbelief.

However, the difference was that the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples looked at Lu Yu with a mixture of disbelief and reverence, while the Haixi Dragonites looked at him with disbelief and fear.

Long Xuangang's expression changed in horror: "What did you do to us? What did you just do to us!"

Lu Yu chuckled and said: "Now that you have found a method that can quickly stimulate the potential of your bloodline, you should be able to imagine that there will also be a way to crack it! Unfortunately, I have already mastered the loopholes in your madness methods. !”

"This is impossible!"

Long Xuangang's eyes widened and he screamed in disbelief.

"The Dragon Transformation Pill is a perfect pill specially developed for our tribe. There are absolutely no loopholes!"

"Besides, how could you, an ordinary human being, know so clearly the bodies of our Haixi people!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly, but thought silently in his heart, with the cooperation of the medical stars and the power of the red lotus, nothing is impossible.

"Instead of worrying about these things, Fourth Young Master, why not worry about your own life first! What do you think I should do with you?"

Lu Yu looked down at Long Xuangang, his eyes were so deep that Long Xuangang felt shuddering.

"I heard that Haixilong possesses the blood of a real dragon. Today you have opened my eyes. You are indeed worthy of your reputation. I just don't know what the effect will be if this part of the blood is extracted from your body? Will it be blind? An excellent material for alchemy?”

Long Xuangang was furious and roared loudly.

"What did you say!"

"you dare!"

"You are an offense to us dragon people and a blasphemy to the real dragon!"

"My brother knows that I came to Jade Butterfly Peak. If I can't go back, my family will never let you go!"

Lu Yu was unmoved at all and just smiled faintly. In Long Xuangang's eyes, this smile looked like the most terrifying demon.

"Why don't I let you go back? I just want your true dragon bloodline, not your life. After stripping away the bloodline from your bodies, I will naturally let you go!"

"It's just that the true dragon blood in your body is closely connected with the horns on your forehead. If the blood is stripped away, the horns on your forehead will probably disappear. I'm afraid you won't be able to become a Haixi dragon in the future!"

Long Xuangang's face instantly lost all color.

Dragonites without horns are the lowest existence in the land of Haixi. They are like slaves and servants. They wear half-clothed animal skins, do the dirtiest and most tiring work in the mines, and live in dilapidated and crude caves. , suffered all kinds of oppression.

He simply couldn't imagine what would happen to him if he lost his horns...

Long Xuangang softened immediately and crawled in front of Lu Yu.

"Master Lu Yu, I know I was wrong!"

"I shouldn't have come to Jade Butterfly Peak to show off my power and deliberately tease you. Please forgive me this time!"

"As long as you let me go this time, after I return, I will try my best to persuade my brother to hand over his share of Haixi Melting Crystal to you!"

"Even if my brother doesn't agree, I will definitely find a new source of goods for you! I will go back to the land of Haixi and purchase a batch of Haixi molten crystals from other families specifically for you!"

No one expected that something that was no longer possible would suddenly take such a turn for the better.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Yu would agree to Long Xuangang's request and let him go, they didn't expect that Lu Yu flatly refused.

"You know you regret it now? It's too late!"

Lu Yu struck him with a palm, and Long Xuangang was unable to struggle at all, and passed out with a look of astonishment on his face.

Lu Yu shot continuously and knocked out all the other Haixi dragons.

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was shocked.

Qi Yunkai swallowed hard: "Senior Brother, do you really want to strip out all the blood of these Haixi dragons and use them to make elixirs?"

Lu Yu glanced at him in surprise: "Can you imagine using a living person to make elixirs? Do I look like such an evil person?"

Qi Yunkai was suddenly choked and speechless.

This is obviously what you came up with, okay?

"It's just to scare them and teach them a lesson! How can you really use living people to make elixirs without fear of being expelled from the school by the Elders?"

Seeing everyone looking nervous, Lu Yu waved his hand and explained a little.

Only then did everyone relax.

Lu Yu began to fiddle with Long Xuangang and others again, waving his hands repeatedly, as if he was imposing one restriction after another on this group of Haixi Long clan.

Chu Hongling looked at Lu Yu's movements with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"Have you really thought about it? This is equivalent to completely offending the Long family in Haixi!"

Lu Yu paused for a moment, then turned to look at Chu Hongling.

"Sister Hongling, haven't you seen it yet?"

"In the past, they were oppressed by the evil dragon, so they surrendered at the dragon's feet; later, the master aunt and the first master rescued them, but they were only grateful to the first master, and did not mention a word about the merits of the master. This is not because the first master The real person is just stronger!"

"Now that they have made some progress over the years, the family's power has become stronger than before, and they have grown in size and become arrogant. They even came to our Jade Butterfly Peak to show off their power!"

"This fully shows that the nature of these Haixi dragon people is to bully the weak and fear the strong!"

"Anyway, we won't be able to do business this time. It's better to teach them a lesson and let them know that we at Jade Butterfly Peak are not easy to mess with! Otherwise, they might poop on our heads in the future. !”

After speaking, Lu Yu continued to connect his consciousness to the medical stars.

Analyzing the body structure of Haixilong people through medical scriptures and stars, an extremely complex restriction was imposed.

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