Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 176 Disputes at the Banquet

Early the next morning, Lu Yu came to wait outside the courtyard where Fourth Young Master Long lived.

He originally planned to take the other party to visit various places in Jade Butterfly Peak, so that the other party can truly feel the vitality of Jade Butterfly Peak, understand clearly the alchemy strength that Jade Butterfly Peak currently possesses, and then increase the bargaining chips.

Unexpectedly, there was no movement from Fourth Young Master Long. Lu Yu sent people to inquire several times, but the answer he got was that Fourth Young Master Long was sleeping and had not gotten up yet.

"How can a Haixi dragon sleep like this? The sun is shining on his butt and he still can't get up? Even a pig should wake up at this time!"

Baozi, who came with Lu Yu, saw this scene and was very angry.

"This is obviously an attempt to deliberately create difficulties! Brother Yu, it's okay if we don't talk about this kind of cooperation!"

Hearing Baozi's words, Qi Yunkai quickly dissuaded him: "Junior brother Chen, be careful! In front of guests, it's better not to say such things... No matter what, they are guests from afar, and we have to let them go." People are sleeping..."

Baozi was still angry: "What's wrong with the guest? Is the guest great? Can the guest just ignore the master! Brother Yu, what do you say?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said calmly: "Brother Baozi, don't be anxious. Senior Brother Qi is right. We have to let him sleep. Just wait and let's see how long he can sleep!"

Baozi then forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and said nothing more.

So, Lu Yu and others were left hanging outside the courtyard for the whole morning.

It was almost noon when Long Xuan finally walked out of the courtyard and appeared in front of Lu Yu and others.

Long Xuangang didn't apologize for getting up so late. When he saw Lu Yu and others, he started complaining.

"The bed on Jade Butterfly Peak is so difficult to sleep on that I didn't sleep well all night. I didn't fall asleep until dawn, and I haven't woken up until now. It has delayed me so much for nothing. time!"

Baozi and Qi Yunkai couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't expect that the other party could blame them for this incident and completely ignore themselves.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Fourth Young Master has been troubled. The conditions at Jade Butterfly Peak are simple, and naturally cannot compare with the luxury and wealth of the Long family... Next time, we will design a special bed for Fourth Young Master, ensuring that you can sleep comfortably. Comfortable."

"next time?"

Long Xuangang glanced at Lu Yu from the corner of his eyes and smiled disdainfully.

"Let's talk about the next time. Who can say what will happen next time?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel startled.

Could it be that the other party's tone was determined not to cooperate with Jade Butterfly Peak in the future?

But if there is no intention to cooperate with Jade Butterfly Peak, why do you have to make a special trip all the way?

Lu Yu suppressed his doubts and followed the established procedures, leading Long Xuangang to visit the pill-making workshop being built on Jade Butterfly Peak.

This workshop is large in scale and uses many unique designs found in the Lotus Alchemy Sutra. It has many eye-catching features. Anyone who is familiar with the art of alchemy will be amazed when they see it.

Originally, Lu Yu planned to use this workshop to shock the other party, but he didn't expect that Long Xuangang always looked lazy and showed no interest at all.

The doubts in Lu Yu's heart couldn't help but deepen. I really don't know whether this Fourth Young Master Long is too stupid and cannot see the ingenuity of these designs at all, or whether the other party is really not interested in cooperating with Jade Butterfly Peak.

After seeing the workshop, it was already time for lunch.

Lu Yu said: "Yesterday, the Fourth Young Master was tired from driving and riding. He missed the banquet carefully prepared by us at Jade Butterfly Peak. Today, he can finally have a good drink. The Fourth Young Master must have a few more drinks later so that we can have a good time." Show your kindness to the landlord."

Long Xuangang responded calmly: "If you really have fine wine and food in Jade Butterfly Peak, I will definitely drink a few more glasses, for fear of disappointing people!"

So everyone came to the banquet hall on Jade Butterfly Peak.

As exquisite dishes were served one after another, Long Xuangang always showed a lack of interest and kept shaking his head slightly. It seemed that these exquisite dishes were shoddily made and could not be judged by him at all.

It wasn't until the Wen sisters also came to the banquet hall to accompany them that Long Xuangang's eyes lit up. He finally stopped commenting on the various dishes and suddenly became very interested in the banquet.

After drinking for three rounds, Long Xuangang's eyes showed a confused expression and he said: "How can we have fun just by drinking without singing and dancing? Why not ask some kabuki actors to come up and dance to add to the fun!"

Everyone at the table was stunned.

Qi Yunkai said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Young Master Long is joking, our Dali Sword Sect is an authentic Xuanmen sect, and Jade Butterfly Peak is a serious place for spiritual cultivation. How can there be any Kabuki!"

Long Xuangang smiled and said: "There is no kabuki, so it's okay to call your female disciples up! I'm usually used to seeing the vulgar behavior of women in the entertainment industry, but occasionally it's good to change the taste and watch the dancing postures of female monks!" "

The expression on Qi Yunkai's face couldn't help but become more embarrassed: "Our peak is not prosperous, and there are not many female disciples. Even if there are a few, they are all like plum blossoms. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Fourth Young Master Long to catch his eye."

"Who said no?"

Long Xuangang put down his wine glass, looked at the Wen sisters at the table with drunken eyes, and finally revealed his intention without reservation.

"These two sisters are the perfect choice for being beautiful! I wonder if you can ask these two fairy-like sisters to dance for this banquet?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

The Wen sisters were called to accompany him because of their status as core disciples, and they were not here to please each other with their beauty.

Before the Wen sisters could speak, Qi Yunkai refused: "Sir, please stop joking! Even if they are willing to dance, there are no musicians present here. How can they dance without accompanying music? You still don't want to do this, Mr. Long." Mention it again!”

"Who says there are no musicians?"

At this time, one of Long Xuangang's men stood up from the side, opened his Qiankun bag, took out a harp from inside, and then laughed sinisterly.

"In Baqi, I happen to have a little knowledge of music theory. Although I am not as good as everyone in the music world, I can still accompany the music for the banquet. How about I accompany the two fairies?"

The faces of the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples suddenly turned ugly.

Baozi even threw his chopsticks away with a snap, and he was about to start a fight.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Qi Yunkai hurriedly took the initiative. He didn't want to make the matter too serious, so he didn't point the finger directly at Long Xuangang, but instead loudly reprimanded Bach.

"Nonsense! Although the two Junior Sisters Wen have just joined Jade Butterfly Peak, they are our core disciples. They are not just people for entertainment. Hurry up and put your instruments away!"

Butch grinned, and instead of putting away the harp, he deliberately plucked the strings and made a provocative sound.


Qi Yunkai was furious, but considering the impact on the situation, he finally held back his anger.

When the two sides were at war with each other, Long Xuangang picked up the wine glass, played with it wantonly in his hands, and then laughed playfully.

"What kind of core disciple doesn't provide entertainment for others? It's just because the price is not enough!"

"If these two fairies can perform a dance for me today, I will agree to cooperate with your Jade Butterfly Peak and provide you with Haixi's top lava crystals, and also give you a 30% discount for five years. How about that?"

"If you don't want to, that's okay, we just slap our butts and leave! But I, Long Xuangang, dare to promise you that in the future, you, Yudie Peak, will never buy our Haixi molten crystal from any channel again! Even if it's just a piece Will not work!"

Now that the words have reached this point, it is not something Qi Yunkai and others can decide. They all turned their heads and looked at Lu Yu who was standing aside.

Long Xuangang also cast his sharp gaze on Lu Yu.

"I've said it a long time ago. Whether the cooperation can be concluded depends on the sincerity of both parties! A 30% discount for five years, my sincerity is not small, right? So, where is your sincerity?"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Yu.

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