Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 175 Your eyes are dangerous

On the way to the real person's palace, Lu Yu quietly pushed Chu Hongling away and asked her to go to the real person's hall first to prepare.

So when a group of people rushed to the real person's palace, the door of the palace was already open and all the lights were turned on. The whole hall was brightly lit and looked extremely solemn.

Lu Yu led Long Xuangang and his party into the treasure hall.

Originally, Lu Yu thought that the other party was just pretending and going through the motions. Unexpectedly, Long Xuangang actually led a group of subordinates to kneel down and respectfully kowtowed to the statue of Yudie Zhenren seven or eight times, including the horns on his forehead. All touched the floor.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu was surprised.

Their attitude was even more respectful than when Lu Yu came in for the apprenticeship ceremony. I really couldn't figure out how the attitude difference between these Haixi dragon people could change so much.

After the ceremony, Long Xuangang stood in the hall, facing the statue of Jade Die for a long time, with a look of intoxication in his eyes.

"I have always heard rumors from my tribe that Fairy Jade Butterfly is not only profound in cultivation, but she is also extremely graceful and beautiful. Now that I see this statue of her, she is indeed well-deserved!" Long Xuangang said with emotion.

Lu Yu heard something in his heart and asked, "Do the people in Haixi also know the reputation of our first real person?"

Long Xuangang glanced at Lu Yu with a disdainful smile in his eyes.

"You are young and have little knowledge. It is normal for you not to know many things. So there is no harm in me telling you the connection!"

"Did you know that Fairy Jade Butterfly has been cultivating in our Haixi land for ten years and has done great favor to our people? In the Haixi land, there are many tribes, and various demons are rampant among them. Many years ago, we The Long family was once entangled by an evil dragon..."

"That evil dragon is extremely ferocious and greedy. Every other month, he asks for an offering from us, either rare treasures or boys and girls. The ancestors of our clan could not bear this humiliation. They rose up to resist, but were ruthlessly suppressed, and many lives were lost in vain.”

"Later, Fairy Jade Butterfly passed by the land of Haixi and was shocked to hear this. She was furious, so she practiced hard for ten years in the land of Haixi, just to find out the fatal weakness of the evil dragon. Fortunately, Huang Tian lived up to his expectations. With a heart, Fairy Jade Butterfly finally understood the Supreme Way and killed the evil dragon at the Endless Cape, allowing our people to regain their freedom and no longer be enslaved by the devil. "

"When these things happened, Fairy Jade Butterfly was not a real person, and there was no shadow on Jade Butterfly Peak here. Therefore, when it comes to the origin of our Haixilong clan and Fairy Jade Butterfly, it is actually more complicated than yours. This Jade Butterfly Peak will last for a long time!”

Lu Yu was surprised when he heard this.

Isn't what the Fourth Young Master Long said the story of Master Yudie slaying a dragon and attaining enlightenment and becoming a real man?

I didn't expect that there is such a secret behind this story...

But according to Yang Chudie, the two sisters who killed the evil dragon together were obviously two sisters. Even now, she still has the scars of the evil dragon's curse on her body. Why did Long Xuangang only say: How about the credit of Yudie Zhenren but not the role of Yang Chudie at all?

"I'm afraid it wasn't just Master Yudie who participated in the dragon-slaying battle at Endless Cape, right?" Lu Yu said.

Long Xuangang gave him a surprised look.

"Really? Did Fairy Jade Butterfly call for help at that time? I have never heard anyone mention this..."

"Even if there are, the strength of these helpers is definitely far inferior to that of Fairy Jade Butterfly. The battle between evil dragons is so dangerous. It is already good if these helpers can not hold back. In short, the one who has the greatest credit for killing that evil dragon must be Fairy Jade Butterfly!”

Lu Yu frowned and wanted to express his grievances for Yang Chudie, but at the moment he didn't know where to start.

The world always likes to remember successful people, but few pay attention to the unknown heroes who worked silently behind the scenes. The world is like this and it is human nature. This is not a problem of Long Xuangang alone. He couldn't go to Haixi and loudly emphasize to everyone in the Long family that there was a woman named Yang Chudie who helped you slay the dragon.

"Okay, this time I went to the statue of Fairy Jade Butterfly to kowtow and express my respect. This is what my father specially asked me to do. I have finally completed it!"

A relaxed smile appeared on Long Xuangang's face, and his behavior became frivolous.

"I heard that Fairy Jade Butterfly has a sister who is the deacon on Jade Butterfly Peak. They look exactly the same. She is the one who invited our Long family this time. I have arrived at Jade Butterfly Peak now. Why doesn’t she come out to meet you?”

"I'm very curious, is the Jade Butterfly Fairy herself really as beautiful as this statue? I'm afraid I won't be able to see her for a while, but it would be nice to meet her sisters!"

Hearing Long Xuangang's frivolous tone, Lu Yu instinctively felt disgusted, but considering that the other party was a guest after all, he suppressed the disgust in his heart.

"The Fourth Young Master Long is talking about our Uncle Yang. It just so happens that the Council of Elders assigned a temporary task and she had to go out on business for a while. However, before she left, she had specifically told me to do a good job. When entertaining Mr. Long, you must not neglect your distinguished guest," Lu Yu replied unhurriedly.

Long Xuangang's expression suddenly changed, and he sneered: "Are you really going out? Or do you think I, Long Xuangang, am not worthy of meeting her?"

Lu Yu looked calm and smiled softly and said: "Fourth Young Master Long is really good at joking, so of course he really went out."

Long Xuangang snorted heavily: "Don't think that Fairy Yudie is kind to our Haixi Long family, I will definitely pay your bills! Favour is kindness, and business is business! Besides, it is Yu who is kind to us. Fairy Butterfly, it’s you who want to do business with us now!”

"The decision-making power for the business we are discussing this time rests entirely with me. If you cannot show enough sincerity and strength, I will not let you off easily because of Fairy Jade Butterfly!"

Lu Yu nodded and agreed: "What the Fourth Young Master said is absolutely true. This is exactly how it should be!"

"In that case, how about we sit down and talk slowly? I have prepared a small banquet. Let's sit down and talk while drinking."

Unexpectedly, Long Xuangang waved his hand without interest and rejected Lu Yu's proposal.

"forget it!"

"I've been traveling all day today and I'm already tired. Let's wait until tomorrow to talk about anything else!"

"Go and arrange accommodation for us now! As for the food, please also send it to our room!"

After saying that, Long Xuangang ignored Lu Yu's reaction and walked out of the hall.

Lu Yu stood there, so angry that he couldn't help laughing.

This Fourth Young Master Long is really a big deal! I really am not afraid of being an outsider at all!

However, as a guest, although the other party's attitude was a bit harsh, it was reasonable to make such a request. He really had no reason to refuse.

Therefore, Lu Yu had no choice but to tell Qi Yunkai to follow the other party's request.

Fortunately, Lu Yu had considered the possibility of the other party staying overnight and had already arranged a courtyard in advance. Now all he had to do was lead the other party's group there.

Then the banquet was canceled and all the dishes were sent to their courtyard.

After a while of planning, I was finally busy and clear.

Lu Yu stood far outside the courtyard, quietly looking at the lights in Long Xuangang's room, the light in his eyes flickering.

"What are you thinking about?"

Chu Hongling came over and stood side by side with him.

"Don't be impulsive. No matter what, the other party is a distinguished guest invited by Miss Chudie. Don't drive him away easily!"

Lu Yu was speechless for a while.

"Sister Hongling, you don't trust me so much. Do I look like the kind of person who acts impulsively?"

Chu Hongling looked back at him and said, "I really want to say you are not, but the look in your eyes just now was clearly dangerous."

"Sister Hongling, you are so unreasonable, you are clearly preconceived!"

Lu Yu shouted Qu Dao with an innocent look on his face.

"What is a dangerous look? I was just thinking about a problem. That's a thinking look!"

Chu Hongling asked: "Then what have you been thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about whether the Fourth Young Master Long's behavior is to better gain the initiative in the subsequent negotiations, or because he is really a second-generation ancestor." Lu Yu replied.

Chu Hongling asked curiously: "What's the conclusion? What is it?"

"There is no conclusion yet."

Lu Yu shrugged.

"However, it will become clear soon. Just look at his actions tomorrow!"

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