Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 165 A false alarm

Everyone around him couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

The black square cauldron fired by Qi Yunxuan may not be considered a top-notch alchemy furnace in all aspects, but it is extremely rich in materials. The weight of this alchemy furnace is probably no less than a thousand kilograms. It is simply unheard of that it can jump three to four feet high just by the restlessness of the alchemy energy in the furnace.

And this pill furnace didn't just jump up once, after the first jump, it jumped up one after another, each time it was three or four feet high.

Everyone couldn't help but feel confused in the wind.

What exactly is going on?

All I can say is that he is indeed a boss! The boss is just different from others, even blowing up a furnace is so extraordinary!

While everyone was stunned, Elder Feng from Baoding Peak noticed that something was unusual. He quietly used his skills and used his spiritual sense to detect the alchemy furnace jumping in mid-air.

But as soon as his consciousness came into contact with the alchemy furnace, a sharp pain immediately came, as if being burned by a fierce fire, which made him want to scream in pain.

Elder Feng's expression suddenly changed.

Using spiritual senses to explore the situation inside the furnace is a skill he has honed after years of alchemy refining. In the past, even if he couldn't see clearly, he could always roughly judge the situation inside the furnace. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. .

This shows that an extremely violent storm is brewing in the alchemy furnace at this time, and even the spiritual consciousness he probed has been completely swallowed up.

Elder Feng was horrified. He really didn't know what Lu Yu had done to turn this fine pill furnace into what it is now.

If it really exploded this time, not to mention the surrounding disciples, even half of the Jade Butterfly Peak would be completely changed beyond recognition.

"Everyone, be careful! Get out of here quickly!"

Elder Feng shouted loudly.

"The power of the explosion of this alchemy furnace is extraordinary, and you cannot withstand it!"

"All disciples, listen to my order! Leave here immediately!"

Everyone was stunned, but when they saw that Elder Feng looked panicked and didn't seem to be faking at all, and he had already begun to hurriedly prepare to set up the barrier, they all realized the danger.

"Go back! Go back!"

"Elder Feng has spoken. Boss Lu Yu, this is no ordinary furnace explosion. We can't resist it!"

"I didn't expect that even watching an elixir would be life-threatening!"

The scene was suddenly in a state of uproar.

Elder Feng waved his hands repeatedly, emitting light curtains one after another. At the same time, he said in a low voice: "Elders and deacons, please give me a helping hand and protect this alchemy furnace with me! Don't let its explosion spread!"

All the elders and deacons immediately came to help.

Not to mention that the Dali Sword Sect had just experienced a catastrophe. At this time, there must be no mass casualties among the disciples. Just to prevent Lu Yu's explosion from affecting Elder Li's Taisu Shiluo Fang, They are also bound to take action.

As a result, everyone in the audience took action.

The only one who didn't make any move was Lu Yu, who was standing in front of the alchemy furnace.

He seemed to be completely frightened by the scene in front of him. He stood there without any reaction.

The elders and deacons had no time to blame him for his inaction, and tried their best to arrange the barrier.

However, the arrangement of the barrier is by no means a simple process, and the restless Alchemy Furnace will not give them the time to arrange it calmly.

Just when the defensive barrier was more than half complete, the alchemy furnace inevitably exploded.

Only a loud bang was heard.

All the elders and deacons were immediately thrown away, and most of the defensive barriers in their hands disappeared and completely collapsed.

Elder Feng closed his eyes in pain.

Is it still impossible to avoid the tragedy?

I don’t know how many disciples will die this time!

However, the violent earthquake and painful screams did not happen for a long time. It seemed that this violent explosion stopped abruptly after shattering the defensive barrier they had deployed.

At the same time, a strong gust of wind roared up, almost making everyone lose their balance.

What the hell does this happen?

Elder Feng opened his eyes again in shock, and saw that the hidden dragon air mass that had gathered above Elder Li's alchemy furnace had already entangled Lu Yu's alchemy furnace at some point. It kept circling and poured into Lu Yu's originally exploding elixir. In the furnace.

This strong wind rising from the ground seems... it seems... it is driven by this hidden dragon air mass that can't help but circle the ground?

Everyone was immediately shocked.

Not to mention the many disciples present who had never seen this scene before, even the well-informed elders did not understand what was going on for a moment.

Elder Feng used his skills and used his consciousness to look at the alchemy furnace again. This time, he unexpectedly found that Lu Yu's alchemy furnace had become extremely stable. It seemed that the previous furnace explosion had never happened. generally.

How can this be!

how so!

Elder Feng was extremely surprised.

As the saying goes, water cannot be recovered even if it is water with a gentle temper. How can a restless alchemy furnace be restored to its original state after it explodes?

"Mr. Feng, what is going on?" Elder Zhu also asked Elder Feng with an expression of disbelief.

Elder Feng pondered for a long time, and finally answered with difficulty: "This... It seems that the hidden dragon energy has flowed into the alchemy furnace, which has calmed down the alchemy furnace on Lu Yu's side..." Elder Zhu nodded. In his opinion, this is exactly the case, but it is too unbelievable. He dare not be 100% sure, so he asked Elder Feng for his opinion. "I didn't expect that this hidden dragon energy would be so powerful that it could automatically neutralize the restless alchemy energy and prevent an explosion from happening. This Taisu Shiluo recipe is indeed a mysterious and supreme alchemy recipe!" Elder Zhu said with emotion. When the other elders and deacons heard his emotion, they couldn't help but nod in agreement, and at the same time cast an amazed look at the alchemy furnace on Elder Li's side. The disciples around him realized what happened belatedly. "The furnace won't explode, right?"

"It seems to be stopped by the dragon energy!"

"I was almost scared to death just now, luckily it was a false alarm..."

"This Taisu Shiluo recipe is really amazing! Even this works!"

"It's not unfair for Lu Yu to lose this game. After all, it's the recipe left by Taisu Patriarch, so it's a victory in defeat!"

"Today is really an eye-opener. It turns out that alchemy can be refined like this..."


After surviving the disaster, everyone happily discussed the magical and mysterious aspects of Taisu Shiluo recipe.

Amidst the buzzing discussions, no one noticed that Lu Yu, who was standing in front of the furnace, suddenly showed a faint smile on his face and shook his head helplessly.

Obviously, the truth of the matter he knew was different from what everyone thought.

It's just that the alchemy has not yet ended, and it's not the time to finally reveal it.

Amidst the discussions, someone suddenly asked a question.

"Since the hidden dragon energy has all gone to Lu Yu's furnace, will it have an impact on the Taisu Shiluo Pill that Elder Li is refining?"

Before anyone could answer, Elder Li on the side suddenly shouted: "Get up!"

With this shout, he extinguished the flame in the furnace.

It took three days and two nights, and the Taisu Shiluo Pill was finally refined.

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