Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 164 The furnace is about to explode

When everyone's eyes were focused on the two alchemy furnaces in the square, two graceful figures quietly appeared at the door of the real person's palace.

They stood at the entrance of the solemn hall, standing tall and tall. They were Yang Chudie and Chu Hongling.

The commotion was so loud this time, and so many elders and deacons came to Jade Butterfly Peak. Naturally, it was impossible for Yang Chudie to sit calmly in the Mirror Garden all the time. He had to come out and show his face.

Some elders and deacons also noticed her appearance and looked at her one after another. Yang Chudie nodded in response to these looks.

Although she is only a deacon, she is also the first agent of Jade Butterfly Peak, so her response is not rude.

At this time, the two people heard the discussion in the field, and they all praised Elder Li unanimously. Chu Hongling couldn't help but frowned and asked doubtfully: "Miss Chudie, what kind of elixir is this Tai Su Shi Luo Fang?" Is it really that powerful?”

Yang Chudie looked at the alchemy furnace on the field, but there was a look of reminiscence in her eyes, as if she was remembering the long past.

"When Taisu Ancestor was dying, he still did not forget to use his last bit of strength to send this Dan Sutra back to Dali Sword Sect. This Shi Luo Dan refined by Tai Su Shi Luo Fang is naturally extremely powerful. awesome."

"But whether this elixir is powerful or not is a secondary matter. There are twelve elixir prescriptions recorded in the "Tai Su Dan Jing". It is said that as long as you can understand all the twelve elixir prescriptions, you can gain a glimpse of the great truth. , master the laws of heaven and earth, and rely on the power of the elixir to soar into the sky like Patriarch Taisu. "

"But these twelve elixir prescriptions are extremely profound, and each one is more complicated than the last. When I read the last few articles, it was like reading a book from heaven. Although I knew every word and every sentence was clear, but they were connected together but the foreword It is inconsistent, self-contradictory, and incomprehensible... But even so, the truth and meaning contained in every word has made these alchemy cultivators enjoy it and become deeply addicted. It is a pity that no one has been able to understand it. This complete elixir recipe is thoroughly understood.”

"This Taisu Shiluo Fang is the first chapter in the Alchemy Sutra. It has always been considered to be the key to unlocking the entire "Taisu Dan Sutra". Only by thoroughly understanding it can many theories be solved. By extrapolating the evidence, many difficult and doubtful points in the Alchemy Book will be easily solved, thus making the entire Alchemy Book no longer an obscure heavenly book, but an ordinary elixir prescription that everyone can understand..."

"So, in a sense, this Taisu Shiluo Prescription is more like a key, and what it opens is the door to reveal all the secrets in the "Taisu Dan Sutra" to the world!"

Chu Hongling was shocked.

She didn't expect that the Taisu Shiluo prescription would be so crucial. Yang Chudie's evaluation of this prescription was actually higher than that of everyone discussing in the audience.

"So... Master Lu Yu is really going to lose this time?"

Chu Hongling's tone was full of regret. She knew the content of the bet between the two parties. This time the bet was huge. If Lu Yu lost like this, then Jade Butterfly Peak, which was about to prosper, would undoubtedly He is about to die again...

"That's not necessarily the case."

Yang Chudie's answer was beyond her expectation.

Chu Hongling turned her head to look at her in astonishment, and saw a touching smile on her lips, and an extremely bright light in her eyes.

"Although Elder Li holds a key key in his hand, whether he can hold this key will not be known until the last moment. Besides..."

Yang Chudie paused, the light in his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

"Even if Elder Li holds this key, it will only lead to the door to unlock the secrets of Patriarch Taisu, and who knows what kind of key this kid is holding in his hand. Where does the door lead to?"

Chu Hongling was completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, Miss Chudie's confidence in Mr. Lu Yu actually exceeded that of Taisu Ancestor who flew into the sky?

The battle on the field continues...

No matter what the people around them said, the two people on the field always focused on their own alchemy furnaces and were not affected by the outside world at all.

Unknowingly, two days and two nights had passed, and it was sunset on the afternoon of the third day.

On Lu Yu's side, the fire in the furnace was getting hotter and hotter. The furnace could not help but tremble slightly and make a buzzing sound. On the other hand, the expression on Lu Yu's face became more and more solemn. It was obvious that his refining had reached the most critical stage.

On Elder Li's side, as the steam continued to gush out, the white air mass hovering over the alchemy furnace had become larger and larger. It was no longer the looming dragon body shuttled through it, but the shape of the entire dragon. It gradually became clear.

This is no longer Hidden Dragon Qi, but should be called Coiling Dragon Qi.

Everyone stared at this scene in stunned silence.

This is really an exaggeration!

The steam discharged from the alchemy actually formed the shape of a giant dragon. If they hadn't seen this scene with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe that it was true.

This so-called Taisu Shiluo Fang is indeed a technique left by ancestor Taisu. It is indeed extremely profound and profound!

This is only the first chapter in the "Taisu Alchemy Sutra", and there is already such a miraculous vision. If the entire chapter is refined, you can imagine how powerful it is!

No wonder Patriarch Tai Su was able to successfully resist the power of the Heavenly Tribulation with the power of this Dan Sutra!

Even Elder Feng couldn't help but tremble slightly with excitement when he saw this scene. His lips trembled and he muttered something.

"It is worthy of being a legacy from our ancestors, with amazing skills... amazing skills..."

Everyone was marveling at the Taisu Shiluofang refined by Elder Li.

At this moment, the pill furnace on Lu Yu's side suddenly made a harsh sound.

People turned their heads and looked towards Lu Yu, only to see the flames blazing fiercely in the alchemy furnace in front of him. The tongues of fire were erratic, and the furnace began to sway from side to side, making it restless.

This scene was so abnormal that even the disciples who were not proficient in alchemy realized that something was wrong.

"It seems like the fire is a little too big?"

"Not only is the fire a bit big, it's probably going to explode!"

"It's a rare sight in a hundred years. Boss Lu is actually going to blow up the furnace?"

"I'm afraid Lu Yu is really helpless now. The Taisu Shiluofang on Elder Li's side has vaporized and turned into a dragon, but he has made the furnace almost explode. Now the materials in the furnace will definitely turn into a pot of porridge. …”

"This is really unexpected... but it is understandable. Look at Elder Li on the side. With such a big ball of hidden dragon energy, wouldn't you be nervous if you were on the court? Lu Yu's mentality must have been affected! "

A group of people were talking one after another.

Although exploding a furnace is an extremely dangerous thing, the people present are all practitioners and possess considerable strength, so they are not too worried.

Even the elders and deacons didn’t think this was strange, the only thing they felt was some regret.

Although the elixir refined by Lu Yu is not as good as Taisu Shiluofang, his refining method is still very novel and unique. Originally, everyone was curious about what kind of elixir he would refine to follow. Elder Li’s Taisu Stone Luo Fang Competition, I’m afraid I’ll never have the chance to learn about it now…

At this moment, the pill furnace in front of Lu Yu jumped up from the ground without warning.

This jump is almost three to four feet high.

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