Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 103 He scored twice more

There is a separate training area inside the Sutra Pagoda.

This area is dotted with small rooms, each of which is an independent cave space, which is equivalent to a Qiankun bag magnified countless times, specially used to provide disciples with martial arts secrets to practice and learn in it.

After Lu Yu put down the "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" cheat book, he came to this area, picked a small room, and started practicing in it.

Since he had read more than ten secret books in succession and memorized them all in his mind for practice, he stayed in the room for a long time.

After Xu Yichen watched "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder", he also walked to the training area...

"Senior Brother Xu's understanding is really extraordinary! In just a short time, he has learned a set of secret books. If it were me, I would have just turned over the beginning..."

Because Xu Yichen was looking through the secret book before, Zhao Yanwu couldn't bother him, which frustrates him. Now that he could finally speak, he was immediately showered with flattery.

"It's all because of the compliment that boy just gave me. Otherwise, Senior Brother Xu would have already finished practicing this set of swordsmanship..."

"In my opinion, in the entire Dali Sword Sect, no one below the true disciples has the ability to comprehend as much as Senior Brother Xu. The Qingyun Ranking only places Senior Brother Xu at thirteen. It's really unfair. …”

"Then what's the point of reading this secret book first? Can he be faster than Senior Brother Xu in the martial arts stage? I'm afraid he won't be able to practice until dark!"

I have to say that it is quite good to have a flatterer around. After Zhao Yanwu's compliment, Xu Yichen's mood suddenly improved, and the previous depression caused by Lu Yu subsided.

Xu Yichen's face was full of contentment, but his mouth looked very humble.

"You can't say that. Although my understanding is good, I haven't reached the point where I am number one in the Dali Sword Sect. Among the core disciples, there are still some people who are better than me..."

"However, if compared to an ordinary inner sect disciple, then I'm more than good enough to beat him... Go and help me find the location of a secret book. I'll practice here first."

"In half an hour at most, I can complete the practice of this set of swordsmanship and master it!"

"Half an hour?"

Zhao Yanwu was surprised.

"Then I have to hurry up and find it, otherwise Senior Brother Xu may have finished practicing and I haven't found the location of the next secret book yet!"

Although the Buddhist Scripture Pagoda is very big, how can it take half an hour to find a secret book with a name? What Zhao Yanwu said was completely exaggerated, but Xu Yichen felt extremely comfortable hearing this exaggerated flattery.

He smiled confidently and was about to open one of the practice rooms. Unexpectedly, the door opened on its own first, and Lu Yu walked out of it.

The two of them looked at each other, and both sides were stunned for a moment.

"Eh? Senior Brother Xu, what a coincidence? Have you finished reading the book "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder"?"

Lu Yu walked out with a smile on his face and made an invitation gesture to Xu Yichen.

"I've just finished practicing, so I'll leave this practice room to you!"

Xu Yichen's face was full of astonishment and he looked at Lu Yu in disbelief.

"You finished practicing a set of "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" so quickly?"

Lu Yu thought for a moment. He had practiced not just one set of "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder", but a total of more than ten sets of martial arts secrets. However, it was not good to tell the whole truth like this...

"Well... that's about right!"

"What do you mean almost? How much difference does it mean?"

Zhao Yanwu on the side couldn't stand it any longer, so he jumped out and asked loudly.

"Boy, who are you bluffing? Can you master a whole set of swordsmanship in such a short time?"

"I'll give you a piece of advice. Young people should not pretend to be fat just to save face. If you think you have mastered swordsmanship before you master it, when it comes time to actually fight with others, you will be the one who suffers!"

Lu Yu nodded seriously and said obediently: "What this senior brother said makes sense! Senior Brother Xu, you have to remember it!"

After saying that, he nodded slightly to the two of them and left.

Xu Yichen and Zhao Yanwu were both dumbfounded.

Zhao Yanwu quickly explained: "Senior Brother Xu, what I just said was directed at him, not you..."

Xu Yichen waved his hand: "I know."

Zhao Yanwu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said again: "Senior Brother Xu, this guy is obviously trying to be mysterious and pretentious just to disturb your mood. You must not be fooled!"

Xu Yichen snorted softly: "It's not that easy to disturb my mood! You go find a book, I'm going in to practice!"

But as soon as he entered the training room, he clearly noticed that the sword marks were messy and the remaining sword energy was still in the air and had not completely dissipated. It was obvious that very powerful sword moves had been practiced in it before.

Xu Yichen couldn't help but feel a huge shock. The scene in front of him couldn't be created just by being mysterious and pretentious!

His state of mind was disturbed after all...

Half an hour later, Xu Yichen finally suppressed his chaotic emotions, completed the entire set of "Eighteen Wind and Thunder Swords" under pressure, and walked out of the rehearsal room.

At this time, Zhao Yanwu was already waiting at the door.

Xu Yichen raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where was that kid just now? Is he still in the Bible Tibetan Pagoda? What is he doing?"

It took him nearly half an hour to master this set of "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" and practice it proficiently. This was already the limit of what he could do.

He really couldn't imagine that an ordinary inner disciple could be faster than him. Could it be that that inner disciple had such a high level of understanding and was stronger than himself?

If this matter is not clarified, it will be like a powerful inner demon, entrenched in his heart, and even affect the success or failure of his comprehension of the Thunder Sword Art.

Zhao Yanwu was stunned: "He seems to be still looking for books on the bookshelf..."

Hearing this, Xu Yichen's mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

Perhaps the reason why the other party spent so little time practicing was because he had learned similar sword techniques before and could draw parallels...

Or maybe it was because the other party had a sudden flash of inspiration and mastered the secret of swordsmanship in one fell swoop.

In short, this should be an accidental incident, not that his understanding is really better than mine.

As the thirteenth person on the Qingyun Ranking, he will definitely become a true disciple in the future. How could he lose to an ordinary inner disciple in terms of understanding!

Xu Yichen was gradually regaining his composure when suddenly Zhao Yanwu spoke again...

"However, he has already entered the practice room here twice!"

As he spoke, Zhao Yanwu curled his lips with a disdainful expression on his face.

"I don't know what kind of medicine he sells in the gourd? Does he think that the more times he enters the training room, the more helpful it will be for him to understand the secrets of the exercises!"

Hearing this, Xu Yichen staggered and almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Senior Brother Xu, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Yanwu was shocked and quickly supported him.

"Are you tired from practicing the sword technique? Why don't you take a good rest first? Senior Brother Xu will master the Thunder Sword Technique sooner or later, so there is no need to rush..."

Xu Yichen finally managed to stabilize his posture.

However, at this moment, his mood was completely confused...

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