Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 102 Are your eyes okay?

After making up his mind, Lu Yu went down to the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor, he found the required advanced swordsmanship under the general outline of the Star Sword Art, and then found the intermediate swordsmanship on the third floor through the general outline catalog of the advanced swordsmanship, and then found the elementary swordsmanship on the second floor through the intermediate swordsmanship on the third floor, and finally the basic swordsmanship on the first floor.

In simple terms, it is the sword intentions of several basic swordsmanships that are combined into elementary swordsmanships, and then the sword intentions of several elementary swordsmanships are combined into intermediate swordsmanships, and so on, until they are finally combined into swordsmanships.

Therefore, each sword art contains the truth and mystery of countless swordsmanships.

Lu Yu searched along the general outline catalog and finally came to the first floor, starting from the most basic swordsmanship.

Meteor Sword, Lightning Sword, Cross Slash, Instant Kill Slash...

Lu Yu was immersed in the vast ocean of classics. As he studied more and more deeply, he gradually felt the profoundness of this set of swordsmanships, and the sense of powerlessness in his heart became deeper and deeper.

He finally realized the deep meaning of the true disciple's admonition.

For ordinary sword techniques, one only needs to follow the general outline of the sword techniques and learn from the basic sword techniques step by step. However, the Star Sword Technique that Lu Yu wanted to comprehend only had half of the incomplete general outline. In addition to finding the basic sword techniques in the known half of the general outline, he also had to find the unknown other half through speculation, which increased the difficulty countless times.

More importantly, it is not certain whether the basic sword techniques in the unknown half are still in the Sutra Pagoda. Perhaps some of the required basic sword techniques were destroyed in the catastrophe like the general outline of the Star Sword Technique. If that is the case, there is no way out.

So, she said it was a waste of merit, time and energy.

But even so, Lu Yu did not intend to give up.

Because he felt that this set of sword techniques was the most compatible with his skills. If he changed to other sword techniques, he might be able to learn them, but the power would probably be discounted.

"This junior brother, can you please let me go?"

Lu Yu was holding a sword technique secret book and reading it fascinatedly, when suddenly a voice came from the side.

He looked up and found that they were the two people he had met at the door before - Xu Yichen and Zhao Yanwu.

Seeing that they seemed to be looking for books here, Lu Yu made way.

"Brother Xu, please come here, the book is here..."

Zhao Yanwu turned around and smiled at Xu Yichen with a flattering face.

Soon, the smile on his face froze.

"Hey, when I came to help Brother Xu find a book just now, the book was clearly here. How come it disappeared in such a short time..."

Then, he looked at Lu Yu on the side, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Boy, did you take the book "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" here?"

Lu Yu closed the secret book in his hand, took a look at the cover, and found that it was "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder".

Zhao Yanwu immediately became unhappy: "Boy, we obviously found this book first, please return it and let us read it first!"

"Did you find it?"

Lu Yu was surprised.

"I didn't see anyone here when I came, and this is the Sutra Pagoda, not a bookstore on the street. Even if it is a bookstore on the street, it is impossible for you to find it and it will be yours!" Zhao Yanwu said angrily: "It is Senior Brother Xu Yichen who wants to read this book. Don't you know that Senior Brother Xu Yichen is about to learn the Thunder Sword Technique? Senior Brother Xu's time is very precious. Can you afford to delay his cultivation progress?" Lu Yu laughed and cried: "So what if Senior Brother Xu? He practices his, I practice mine. Whether he learns the Thunder Sword Technique or not has nothing to do with me?" Zhao Yanwu was speechless. He never thought that this inner disciple who only had the first level of True Yuan Realm would dare to be so disrespectful to him and Xu Yichen? At this time, Xu Yichen came up and politely bowed to Lu Yu. "I am Xu Yichen. There is something wrong with what Junior Brother Zhao said just now. I apologize to you on his behalf..."

"This book "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" is a set of swordsmanship under the general catalog of the Thunder Sword Art. It is very important to me. Can you let me take a look first? Please rest assured that I read the classics very quickly and will return it to you after I finish reading it."

Although he spoke in a humble tone, his demeanor revealed a sense of superiority.

It seemed that his willingness to lower himself and talk to Lu Yu was already a special favor to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu smiled lightly.

"Sorry, Senior Brother Xu, this book "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" is also very important to me. Please wait a moment. I will give it to you after I finish reading it! Please rest assured that I read it very quickly too."

Xu Yichen's face froze and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He never expected that the other party would return his words to him intact.

He could not help but get furious, but considering that this was the Sutra Pagoda after all, there were not only many deacons on duty here, but also real elders sitting here, so he did not act rashly.

He suppressed his anger and sneered: "Okay, then I'll wait for you here."

After saying that, he stood in front of Lu Yu, staring at him with his eyes, as sharp as substance.

If it were an ordinary disciple, he would probably not be able to withstand this strong mental pressure and flee in panic, but Lu Yu was a person who had already comprehended the heart of Tao, so why would he care about his mental pressure?

Lu Yu smiled softly, opened "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" and continued to read it with gusto, leisurely and without any pressure.

Time passed minute by minute...

At first, Xu Yichen thought that the other party would be defeated soon and succumb to his mental pressure, but he did not expect that the other party would act like a normal person and not be affected at all.

Xu Yichen couldn't help but be shocked. The other party was obviously just an ordinary disciple at the first level of the True Yuan Realm, but he could withstand his own mental pressure so calmly?

Could it be...that I have regressed recently?

Xu Yichen refused to give up and kept exerting mental pressure on Lu Yu, staring at him closely.

In the end, it made him look like he was cross-eyed...

After a full quarter of an hour, Lu Yu finally finished reading the "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" and closed the book...

He looked at Xu Yichen in surprise: "Hey, Senior Brother Xu, what's wrong with you? Are your eyes okay?"

Xu Yichen felt that he had been hit hard, his chest was filled with blood, and a mouthful of old blood almost spurted out.

It's amazing that he has been putting pressure on others here for a long time, but the other party not only didn't notice, but also had the leisure to turn around and make fun of him.

"I have finished reading "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder", now I leave it to you!"

As Lu Yu said this, he put the secret book in his hand.

"However, I think it's best for you, Senior Brother Xu, to get your eyes treated first and then come back to read this secret book. Otherwise, it will cause a big problem!"

Xu Yichen was about to open the book "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" when he heard Lu Yu's words and was suddenly shocked. His body froze and his hands trembled.

With a bang, "Eighteen Swords of Wind and Thunder" fell to the ground.

"Look, let me tell you! Brother Xu, please don't be careless. It's better to treat him early!" Lu Yu continued to make up for it with a stab.

Xu Yichen gritted his teeth and picked up the secret book tremblingly. He was so depressed that he wanted to kill someone...

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