Chapter 950 Dayan Sword Art

“How can it be……”

Everyone was shocked, they hadn’t seen the emperor soldiers automatically promoted to the immortal weapon.

As far as they know, this immortal weapon is directly refined from the material of the immortal world. Although the Jidao Emperor Soldier is good, its material determines its own potential. This is like a person. If your potential is not enough, how about it. Cultivation can’t rise to the immortal realm either.

Unless you encounter a divine object that can be heaven-defying to change your life, such as the rising celestial stone that Fengyun Wuji can get, but that kind of thing can be met but not sought, and it is not something you can get if you want.

But now, Ye Xiu’s sword has been promoted in full view, which is really unexpected.

“Do you still fight?”

Ye Xiu looked at them playfully.


Everyone is speechless, this is a fart, he used Jidao imperial soldiers before, and the combination of ten of them and the first stage masters are not his opponents.

Now Ye Xiu’s war soldier Ascension has reached the low-grade fairy weapon, and the increase in strength is even more terrifying.

“You can leave without hitting me.”

Ye Xiu closed the sword and left.

“Chasing or not?”

One person asked, it’s too unwilling to let him go like this. You must know that in order to open the tomb of Celestial Immortals this time, they have lost a lot of people, especially the last shiver, which caused the various sects to lose dozens of them. An elite disciple, but Mao didn’t get it.

The only benefit is that Ye Xiu is gone, but this guy refuses to admit it, you say that you are not angry.

“I want to chase you.”

Several other people glanced at him directly. This kid’s strength is obviously better than that of ordinary human immortals. Even the second rank master of human immortals would never want to keep him.

If you want to keep him, I’m afraid it will only be possible for someone with a third rank or higher to make a move, but that is bullying and bullying.

Chu’s ruthless words are still in his ears, who dares to take risks.

“Why don’t you kid kill them all, what are you keeping them for?”

Swallowing the golden mink has no good air.

“You really don’t think it’s a big deal. If you really kill them all, I won’t have a birthday.”

Ye Xiu rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to offend too many people now. If he really killed all those people, maybe that school would take risks and deal with himself secretly.

Although he was not afraid, that would involve his energy, and his main purpose now was to Ascension to Earth Immortals and then to the Demon Realm, and everything else had to make way for this matter.

“Feisheng Immortal Realm still thought about the birthday of Ann, then you might as well not fly.”

Swallowing Golden Sable curled his lips and said, in the immortal world, only through the baptism of blood can you continue ascension, and blindly seeking stability will only obliterate people’s bloodliness and self-motivatedness.

Therefore, the real strong will constantly find opponents for themselves, so that they can’t be free for a moment.

Ye Xiu would definitely affect his future in this way.

“If you can’t bear it, you can go, and I didn’t stop you.”

Ye Xiu glanced at it and said, he has his own plans and ideas, and he knows what he should do later, and he doesn’t need others to teach him.

“Just leave, you think you want to stay here.”

Swallowing Golden Sable is also annoyed, this king kindly reminds you, but you don’t know what is good or bad, OK, sooner or later you will regret it.

Said it changed and left as an afterimage.

“Really gone.”

Ye Xiu was startled, he just said casually. He didn’t expect that this guy would really leave, but no matter how he left, his ears would be cleaned for a while.

He shook his head, put his distracting thoughts behind, and continued to rush towards the sky.

Three days later, Ye Xiu returned to Tianjuemen. Bai Longfei and Lin Yuehua had already arrived at this time. Seeing Ye Xiu’s return, they immediately greeted him. After a few simple greetings, Ye Xiu went straight into the Buddhist scripture building.

An hour later, he picked a Movement Technique and a Sword Technique.

As for the other moves, he doesn’t need to learn. The Innate combat skills brought by Nine Change Tianxin are enough to use. They will follow the Ascension and Ascension of own Cultivation Base. The only shortcomings are swordsmanship and Movement Technique.

In fact, you can still use the Dragon Step now, and the effect is not bad. In the fairy world, you can also ignore all obstacles, but the speed is obviously not enough.

So he needs to add a Movement Technique to increase his own speed.

As for swordsmanship, it is to maximize the power of the Pluto sword, otherwise, it is just a sharper sword.

Just when he was about to leave, a Sword Technique without Restrictions appeared at his feet.

Ye Xiu didn’t remember when he came.

Out of curiosity, he picked up this Sword Technique, only after reading the first page, the whole person breathed.

“There is actually such a sword art.”

Ye Xiu couldn’t help saying that this sword tactic was called Dayan sword tactic. The name sounded like a sword tactic, but in fact it had nothing to do with sword tactics.

The reason why he was so shocked was that there was no one move or one style, and there was no kendo commentary. Some were just deduction methods. To put it bluntly, they learned or deduced the Sword Technique of others, and then simplified and integrated them to gradually form a suitable own Sword. Technique.

According to the above meaning, if there are enough Sword Techniques deduced, the stronger the Sword Technique deduced will be. In other words, this sword technique has no power at the beginning, but as the cultivation deepens, the more Sword Techniques deduced, the more powerful it is. The stronger.

This is very similar to the Innate combat skills he has mastered. The only difference is that the former does not need to be cultivated by himself, and it is directly based on own Cultivation Base Ascension and Ascension, while the latter is based on the amount of Sword Techniques he has mastered. And Ascension.

But in general, this is a kind of swordsmanship that can be continuously strengthened with own cultivation, with strong plasticity and potential.

Just this point will explode many other swordsmanships. After all, what level those Sword Techniques were when they were created, and what level they were, even if they were cultivated to the extreme, it would be difficult to make further achievements.

Unless you are a genius in swordsmanship, you can build on the old and bring forth the new to a higher level.

“Thank you senior.”

Ye Xiu bowed to the air.

He is not stupid. He didn’t see this sword tactic when he came, but when he left, it appeared under Own’s feet. It was obvious that someone deliberately did it, including pointing.

Since the other party is unwilling to come forward, it shows that they have not had the chance to meet, so they no longer demand it.

After that, he wrote down the contents of these three classics, put the classics back in place, and left.

“This can be regarded as compensation for your kid.”

After Ye Xiu left, an old man loomed out of the void, and then disappeared again.

He was the guard of the Tibetan Scripture Building. Before that, he was also in Closed Door Training cultivation, so that Ye Xiu mistakenly chose Taigu Tiantian Swallowing Technique.

Regardless of the cause, he has an unshirkable responsibility for this matter, so he took the initiative to help Ye Xiu choose this Sword Technique, and others don’t even think about it.

The Dayan Sword Technique is one of the few Sword Techniques with growth characteristics in the entire Tibetan Scriptures building, but not many people practice it, because most people only value the present and emphasize quick success.

Dayan Sword Art did the opposite, but the potential was unlimited. He didn’t know if Ye Xiu would appreciate it, and it would be fine if he didn’t. Anyway, he did what he should do.

Now it seems that this kid is pretty good, and he has not failed his good intentions.

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