Chapter IX Forty-Nine

“Your kid is too benevolent. They all came to the door and you stayed everywhere. Don’t you know that being kind to the enemy is cruel to own.”

Swallowing Golden Sable on his shoulder curled his mouth when he saw it. He knew too much about the greed of these people. He wouldn’t leave if they didn’t feel the pain. It didn’t hurt or itchy to cut off his arm, and he couldn’t be shocked at all.

Change it to it, and immediately destroy them. Only Death can shock people.

“Leave immediately, I can assume that nothing has happened, otherwise I won’t keep my hands.”

Ye Xiu ignored the swallowing golden mink. These people were not disciples of a sect. If they were all killed, it would be equivalent to offending the forces in the two cities of Advent and Yue.

Since he is a rising fairy world and does not have a deep understanding of the situation in the fairy world, he does not want to do things too far.

But if they don’t realize it, then they won’t be merciful.


Although the disciples of the major forces were jealous, they didn’t believe that Ye Xiu alone could be the opponent of so many of them.

But they didn’t dare to underestimate Ye Xiu’s direct formation of battle formation, so that the losses could be minimized.

“Stubbornly stubborn, then no one can blame me.”

Ye Xiu is no longer talking nonsense, since you are looking for death, you can’t blame me.

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Xiu rushed out like a dragon going out to sea, pierced out with a sword, and hit the node of the opponent’s battle formation. He only heard a “puff”, a human head flew up, and a blood spring splashed.

This person was directly defeated as soon as he died in battle, but Ye Xiu didn’t stop because of this, as if a wolf entered a flock, he smashed into the crowd.

Every time a cold light flashes, a human head will fly.

Today he is going to kill him.

“Well done, this king will also come to help.”

The blood that Swallowing Golden Sable watched was boiling, jumping directly from May’s shoulder, turning into an afterimage to shuttle through the crowd.

With one paw down, a person’s neck was directly grabbed, and in a short period of time, more than a dozen people died under its claw.

This killing speed was a bit faster than Ye Xiu.

“Damn, how could he be so strong?”

The expressions of several pseudo-celestial ninth-rank masters changed drastically, and Ye Xiu’s strength had completely exceeded their cognition.

You must know that there were still a few 9th-rank fake immortal masters who died in Ye Xiu’s hands, and their strengths were no different from their own.

Ye Xiu killed them, so he killed himself.

For a while, their hearts began to shake.

“Withdraw, he is not something we can deal with at all.”

One person retreated, and now the killing is still going on. Facing Ye Xiu, he has no resistance at all. This is simply a one-sided slaughter.

From this it can be seen that his strength has far surpassed ordinary human immortal masters, and the highest Cultivation Base of these people is no more than the 9th fake immortal, and the number of people is not enough in front of him.

What’s more, there is an equally powerful Demonic Beasts beside him. If they continue to fight, they may all die here.


When one person finishes talking, he will lead someone to run away.

“The thieves are going to be rampant, I will meet you.”

At this moment, a group of ten people arrived, all of whom were first-rank masters.

They were sent by the major Sect Leaders after listening to Feng Yun Wuji and Zuo Liuyun’s comments on Ye Xiu. Originally, these people thought that they were overkill to deal with Ye Xiu. Now it seems that they have all underestimated Ye Xiu. Hugh’s strength.

While speaking, the speaker had already rushed in front of Ye Xiu and fought with him. The other nine people did not make a move and reported this arm to the side to watch the play.

Chu Ruqing’s previous words are still vivid, so they just want to ask those things out, and they don’t want to make the most of the mold.

“Good to come.”

Ye Xiuzheng felt boring. This person’s arrival was just right, so the sword flicked and killed him.

“Looking for death, draw sword style.”

This person is a disciple of the Iron Sword Sect. He majored in drawing swords. Although he can’t compare with Feng Yun Wuji, he is also very powerful.

I saw a bright Sword Ray burst out, as if opening up the world, slashing towards Ye Xiu.

“Small bugs.”

Ye Xiu had seen Fengyun Wuji’s sword-drawing style, it was really powerful, and compared with one, this sword-drawing style was not enough.

The Pluto sword shook and greeted him directly, without any fancy, but this sword directly smashed the opponent’s offensive and pierced the person’s shoulder with an unabated tendency.

“not good!”

This person’s expression changed, and he quickly backed away, only then did he avoid Ye Xiu’s sword.

“You are not familiar with my opponent, so let’s go together, so that others don’t say I bully you.”

Ye Xiu was a little disappointed. If he expected it to be true, these people should have entered the realm of immortality, and their strength and strength have not been exerted to the extreme. They are just a bit stronger than the pseudo-celestial ninth-level masters. No.

Only ten together can cause some pressure on him.


This person’s face seemed to be slapped in the face, and the pain was fierce, but what others said was the truth.

Ye Xiu was easily broken with a full blow, and if he continued to fight, he really wasn’t necessarily his opponent.

“That’s what you said.”

Several other people also saw that Ye Xiu’s strength was very strong. If they were fighting alone, they would not be Ye Xiu’s opponents, but they would be the same if they joined forces.

Ten of them teamed up, and even the masters of the second rank Realm could not be their opponents.

They did not wait for the person to speak before, and they had already taken action.

Before the nine people united, the man came from different directions, and in a flash, the aftermath of the battle made the pseudo-fairies unbearable and backed away.

“How does this kid cultivate? It’s too strong. He can fight with the first rank masters of ten celebrities without losing the wind at all. Is he still a human?”

“It seems that Senior Brother Zuo is right. This person really can’t be viewed with a leisurely perspective. In terms of strength, he is no weaker than ordinary second-rank Realm masters.”

“I had known this a long time ago, so I won’t come. I’m also a pseudo-immortal, so the gap is so big.”

All of them were shocked by Ye Xiu’s powerful strength.

In the immortal world, the pseudo-immortal is not considered to be immortal. In the immortal world, it is also the bottom of the existence, and its strength is a bit stronger than that of the emperor.

Human immortals are different. The first condition for promotion is to complete the transformation of immortal essence and then feed back the flesh to condense the Immortal Ascension body. At this time, their strength will increase several times.

Regardless of the difference between the first rank of the human immortal and the 9th rank of the false immortal, there is only one difference in Immortal Ascension power, but in fact there is a qualitative difference, and the two are not on the same level at all.

Under normal circumstances, the first rank of human immortals can completely fight against ten pseudo immortal masters of the 9th rank without losing.

Ye Xiu has only seven pseudo-celestial ranks, but he can be tied with the first-rank masters of ten celebrities.

This is pretty scary.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, a crack appeared in the imperial soldier in the hands of a person, and then it shattered like glass and fell to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, the imperial soldiers in the hands of other people also had the same problem, and the sound of fragmentation was endless.

“what happened?”

Everyone couldn’t believe it, but before they could react, they saw the Pluto sword in Ye Xiu’s hand suddenly shook.

A powerful breath burst out, and the sword body, which was originally pitch black as ink, also appeared at this moment a mysterious rune, like a knife carved with an axe, and integrated with the sword body.

Ye Xiu knew that the Pluto Sword had advanced.

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