Chapter 903

“You’re real, well, I didn’t have a good fight before, continue to fight, if I frown, I will give you your last name.”

Ye Xiu wiped off the blood on his face and it became angry. Isn’t it just a name? If you don’t let it be called, daddy won’t call it. As for the black hand.

Do you want to play? Okay, then daddy will play with you enough.

While they were talking, the two fought again, this time more violently than before. One claw was in the air and the other Sword Qi soared into the sky. In the blink of an eye, the cave was enlarged by more than ten times, and the noise caused a lot of noise. The attention of Demonic Beasts is approaching here one after another.

Even Liu Ruoxian and the others who had just left heard the sound, but now they are trapped in the cave. Although they can hear the sound of fighting, they are coming from all directions. It is impossible to determine the specific location. They want to It is very difficult to return the same way.

Inside the cave.

The fight between the two was half an hour, and they stopped when they were all tired.

“Are you still a human boy? How can you beat me better than this king.”

Swallowing Golden Sable couldn’t help saying, this guy looked like a person, but the power in his body seemed like he couldn’t see it to the end, it was a personal beast.

It is a swallowing golden mink that can swallow the surrounding fairy qi to replenish its own strength, but this kid also didn’t use the Primordial Sky Swallowing Art, so he could actually beat himself to this level.

If it continues, its power will be exhausted.

“Where is this, go on.”

Ye Xiu’s fight was on the rise at this moment, and this guy was the only existence he encountered after he soared that could compete with him.

The previous fights could not be regarded as fights, they were completely abused, and were completely incomparable with such intensity.

At this moment, the cells of his whole body were cheering and jumping, and the Nine Changed Tianxin was throbbing, and even the speed of refining power was ascension a lot.

“You don’t look at the situation, we will be rounded up if we continue to fight, and we will leave here first.”

Swallowing Golden Sable has already felt that a lot of demonic beasts of Realm have appeared around them. The reason they didn’t do it was because they were waiting for the two to die together.

Demonic Beasts in the fairy world are not ordinary, each of them is as refined as a monkey, for fear that they will first take advantage of others.

There are not many Demonic Beasts now, and after a while, they won’t be able to get away even if they want to run.

“Okay, just let you go first.”

Ye Xiu also felt the situation around him at this time, and knew that he couldn’t fight anymore.

After finishing talking, he took the dragon step and rushed towards the outskirts of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley. In order to get rid of Liu Ruoxian and the others, he was forced to enter the middle of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, but this place was obviously not what he could stay in now.

“Let me go, my temper, don’t run, let’s fight another 300 rounds.”

Swallowing the sky Jin Shou was furious, and the king was really afraid that you would not succeed, so he chased in the direction where Ye Xiu left.

The Demonic Beasts were all dumbfounded, and wanted to chase them but were afraid of being targeted by their enemies.


After they left, there was a loud noise on the mountain.

I saw a gap in the mountainside, and Liu Ruoxian’s trio got out of it.

The passages inside were so complicated that they almost stunned them. In desperation, the three of them could only forcefully break a passage together and escaped from the inside.

“What about people?”

Immediately after they discovered that the fighting did not know when it stopped, they made them rush to the air.

At the same time, outside the Wanshou Valley.

Liu Tianci took a group of people to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. Standing beside him was a handsome Bufan man. He was dressed in a white robe, with a jade-like face, sword eyebrows and star-eyed eyes. His gestures gave people a sense of superiority.

“Brother Wuji, it’s up to you next.”

Liu Tianci laughed and said, Fengyun Wuji, the chief disciple of Outer Sect of Iron Sword Gate, his talent is actually not very good, and he can’t even compare with many people who soared in the same year.

But he is an out-and-out martial idiot, soaring for a year and a half. He is either in cultivation or on the way to cultivation. After a little time, he challenged someone higher than his Cultivation Base, and then he was promoted to the Ninth Grade of Pseudo Immortal. Degree, only one step away can be promoted to Wonderland.

Directly compare those who are more talented than him, and become the leaders of the younger generation.

And he has become a role model for many mediocre disciples, and even caused a wave of cultivation for a period of time.

Liu Tianci is one of the people affected.

“Then Ye Xiu is so good?”

Feng Yun Wuji was originally not interested in this matter, but after hearing Liu Tianci’s description of Ye Xiu along the way, he almost didn’t praise him, so he became interested.

He has only two hobbies, cultivation and fighting, cultivation can make him ascension Cultivation Base, and fighting can make him experience life and death, temper the Sword Technique and will, and enhance his own strength.

But he is more eager to fight than cultivation, but there are not many people in the same rank that interest him. People who are higher than his Cultivation Base are haunted by himself again, and he hides when he sees himself, so that he hasn’t been there for a long time. I found a suitable opponent.

The appearance of Ye Xiu just filled the vacancy. If he could make a hearty fight, then this trip would not be considered a wasteful run.

“Of course, my senior brother should know that he is three Realm lower than me, but he has no power to fight back. The strength is rare in the world. In the same rank, I am afraid that only Senior Brother Fengyun can compare with him. NS.”

Liu Tianci’s description of Ye Xiu was exhaustive, in order to arouse Fengyun Wuji’s interest.

He knew that his senior brother, if Ye Xiu’s strength was not enough, he might even disobey the sect master’s order and just turned his head back. This was not the result he wanted.

He wants Ye Xiu to die, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel his hatred.

“I hope you didn’t lie to me.”

Feng Yun Wuji is not a fool either. It is impossible to completely trust Liu Tianci just because of a few words. The specific situation can only be judged after seeing a real person.

However, Ye Xiu was able to force Liu Tianci to escape back to the Iron Sword Gate. He definitely had the strength. As for whether he could become his own opponent, it was not certain.

Just as Liu Tianci thought, if Ye Xiu was not qualified to be his opponent, he would turn his head and leave. This kind of person is not worthy to fight against him.

As for the sect master’s order, he really didn’t care, and it was not the first time that he violated the sect master’s order.

“I can’t lie to anyone, brother, but this kid’s soldiers are a bit weird. You have to be careful and try not to fight hard with them. By the way, he still has a low-grade immortal weapon in his hand. Pay attention.”

Liu Tianci reminded, lest the situation would overwhelm Ye Xiu’s way.

“It’s better to have a fairy.”

Feng Yun Wuji didn’t care about it. He had better luck. He had obtained a peculiar ore during his previous experience. After he was integrated into his own corpse, he turned into a fairy weapon.

Later, he knew that it was a very rare stone of ascension. Hearing the name, he knew that it was a special ore that could Ascension the Emperor Soldier to the level of the Immortal, but the quantity was very small.

However, he seldom used immortal weapons in the competition. He emphasized fairness and justice when playing against others. Others didn’t have immortal weapons, so if you use them yourself, it’s not a bully.

So many people don’t even know that he has immortal artifacts, including the sect master and others.

This time I might have a chance to use it, and I feel excited thinking about it.

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