Chapter 902: Swallowing the Golden Sable


“That’s it, don’t stop…”

“Oh, refreshing…”

The dull thumping sound, mixed with the yellow-haired monster that wanted to refuse and greeted, the shouts of “beautiful and charming”, only heard the scalp numb.

“What are they doing?”

Liu Ruoxian’s face turned red when he heard this voice.

Although she has never experienced anything between men and women, hasn’t she seen a pig run without having eaten pork? This situation couldn’t be more obvious.

It’s just that she didn’t expect Ye Xiu’s taste to be so heavy, that such an ugly monster would not let it go.

Suddenly I felt goose bumps all over the place, and I turned my head and wanted to leave.

“Something’s wrong.”

The two men frowned. They were veterans among them. Before the ascension, which one was not a group of wives and concubines, and a house full of children.

The voice sounded very imaginative, but it was obviously wrong. Then the two walked a few steps forward, and through the dim light, they just saw Ye Xiu beating the yellow-haired monster.

“Why is it beaten and not fight back?”

At this time, Liu Ruoxian ran over out of curiosity, covering his eyes, but there was a gap in his fingers, and he could just see the situation in the cave.

After seeing it clearly, she put her hand down and looked at the two guys in the cave strangely.

They chased this yellow-haired monster for a long time. It was very difficult and hard to suffer. It stands to reason that if someone hit it like this, it should fight back. This time they actually lay down on the ground and let Ye Xiu hit it. It doesn’t fit its character at all.

“That’s okay, after this kid abolishes the monster, we will take action.”

Humane, they don’t care which Ye Xiu and the others are acting in, it will be a lot easier to deal with only one.

“Have you noticed that the monster’s size seems to have become thinner.”

The other person frowned. He remembered that the yellow-haired monster was a meatball before, but now he has lost a lot of weight. He has never heard of being beaten to lose weight.

“You really lost weight by saying that.”

Liu Ruoxian also noticed at this time. Although the yellow-haired monster’s changes were not particularly great, they could still find the changes if they looked closely with their eyesight.

“If you lose weight, you lose weight. Can it escape from under our noses when it loses weight? You, you are still too young. Don’t pay attention to these useless ones. I will let you do it later. ?”

The senior brother glanced at the junior, his face was slightly proud, is such a small matter a fuss?

But this is also good, if you are not bad, how can you highlight the excellence of this brother.

Bang bang bang…

The hammering sound continued, but the cry of the yellow monster stopped.

At first, they didn’t realize that it was wrong, but as time passed, they found that the two figures inside had been repeating an action.

“not good!”

The brother seemed to realize something, his face changed, and he rushed in immediately.

At this time, Liu Ruoxian and the other person also realized something was wrong, and rushed in at the same time, but after entering it, they found that only Ye Xiu’s clothes in the cave were swaying constantly supported by wooden sticks, and the sound of beating was a row of stones falling from above. The sound of falling.

Obviously, this is a simple mechanism made by man, and what they see is only the shadow of this mechanism.

At the back of the cave, a dark hole appeared, and it was obvious that the two of them had already escaped from here.


The three people were too bad, and I didn’t expect to be fooled by these two guys again.

As the three of them got into the hole, they continued to chase.

However, not long after they left, the stone beside them was pushed away, and Ye Xiu and the yellow-haired monster walked out of it.

This gap was created when the two of them had a big fight before, and the space inside was just enough to accommodate one person, so Ye Xiu thought of this slamming method, and after hiding in, they blocked their figure with stones.

As for the entrance of the cave, which also appeared during the fight, they had already checked in. There was a naturally formed cavern extending in all directions, and no one knew where those passages led to.

This is the middle part of Ten Thousand Beast Valley, they don’t dare to run around, so they used this trick to deceive them, this is also no way.

“What the hell are you?”

Ye Xiu looked at the yellow-haired monster who had shrunk in a large circle, oh, it couldn’t be called a monster anymore.

This guy looked like a squirrel now, but he was more slender than a squirrel, a bit like a mink, but heavier than a mink.

Is it a string of squirrel and mink?

“This king is a golden sable of swallowing the sky, and the ancient sky swallowing technique you cultivated was created based on this king’s talent.”

Tian Tuntian Jin Shou stood on Ye Xiu’s shoulders, with a smug expression on his face.

“Swallowing the golden mink?”

Ye Xiu was startled and said, “I haven’t heard of it, is it famous?”

“Fuck, you haven’t heard of this king’s name. This king is a big man who punches Heaven Court Thunder and stepped on Samsara’s sentient beings, and doesn’t pay the king’s salute.”

Swallowing the golden sable head to look at the sky forty-five degrees, the stinky fart is extreme.

“What is Heaven Court Thunder?”

Ye Xiu was a little inexplicable, and said something that he didn’t understand.

“You… forget it, this king has nothing to say to you.”

Tian Tuntian Jin Diao glanced at him, originally wanted to show off in front of this mortal, but in the end he encountered a stunned blue man who didn’t know anything, it was really unlucky.

“Rhubarb, do you still have the follow-up Cultivation Technique of the Primordial Swallowing Technique?”

Ye Xiuke no matter what Heaven Court Lei Yin is, he just wants to know where the follow-up Cultivation Technique of the Taigu Tiantian Swallowing Technique is.

This Tian Swallowing Golden Sable seems to know a lot, maybe he also knows the follow-up Cultivation Technique of the Taigu Tian Swallowing Art. If he can get the complete Cultivation Technique from it, then he won’t have to worry about the Cultivation Technique in the future.

“Of course you know… Wait, you just called this Wang Shen, Da Huang, Da Huang?”

Tian Tian Jin Shou looked stiff and turned to look at Ye Xiu.

“Yeah, aren’t you yellow, right?”

Ye Xiu didn’t know, so he just wanted to pull in the relationship between the two, so as to get the follow-up Cultivation Technique out of his mouth, and he didn’t think there was anything wrong.

“Is this king yellow? That’s really golden. Are you blind?”

Swallowing the golden sable is too angry. This king is in the Nine Heavens ten places, and the world is the only one who is the only one who swallows the sable. This kid dares to call it rhubarb, which is obviously the name of a dog.

To deceive Diao too much, it is simply to deceive Diao too much.

“Then call you Little Gold, this is the head office.”

Ye Xiu curled his lips. He was not big and had a lot of things. Is there a difference between yellow and gold?

Maybe, but it’s the same here.

“Little, little gold…”

Tun Tun Jin Shou was completely angry: “This king is so wise and martial and handsome, how dare you give Daddy such a shameful nickname, this king fights with you.”

With that, it stretched out its claws to kill Ye Xiu.

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