Chapter 900 The Promise Sword Record

“How can it be!”

The three of them were stunned. Although these three talented battle formations were not difficult, it would be extremely difficult to get out, unless the opponent’s strength was much higher than them, but in that case, it would be better for him to break the formation directly.

But Ye Xiu was able to escape easily. There were no signs in advance, and he couldn’t stop him even if he wanted to stop it. This really puzzled them.

“Hurry up!”

Liu Ruoxian was the first to wake up, and if he let this kid run away, he wouldn’t be able to get back his own underwear.


But as soon as they were about to leave, the three of them felt a tremor in their arms, and quickly took out the identity jade medal, the master’s voice came to mind: “Where are the three of you now?”

“We are in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts near Lincheng, what’s the matter, master?”

The three of them were a little puzzled. Their master was a famous dragon but never saw the end. Liu Ruoxian had been ascending for half a year, and hadn’t seen the master once.

I didn’t expect to come out by myself. Within half a year, the quiet master actually sent them a message. Could it be that something important happened?

“Are you chasing that yellow-haired monster?”

The master preached again.

“Yes… wait, sir, how do you know about this.”

Liu Ruoxian was dumbfounded, and quickly looked at the two seniors with a bad expression on his face.

At the beginning, only she knew about this matter. When she discovered that the yellow-haired monster had stolen her bellyband, she immediately called the two seniors to chase it out.

In other words, only the three of them knew about the whole matter, but the master explained the mystery in one word, which showed that he also knew.

Don’t even think about it or know that it must be a small report from these two seniors.

“Sister sister, don’t get me wrong, we were afraid of danger, so we secretly informed the senior brother, who would have thought that he would tell the master.”

The two of them looked stiff, a little embarrassed, and they scolded the big brother severely in their hearts. Why did you tell the master, as for the master’s mouth, if he knows it, it means that the entire sword sect knows it.

Didn’t this kill them?

“Don’t worry about how you know it as a teacher. Now you must bite it. I will send someone to support you immediately.”

The master said sternly, his tone still a little anxious.

“Master, what happened?”

The three were puzzled. It was the first time they saw the master so nervous.

“The original of the Promise Sword Record is lost. If nothing else, that thing was stolen… Fuck, how can I tell you? No, no, no more.”

The master regretted it, and quickly added: “This matter is of great importance. You must keep a secret. No one can tell you.”

“What, the original of the Wuji Sword Record is lost, how could it be possible? Isn’t it placed on the top of the Buddhist scripture pavilion?”

All three were shocked. The Promise Sword Record is the supreme mystery of the Sword Sect. All swordsmanship and Cultivation Techniques of the Sword Sect are said to be derived from this Promise Sword Record.

This sword record is said to have been accidentally obtained by the Jianzong Jianpai Patriarch, and its content is extremely mysterious. Even Jianpai Patriarch can only peek at one or two from it, but even so, it still created the sword sect, a thousand-year foundation.

The ancestor left a last word before his death, saying that as long as he can understand the Promise Sword Record, the Sword Sect can enter the state and leave the domain.

You must know that Lizhou is the strongest state among the nine states of Dongli Xianyu, and Lizhou is the center of Lizhou’s 72 regions, and it is also the strongest region.

Whether it is resources or other things, it is much stronger than Qingzhou.

Sword Sect is now just a small force in the fringe area of ​​Lizhou Wind Region. It is conceivable how valuable this Promise Sword Record is.

There are also Restrictions on the Promise Sword Record. If you fail to grasp the previous content, you cannot copy the above content in the form of text. If you want Insight, you can only rely on the original.

Who ever thought that the original of this Promise Sword Record was lost, isn’t this about to cut off the future of the entire Sword Sect?

“Don’t worry about so much, you must follow it hard, don’t let it escape, at most one day someone will arrive to support you, please remember.”

The master reminded once again that if it was not for worrying that others would discover this, he would have rushed over by himself.

He is a half-step realm’s master. When he moves, not only will he cross the city, but the major forces in Lincheng will cast his eyes on it. At that time, it will be difficult to get back the Promise Sword Record silently.


The three nodded immediately, as they all knew how important this matter was.

It’s just that they don’t understand, what the yellow-haired monster is doing stealing the Promise Sword Record, it can’t cultivate.

“It must be that kid’s idea. He asked the yellow-haired monster to steal the Promise Sword Record, just to cultivate by himself. As for stealing my… things, it must be to cover people’s eyes, damn, this kid is too bad.”

Liu Ruoxian immediately thought of Ye Xiu. The yellow-haired monster can’t cultivate the Promise Sword Record, but Ye Xiu can, and the yellow-haired monster is Ye Xiu’s spirit beast, so everything is logical.


The two have also come to the spirit, if they can get back the Promise Sword Record before the reinforcements arrive, it will be a great achievement.

With this credit, you might be able to enter Huaxianchi.

The three of them chased after him.

Two hours later, in the middle of Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

“These guys are really lingering.”

Ye Xiu frowned and said, “Since you can’t escape, then destroy them one by one.”

I have already run for two hours, but in the end I didn’t get rid of them, one by one, it was as if they had been beaten up with chicken blood, but Movement Technique was still very smart, no worse than his dragon step.

If this goes on, it won’t take long for you to be caught up by them, and you won’t be able to get rid of it, so you can only break them one by one.


Just as he was considering how to attack them, he suddenly found a cave in front of him, his eyes lit up, and his body immediately rushed over.

If there is a cave as a cover, they don’t dare to come in easily. If there are other exits, they can be thrown away.

Soon, he came to the entrance of the cave and let out Divine Sense to perceive it. He didn’t find any danger, so he dived in.

But as soon as he entered the entrance of the cave, he felt a fierce attack hit him, and Ye Xiu punched him subconsciously.

With only a bang, both sides were bounced off at the same time.

“Fuck, it’s your kid, how do you know this king is here?”

It was the yellow-haired monster who had pitted Ye Xiu before, and it was hiding in the cave before refining the Promise Sword Record.

These country folks didn’t know the goods, and they didn’t find that the thing carrying the Promise Sword Record was Taiyi Gold Essence, which was the material for refining top-grade immortal artifacts and was of very high value.

After it is refined, it can extract the essence of its Ascension own claws, and after it is refined, the lower-grade immortal artifacts can’t resist one of its claws.

That’s why it took the risk of being discovered secretly to steal the Promise Sword Record, and used the woman’s belly to divert her attention.

If it wasn’t for it to be too anxious and swallowed the Promise Sword in one bite, which made it unable to use its power, the three stinky sweet potatoes would not be enough for it to kill one by one.

Finally got rid of them, but he didn’t expect to be chased by Ye Xiu.

Can’t you let this king refining with peace of mind?

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