Chapter 899 Three Talents Sword Formation

“What did you say!”

Liu Ruoxian frowned. After she soared, no one dared to talk to herself like this. Even people with a higher Cultivation Base than herself would be polite to see herself, for fear that she would be unhappy.

It’s a good thing for this kid, who even dared to call her an idiot after stealing her bellyband is really Damn it.

“Hit if you want, there is so much nonsense.”

Ye Xiu glanced at her and said that this woman was also pretty good, and besides that, she was useless, and it was too apt to describe it with a big chest and no brain.

Such a clumsy strategy, she saw that she didn’t even remember it now. It was really stupid.

Talking nonsense with her, he was afraid of lowering his own IQ.

“Brother, help me take him down.”

Liu Ruoxian was angry. She didn’t want to make a big deal. She just had to bring back own underwear, but he actually dared to scold himself for being an idiot.

But she only had the Cultivation Base of Fifth Stage, not Ye Xiu’s opponent at all, so she could only ask two seniors for help.

“Junior sister, we…”

The two were very embarrassed. It stands to reason that with such a good opportunity, they certainly helped the younger sister.

But the problem is that the own soldiers are about to be scrapped, and they can still make up for it. If they are broken and the sword spirits are damaged, their losses will be great.

The method of sword cultivation is different from other schools. After they get started, they need to spend a few months to cultivate their own sword spirit, that is, the spirituality of the sword. Only after the sword spirit and the master’s mind are connected can they cultivation the sword technique. .

The sword spirit and the sword are one body. The sword body is damaged. You can replace it by turning the sword spirit over, but once the sword spirit is damaged, they must take time to regenerate and communicate. But it was all in vain.

“I have a sword here.”

Liu Ruoxian directly took out two imperial soldiers and threw them to them.

What she repaired in the lower realm was a sword formation, and she needed thirty-six swords, all imperial soldiers.

Although not as good as the Emperor Dao soldiers, when the sword formation came out, its power was even more terrifying than the Emperor Dao soldiers.

After ascending to the immortal world, the power of the sword formation was not enough to see, it was good to deal with ordinary people, but it was not good to deal with masters like Ye Xiu.

“Use Sancai Sword Formation.”

A man thought for a while and said that Ye Xiu’s sword was very weird. He estimated that his own sword should only be broken after it absorbed some of its essence.

Ye Xiu’s own strength is also very terrifying, the third rank of the fake fairy can actually stop the two of him from joining forces, so naturally he cannot be underestimated.

So head-to-head is not good for them, it will only lose more soldiers, and they can only win by using the three-skilled sword formation.

This three-talented sword formation is the basic sword formation of Jianzong, on which there is also the Liuhe Nine Palace sword formations, which are all based on the three-talented sword formation, so this three-talented sword formation is a required sword formation for Jianzong disciples.

As soon as the Sancai sword formation came out, the auras of the three were connected, no matter which person Ye Xiu attacked, the strength he endured would be evenly spread over the three of them.

And their attack is equivalent to a combined blow of the three of them, and under the effect of one, the consumption can also consume Ye Xiu here.


Liu Ruoxian and the other person responded, and then finished the glyph position, and the breath of the whole body became one.

“Sword formation? Interesting, look at the move.”

Ye Xiu got interested, stepped forward and rushed directly, this sword was not fancy, but full of power.


Liu Ruoxian held Ye Xiu with a sword, his body was like an old tree with roots, without moving a bit, instead he flew Ye Xiu out.


A man shouted, and the proximity to three people, instantly surrounded by leaves off.

Although the three powers is the basis of Jian Zhen Jian Zhen, but it is also the most stable kind of Jian Zhen, no matter what point attack, the remaining two will share power.

That just leaves off the power of the sword is actually very powerful, just the three of them a people are unable to resist, but to withstand forces into three, respectively, fell after the three of them who are trivial.

“The Seal of the Nine Temples King.”

Upon seeing the leaves off the floor and cried plug Hades sword, on the right hand while actually emerged out of three black seal of.

You can not force it to share, then I can not let you share, he said, his right hand is already launched, respectively, hit the three.


Almost the same time, the seal hit three three men who may be the result still could not shake their Jian Zhen.

“what happened?”

Hugh leaf puckering his brow, Jian Zhen stands to reason that should have been broken up by now.

“It’s useless.”

Three people smile, not just share the burden with God Jian Zhen’s that simple.

At this point they are connected to the atmosphere, it plainly Each of them also has two other people of power, Destroys want, you have to play three more than they unite before they can attack.

If the leaves off this strike force combined together, might even break open the three powers Jian Zhen, now, just to give them scratched his itch Bale.


At this time, the leaf has been almost Hugh get a clear idea of ​​the role of the three powers Jian Zhen, heart of a dynamic, nine hand brake Wang Yin, Yin left from the fire gathered together.

Black and red power off then leaves palms writhed, exudes destruction of the atmosphere.

“Don’t think about it.”

Three people look for a change, once shot, will soon break up the molding of Shura gold mine.


Leaves off grouchy, this is best used Shura gold mine, one down, though he is what Jian Zhen, directly ruined.

They can distance themselves too close, they can always sell destroy own tricks, they can not cause harm to them, yet they can cause harm to themselves, simply rogue.

But he can not say anything, people will also Jian Zhen Do not allow other people to use.

“As long as you hand over my stuff, give me apologize, I will let you.”

If Liu Ye Xian although Hugh hate this metamorphosis, but she never wanted to kill, we are all soaring up hard, not easy, he died on the pity.

“What I especially say it again, I did not take your things, as an apology, you should also apologize to me my son.”

Hugh leaves not angry, you randomly turn red bother me, but also special What I apologize, Why do not you on God.

“Boy, you do not got cheaper still Maiguai, we do not kill you already clemency, you can not toast Monastic.”

A man angrily, which have been trapped by their own, even dare to let them apologize, thinking about it.

“Kill me? You have with, say good-bye.”

Hugh glanced leaves a person, taking the steps we rush out the valley of death.

daddy untouchables also not afford to hide it, he said Long nibbling cast out.

Long step is a very high-handed Movement Technique, stepped out as Dragon world, nothing overwhelmingly.

This is not to mention what you Jian Zhen with God, even Jiugong Eight Trigrams Jian Zhen, do not trap me.

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