Chapter 894: Forced to buy and sell

“You should keep these immortal stones for your own use.”

Ye Xiu didn’t even look at it. He turned around and left. One hundred immortal stones wanted to buy Douzi Mantra. He had to say that he had a lot of ideas.


As soon as Ye Xiu turned around, there were a few breaking noises behind him, and more than a dozen people directly surrounded him.

“Brother Tianci, can you let Ye Xiu go on my face, he…”

Scarface looked at the man and wanted to intercede for Ye Xiu, but he was slapped in the face without finishing his words.

“What kind of thing are you worthy of me to give you a Face? Get out of the way, I’m good, maybe I will share some of you, if you don’t know how to promote, don’t blame me for packing you up together.”

Liu Tianci coldly hummed, he is an Outer Sect disciple of Iron Sword Gate. He is now a pseudo-fairy sixth rank. Although he is not a genius, as long as he can get the mantra of fighting characters, he can be promoted with Huaxianchi based on this credit. Earth Immortals, promoted to Inner Sect.

Although Ye Xiu had performed extraordinary in martial arts trials before, he was facing only a rising person, not even a pseudo-immortal.

He is the sixth rank of the false fairy. The lowest rank among these disciples in the Cultivation Base has the third rank of false fairy, which is definitely not something he can contend with.

This fighting word mantra, he is determined to win.

“Why, do you want to buy and sell?”

Ye Xiu didn’t want to pester him, but it seemed that the other party didn’t intend to let him go.

“You worry too much. My Iron Sword Sect is a well-known and upright person. How can I do strong buying and selling? It should be you if I want.”

Liu Tianci sneered. Of course, he wouldn’t speak truthfully. Besides, they are crowded now, so they can say whatever they want, and Ye Xiu can’t resist.

Besides, for a rising person, one hundred immortal stones are already a lot, and this is all his possessions.

As for Tian Juemen, he really didn’t worry.

Tiejianmen has been operating in Lincheng for thousands of years, and its relationship with all parties is harder than that of Tianjuemen, which has just arrived in the first place. Especially after the test of this sect, the big sects have secretly united.

If Tianjuemen really dared to ask Tiejianmen for crimes, it would be bound to be boycotted by the four major sects. Then, Tianjuemen would never want to open up the situation in Lincheng.

Moreover, he didn’t believe that Tian Jue Sect would tear his skin for a rising disciple and the four major sects, which was unwise.

“So, do I have to hand over the mantra of fighting words?”

Ye Xiu narrowed his eyes, everyone who knew him knew that he was angry.

He doesn’t cause trouble, but he is never afraid of trouble. This Liu Tianci obviously relies on people wanting to bully himself, how can he let him Ruyi Scepter.

“It’s best for you to hand it over yourself, so that you don’t suffer a little bit of flesh and blood. If we do it, that’s not necessarily the case. After all, we are all immortals. If someone accidentally beats you up, it’s not good. ,Am I right.”

Liu Tianci thought Ye Xiu was scared. After all, he was alone and lonely, and when he really fought, he would never get any benefit.

So he began to fantasize about the situation when he entered Huaxianchi and promoted to Earth Immortals, and he was in a good mood.

“Fighting mantra is not something you can get involved. I advise you to leave with your people to avoid self-defeating.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while. He didn’t want to be a last resort for the time being.

He is trapped by the Primordial Swallowing Heaven Secret Art, and he has no time to waste on such things, but if they don’t know how to promote, then he doesn’t need to be polite.

What about the pseudo-celestial Sixth Stage, annoyed him, so he can’t kill him.

“Mistaken yourself? Haha, Ye Xiu, you too value yourself, who do you think you are.”

Liu Tianci coldly snorted: “Originally, I only wanted to get the mantra of fighting characters, but I didn’t expect you to be so arrogant, so now I changed my mind, immediately kneel down on my knees and kowtow three times, otherwise, you would never want to live today. leave here.”

“Brother, you…”

Scarface still wanted to persuade him, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Liu Tianci punched him and directly blasted him out.

“Eat what’s inside and out, don’t forget, you are also a disciple of Tiejianmen now, and if you dare to speak for an outsider, I will just abolish you.”

Liu Tianci sullenly rebuked that these people weren’t sects who had entered through the normal test. They had just picked up a leak. Therefore, the Iron Sword Gate had no good expressions on them.

But this guy has no eyesight at all. If it weren’t for the fear that killing him would affect his own reputation, he would have done it.

“I count to three. If you still don’t hand over the fighting word mantra, kneel down and kowtow to me, then don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

Liu Tianci looked at Ye Xiu again, his patience was exhausted.


Ye Xiu directly spit out the word “three”, and with a flick of his right hand, the lower grade fairy sword appeared in his hand, with a mysterious rune coiled on it.

One step forward, he turned into a dragon, rushed from the left to the right in the crowd, and the fairy weapon in his hand flew up and down.

Everyone only saw the Sword Ray flashing, and every Sword Ray flashing was accompanied by a head flying, and the scene aroused blood.

More than a dozen people were killed by Ye Xiu in an instant. After that, Ye Xiu held a long sword and slowly walked towards Liu Tianci. The blood slid down the sword, leaving a bloody sword mark behind Ye Xiu.

“Next, low-grade fairy tools, how can you have a low-grade fairy tools, and how can your Cultivation Base Ascension be so fast, pseudo fairy third rank, you…”

Liu Tianci was frightened by this scene. This person’s cultivation speed was too fast, and it was only more than half a month before the martial arts test, Ye Xiu actually reached the third rank of the pseudo fairy.

On the other hand, Scarface and others, they are now no more than the dangerous first rank.

The most important thing is that he actually mastered a low-grade immortal artifact.

This thing, even Inner Sect Elders didn’t have it in Iron Sword Gate, how could he be a rising person, have it.

“Kneel and kowtow, I can spare your life.”

Ye Xiu squinted and said, Liu Tianci’s behavior has touched his bottom line.

Although he didn’t have much friendship with Scarface, after all, he was the one who was speaking on his own behalf.

Such a person should not live in the world.

“Ye Xiu, you are too high on yourself. Do you think you can threaten me by killing them? Today I will let you know what it means to be there, there are people outside of people.”

Liu Tianci snorted, originally he didn’t want to make a move. After all, Ye Xiu’s identity is there. Although he is not afraid of being questioned by someone from the world, he can push it. It is best not to hurt him. That’s why he let this People do it, and they can be pushed to them if something happens.

But he didn’t expect Ye Xiu’s strength to be so tyrannical, he would kill them all as soon as he made a move, and the matter was over, he couldn’t do without making a move.

Anyway, I shot myself to avenge the juniors, and Tian Juemen has nothing to say.

Speaking of his right hand, he flicked out a handful of soldiers. This was the Jidao Emperor Soldier, which he brought up when he ascended. After several Ascension, he was completely reborn.

Even though he was not a low-grade immortal implement, as long as he didn’t head-on with Ye Xiu, he could definitely be invincible.

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