Chapter VIII Ten Thousand Beast Valley

Ye Xiu set off on the next day, walking very simply.

He didn’t pay attention to the matter of the Primordial Swallowing Heaven Technique, but it is always a hidden danger if it is not resolved. Staying in the Heavenly Juemen Cultivation Technique will not come by himself, so he must go out.

In order to make up for Ye Xiu and to ensure Ye Xiu’s safety, Chu Ruqing could give him a low-grade fairy artifact.

Immortal artifacts are divided into lower, middle, upper, extreme, and absolute fifth rank. Don’t underestimate the lower-grade immortal artifacts. They are more than a hundred times stronger than the imperial soldiers. Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base at this time can only exert the power of immortal weapons. One of eleven.

Throughout the First Stage days, the highest grade was the middle-grade immortal artifact, and there were not many in number. Each school can have one or two middle-grade immortal artifacts, which is considered a martial art.

There are not many low-grade immortal artifacts in the First Stage, and even many true immortals use low-grade immortal artifacts.

A fake fairy third-rank cultivator, it is very rare to master a low-grade fairy artifact.

After Ye Xiu left, Bai Longfei appeared in front of Chu Ruqing, cupped fist said: “Sect Master, I am also gone.”

Just as Ye Xiu guessed, Bai Longfei had already known that Ye Xiu had cultivated the Primordial Swallowing Technique, and he had found the Sect Master first. He was too big to act rashly.

After their discussion, this was the result of the previous one, and the two did not intend to hide Ye Xiu, otherwise it would be impossible for Chu Ruqing to appear so “in time”.

Of course, they actually did this for Ye Xiu’s good, lest he slack in his heart.

Similar examples are not uncommon. In the past, many people mistakenly cultivated the Primordial Swallowing Sky Art. They knew that there was not much time, so they just ate and waited to die. Ye Xiu had just ascended to the immortal realm, and with his potential, he definitely had a great future.

Bai Longfei didn’t want to turn Ye Xiu into a person who ate and waited for death because of his own negligence. He even left Tianjuemen to look for the follow-up Cultivation Technique of the Primordial Swallowing Technique.

He thinks that this matter is serious and must be responsible to the end. He will never come back unless he finds the follow-up Cultivation Technique.

“Do you really want to do this?”

Chu Ruqing is a little reluctant, Bai Longfei’s talent is also one of the best among many disciples, and wasting time for this matter is also a loss to Tian Juemen.

Besides, he has reported the matter to the headquarters, and the entire Tian Jue Clan is trying his best to search for the follow-up Cultivation Technique of the Primordial Swallowing Heaven Art. Bai Longfei absolutely needs to do this.

But this kind of thing is related to the Dao in Bai Longfei’s heart, so he can’t stop it, it’s depressed in his heart.

“Sect Master, this matter is my fault, so I must make up for it, so don’t persuade you.”

Bai Longfei is not a person who is afraid of things. Since this kind of thing happened, he must take the responsibility. If the matter is not solved day by day, he can’t let it go.

Just take this opportunity to go out for some experience.

“Well, I won’t persuade you anymore, but you kid must remember to me that my disciple is never bullied. If anyone dares to embarrass you, please send me a message immediately.”

Chu ruthlessly said.

“The sect master, if you want me to see, you should change your name. The word ruthless is really not suitable for you. It’s better to change it to amorous.”

Bai Longfei joked.

“Fuck you.”

Chu ruthlessly blew his beard and stared, this kid was too courageous, and even dared to make fun of Daddy’s name.


Bai Longfei left after speaking.

Seeing the back of the two of them leaving, Chu Ruqing’s eyes were sore. He didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen. He finally took in two disciples and left two more without covering their heat.

One of them is still a disciple he really wants. What is this called?

“It seems that I can’t keep out of the world like I did before. Taking advantage of the foundation that Ye Xiu has laid, I can accept a few more disciples, otherwise the school will be too deserted.”

After Chu ruthlessly finished speaking, he walked back, looking at the newly renewed residence, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is located thousands of miles northeast of Lincheng.

It is said to be the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, but in fact it is not a valley, or a low-lying basin.

According to legend, it was once a vast ocean, and as time passed, the sea disappeared and turned into a basin.

Due to sufficient nutrients, it soon became a dense forest, and various Demonic Beasts also gathered here and became the current Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

It is said that some people have dug a bone left by a sea beast in the true fairyland.

The price of 30 million low-grade Spirit Stones was sold directly. Since then, Ten Thousand Beasts Valley has become a place for various forces to experience, and every year someone gets good things from it.

A day later, Ye Xiu had already arrived outside the Ten Thousand Beast Valley. Before he even approached, he smelled a strong blood and heard roars in his ears.

“Ye Xiu?”

Just when Ye Xiu was about to go in, a familiar voice came from behind him, and when he looked back, he found that a group of people were behind him, shouting Own is the Scarface.

At this time, his right hand has recovered, and it seems that he should have joined a sect.

In addition to him, the other four people are also in the crowd.

“It’s really you, I thought I confessed to the wrong person.”

There was a smile on Scarface’s face. Originally, he still had some resentment towards Ye Xiu. After all, he was injured by Ye Xiu just as he ascended, which directly affected the test of own sect.

But later he showed his skills in the martial arts test and knocked everyone out, and he didn’t dare to resent Ye Xiu any more.

Because he knows very well that the two are not people in the same world at all. It is easy for him to kill himself, but he doesn’t. This is already very generous.

Besides, if Ye Xiu didn’t show off his skills, he wouldn’t be able to grab a token to join the martial art.

Speaking of which, he has to thank Ye Xiu.

“What are you?”

Ye Xiu was a little strange. It stands to reason that he couldn’t join the sect based on his situation at the time.

“Thanks to you, we have all joined Iron Sword Gate. Here, I apologize to you for what happened before, and I hope you don’t take it to heart.”

Scarface said sincerely that the Iron Sword Gate is one of the four major forces in Lincheng.

It’s a pity that they are not qualified to use Huaxianchi, otherwise they are already Earth Immortals, and they don’t need to experience this.

“It’s okay.”

Ye Xiu waved his hand, he really didn’t take the previous things to heart, and he hadn’t experienced similar things.

Besides, they were also the first people they met after their ascension, and they also got a lot of useful news from them.

Although they are not yet their own friends, they feel much more cordial than strangers.

“Are you Ye Xiu?”

At this time, a young man in white walked out of the crowd with a greedy look on his face.

He knew that Ye Xiu had three mantras. The currently known fighting word mantras were what they didn’t have in the iron sword gate. If he could get them and hand them in, he would definitely be eligible to enter the Huaxianchi.

“Who are you?”

Ye Xiu’s brows frowned, this kid was obviously a bad person.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. There are a hundred low-grade Spirit Stones here. I bought your fighting word mantra.”

This person threw a space bag directly, full of arrogance.

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