Chapter 865 Departure

“Dage, you… what Cultivation Base are you now?”

Qian Duoduo was startled when he saw Ye Xiu coming back, but he was shocked by the strong sense of oppression from him soon, and he was naturally shocked in his heart.

Although he didn’t know how long Ye Xiu had been away, but it would never be more than a year, how could Ascension be so fast.

This felt even more powerful than the pressure Qin Sheng put on him.

“Ninth Stage Supreme.”

Ye Xiu replied.


Not only was there a lot of money, but one at the scene was counted as one, and they were all shocked by Ye Xiu’s words.

You know, Ye Xiu was only the Third Stage King when he left. How could he reach Ninth Stage’s supreme Realm in a blink of an eye? Is there any special opportunity in this secret realm?

But if this is the case, why haven’t the people who entered here before have opened one of them?

This is not right.

“You don’t have to be so surprised. The time flow in the secrets is faster than outside. Although I can’t determine how long it has passed, there should be hundreds of years.”

Ye Xiu could understand why they were so shocked. After all, he had been away for less than a year at most compared to here, but in fact he had been cultivating for hundreds of years.

Otherwise, it is impossible to consume such a huge amount of vitality and resources.

For him, it takes hundreds of years to break through to the Ninth Stage Supreme Realm. It is not too long. If there are enough opponents, his Ascension speed will be faster.

“This is real?”

Everyone’s eyes lit up. If this is the case, then they must be able to quickly Ascension when they enter. This is simply a cultivation Sacred Land.

“Of course, but you still don’t want to go in. There are several time barriers inside, each of which is very strong. It is like a cage that will imprison all those who enter it. If you can’t master the method of crossing the time barrier. , You will be consumed with life and death in it, the previous seniors are like this.”

Ye Xiu explained.

“Ye Shuai, how did you come out?”

Xia Yufeng hurriedly asked, since Ye Xiu can come out, it means that he must have a way.

“I don’t conceal this matter from you. I found the mantra of the first word in it, and I was able to get out of it by virtue of its effect. Of course, I will leave the mantra of the first word here. If any of you can Master this mantra, you can also enter it, otherwise, you can honestly cultivation here.”

Ye Xiu said, he didn’t plan to swallow the first word alone. After all, this is the secret place of the Great Qin Dynasty, and they can only come in after they are sure.

Naturally, they have a share of the benefits they have gained from it.

This is his rule of life.

Therefore, not only the first word mantra, but also the three mantras, he will also stay, no matter who learns it, it will strengthen the strength of the Qin Dynasty.

But he felt that with their talents, it would be extremely difficult to master any of them.

Mu Tianye can be regarded as a dragon and phoenix among people, but now he only masters the mantra of the character of war. This is because his personality is in harmony with the mantra of the word of war.

As for whether the mantra of Zhezi can be fully grasped, it still depends on whether it can refine Xiao Zhantian’s Heart’s Demon.

“Ye Shuai, what are you talking about are the first words in the legendary nine-character mantra?”

Xia Houwu exclaimed, they had heard about the legend of the Nine-Character Mantra, but for them, it could only be a legend, because they had only heard of it and had never seen it.

Ye Xiu said that he would leave the previous mantra here, doesn’t it mean that they can also be cultivated.


Ye Xiu nodded and said.

“Then we can cultivate?”

Xia Yufeng and the other generals were so excited that they were a little speechless. This is the legendary nine-character mantra. If they had a chance to cultivate, they would wake up with a smile in their dreams.

“You have to ask Wanqing about this.”

Ye Xiu looked at Qin Wanqing and said that this secret place belonged to the Qin Dynasty. To put it bluntly, it belonged to her Qin family. He would leave the mantra to Qin Wanqing, or the Qin family.

And Qin Wanqing was the empress of the Great Qin Dynasty and the head of the Qin family, so this matter had to be decided by him, and she couldn’t overtake it on her behalf.

“I can guarantee that you can all cultivate the former mantra, but the premise is that you must swear allegiance to my Great Qin Dynasty in this life and this life, and at the same time, you can’t spread the things here without our permission.”

Qin Wanqing knew that Ye Xiu said this to take care of her. Although she didn’t like being the queen, she also knew that this was a good opportunity to win over her subordinates.

But the first word mantra is too precious, she must control it within a controllable range, because the situation of the Scarlet Cloud Sect is a living example.

Although the Great Qin Dynasty is no longer what it used to be, it is still incomparable with the great forces within China. Once this matter is spread, it will be a disaster for the Great Qin Dynasty.

“I, Xia Yufeng, swear once again that I will be loyal to the Daqin Dynasty in this life and will never betray. At the same time, without the permission of the Daqin imperial family, I will not tell others about the secrets of Daqin. If I break this oath, I will let my Heart’s Demon burst out. die.”

Xia Yufeng immediately issued the Heart’s Demon oath, and the other generals also issued the Heart’s Demon oath at the same time.

This is the nine-character mantra, not to mention that they have no intention of betraying, even if they completely sell themselves to the Great Qin Dynasty, they will still cultivate.

Even if they can’t occupy me with their talents, at least they can increase their knowledge.

“Ye Xiu, Big Brother, it’s okay.”

Qin Wanqing nodded. With the Heart’s Demon oath and the current situation of the Great Qin Dynasty, she believed that these generals would not betray the Great Qin Dynasty.


Ye Xiu nodded and waved his hand, and four stone tablets rose from the ground.

Then Ye Xiu pointed to the sword. For a time, the Sword Qi was vertically and horizontally, and the stone chips flew horizontally. Not long after, a line of powerful sword books appeared on the stone tablet.


After they read the above text clearly, they all stayed on the spot, which turned out to be the four mantras.

Qin Wanqing looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief and said, “Ye Xiu Big Brother, didn’t you say that you only got the mantra of the first word? What’s this?”

“I said that I can get out of the secrets only when I get the mantra of the first word, but I never said that I only got the mantra of the first word.”

Ye Xiu smiled.

“This, this, this…”

Qin Wanqing was so excited that she couldn’t speak, not just her and the others, it was too crazy.

You know, one of the nine-character mantras is a great opportunity, and there are four kinds of them at the same time, as if four golden mountains were placed in front of them.

Even their battle-tested generals were shocked and dumbfounded.

“Emperor sister, you pinch me.”

Qin Wanru was shocked. Their Daqin Dynasty had obtained these four mantras, and their future achievements were absolutely immeasurable. In time, they might even unify the Nine Heavens mainland.

But what happened was so dreamy, it even made her feel so unreal.

“I want you to pinch me too.”

Qin Wanqing replied, and then stared at the four stone tablets with excitement beyond words.

She is now in the same situation as Qin Wanru, and she feels like she is dreaming.

“Dage, you…”

There is a lot of money, but I know that Dage, own, has obtained several mantras before, and if these four are added, I am afraid that the nine-character mantras will be collected.

But he turned his head to ask Ye Xiu, only to find that Ye Xiu was no longer there…

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