Chapter 864: Stealing Heaven Technique

Ye Xiu simply tidied up the surrounding area, then laid a formation with the best Yuanshi, and then began to cultivate.

The vitality of the heaven and earth here is very thin, and cultivation can only rely on the original stone. Fortunately, Ye Xiu still has a lot of top-grade original stones in his hands, enough for him to use for a long time.

In order to speed up the cultivation speed, Ye Xiu also specially practiced a few Medicine Pills.

With the unlimited supply of Yuanshi and Medicine Pill, Ye Xiu’s advancement was very rapid. It didn’t take long for his Cultivation Base to break through to the Fourth Stage King’s Realm and move towards the Fifth Stage King’s King.

At the same time of cultivation, he also used one mind and two purposes, cultivating people in turn, all, counting, and the top four mantras.

Because of the cultivation experience of the previous five mantras, the cultivation speed of these four mantras is also very fast.

Cultivation has no years, especially in such a place where the concept of time is very vague, and it is almost impossible to perceive the passage of time.

I don’t know how long it took, Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base was finally frozen in the Ninth Stage, and the combat skills he had mastered were reviewed by Ye Xiu.

At the same time, all, the number, the first four mantras have also been introduced, so Ye Xiu’s overall strength Ascension is more than a hundredfold.

But at this time, Ye Xiu stopped suddenly.

“Qi Tian, ​​do you know how to breakthrough the Realm without introducing Heavenly Tribulation, or postpone it for some time?”

Ye Xiu asked, now that he has broken through to the Ninth Stage Realm, the next step is the Supreme Realm, but then, his Heavenly Tribulation will come.

And his Heavenly Tribulation is different from others. Before, when he broke through the king, he caused the red cloud calamity that would only appear when ordinary people broke through the great emperor.

If he breaks through the Supreme Realm at this time, the Heavenly Tribulation induced will far exceed the Red Cloud Tribulation. He is worried that this secret place will not be able to withstand the bombardment of this Heavenly Tribulation and will be directly broken.

Not to mention a lot of money, they are still here, just to say that this is the important place that the Great Qin Dynasty came to, he can’t be here Transcends Tribulation.

But he was a little unwilling to go out like this. After all, there might be only one place in the entire Nine Heavens continent, so he asked this question.

As long as he can postpone the advent of Heavenly Tribulation, then he can continue to break through, and even directly ascension to the Ninth Stage Supreme.

“Yes, yes, but I don’t recommend you to use it.”

Qi Tian thought for a while.

“Why is this?”

Ye Xiu didn’t quite understand, but he had read some records, some people would use secret methods to hide their breath in order to better Transcends Tribulation, so as to achieve the purpose of delaying the coming of Heavenly Tribulation.

After the own Cultivation Base is completely consolidated, Transcends Tribulation is safer.

It is precisely because he knows this matter that he will ask.

But according to the meaning of Qi Tian, ​​there seems to be some problem in it.

“You don’t know about this. I do know a similar method, and I know more than one. But the price of doing this is that the power of Heavenly Tribulation will be greatly enhanced during Transcends Tribulation in the future. This is what heaven and earth treat you. The punishment given for concealment, the so-called heaven can not be deceived, is the truth.”

Qi Tian continued: “Moreover, your situation is different from ordinary people. It is already very difficult for others to break through the Supreme Realm to induce the Ziyun Tribulation, but your breakthrough Supreme will induce the Heavenly Tribulation which is even more terrifying than the Red Cloud Tribulation. Once you do this, the Heavenly Tribulation that you will introduce during your breakthrough will be even more terrifying in the future.”

“How much power will it increase?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up. He had the body of the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder. No one knew the power of the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder better than him. This was the King of Thunder and the mother of thousands of thunder.

So the stronger Heavenly Tribulation is, the greater the benefits he can get.

He had known that delaying the advent of Heavenly Tribulation had such benefits, and he had used it a long time ago.

“It’s hard to say, but you have to know that after Heavenly Tribulation is strong to a certain extent, even if it increases its power by 10%, it is enough to become the last straw to crush you, so I don’t recommend you to use this method.”

Qi Tian didn’t pay attention to Ye Xiu’s meaning, and thought he was scared, so he answered like this.

“It’s okay, you can just tell me directly.”

Ye Xiu didn’t go to his heart, he also gave birth to a crazier idea.

If the own supreme robbery is dragged down until the breakthrough quasi-emperor, the power will be even more impressive under the superposition of the two.

At that time, if Shaking Sanctuary or Ten Thousand Demon Sect does not agree to take away the little fox, as long as they lead the Heavenly Tribulation, it will be enough for them to drink a pot.

“All right.”

Seeing that Ye Xiu was so firm, Qi Tian stopped insisting, and told Ye Xiu the method he knew.

In fact, these methods are similar, but they are basically using secret techniques to block the detection of Heavenly Tribulation. Only when Heavenly Tribulation cannot perceive your existence will the arrival of Heavenly Tribulation be postponed.

But what he gave Ye Xiu was the best method of this kind he knew, called Stealing Heaven Technique.

But if he knew Ye Xiu’s thoughts at this time, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be so happy, because Ye Xiu’s supreme calamity would have far surpassed Hongyun’s calamity. land.

“By the way, there is one more thing to remind you. Although you can use this method to conceal the secrets of heaven, after using this method, you can’t do your best. You can use up to 60% of your strength, otherwise your Qi will be lost. The secret will be locked again. By then, you must have Transcends Tribulation.”

Qi Tian reminded that this is also the biggest shortcoming of this type of method.

Once used, one’s own strength will be suppressed to a certain extent, and the used strength should not exceed 60%, otherwise one’s own breath will leak.

At that time, Tianji will re-lock your opportunity, and you will not be able to do Transcends Tribulation.


Ye Xiu nodded, and didn’t take it too seriously. For him, 60% of the combat power could still make him invincible in the same rank, plus the nine-character mantra and eight attributes of the physique.

There is nothing wrong with beheading someone who is one or two Realm higher than him. This is enough for him.

When he said that, he began to cultivate the Heaven Stealing Technique, and it didn’t take long for a special force to spread on Ye Xiu’s body, and immediately afterwards, the Ruowu lock disappeared into the invisible.

After that, he mobilized the power in his body and began to attack the Supreme Realm.


Ye Xiu made a violent roar from the inside, and then a wave of air quickly spread around him centered on him, and nearly a million top-grade primordial stones were instantly absorbed by him.

And his Cultivation Base has also successfully advanced to the Realm of First Stage.

After that, Ye Xiu started a new round of Closed Door Training, and the Cultivation Base also went from First Stage Supreme to Second Stage Supreme, and then Third Stage Supreme…

I don’t know how long it took. When Ye Xiu ran out of the last top-grade primordial stone and medicinal materials on his body, his Cultivation Base was completely consolidated in the Ninth Stage Supreme Realm.

Only one step away can be promoted to the quasi-emperor realm.

After tidying up his mood, Ye Xiu stood up, feeling the powerful force in his body, his heart was full of excitement.

Then his hands were reported to his chest, forming a treasure Calabash seal, and then he opened his mouth to spit out the word “Front”, and then an invisible layer of energy appeared on the body.

It is the power of time.

After striding out, the barrier that could not be traversed before became paperless, and he passed through in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he returned to the periphery of the secret land.

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