Chapter 840: A lot of money to attack

When the Great Qin war was in full swing, changes were quietly taking place in the two great dynasties of Dahuang and Dayu, and thousands of Qianjia Chambers of Commerce appeared almost overnight, covering every corner of the two great dynasties.

No one knows who its owner is. It only knows that when the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce was established, it invited local high-ranking officials and respected people to participate, which was extremely high-profile.

The name of the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce spread throughout the two dynasties of Dahuang and Daewoo almost overnight.

After that, the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce began to purchase Gypsophila paniculata at a price that was 30% higher than the market price. In just a few days, the price of Gypsophila paniculata was tripled.

After the major chambers of commerce discovered the business opportunities, they not only did not stop them, but instead participated in them one after another. As a result, the price of Gypsophila paniculata rose sharply.

In just one day, the price of Gypsophila paniculata was abruptly fired up to ten times the original price.

And the momentum still doesn’t mean to stop.

In a hidden manor in Dayu Imperial City, Qian Duoduo smiled after reading the information in his hand.

“General Manager, are we going to deal with the sky star grass in our hands next?”

This person’s name is Qin Yun. He is the adopted son of Qin Sheng. The Cultivation Base has reached the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage King. This time, he came here to send and Qian Duoduo to control the personnel of the Great Qin Dynasty who were inserted in the two dynasties.

Although he doesn’t know much about business, he also knows that if he sells the celestial star grass in his hands at this time, he will definitely make a lot of money.

“It’s not the time yet.”

Qian Duoduo said lightly that the previous method used to deal with the Xiao family was okay to deal with one or two larger families, but it was very difficult to deal with one country, and he still dealt with two dynasties at the same time. The difficulty can be imagined. .

Therefore, the previous method can only be used as a stepping stone and cannot be copied.

“But the essence of stone we brought has been half gone. If we cannot recover the cost in time, we will probably be in a passive situation next.”

Qin Yun said that although the effect of a lot of money was obvious, it was only completed when a large amount of primordial stone was consumed.

At this rate of spending money, within a few days, they probably won’t have any yuan stones in their hands.

“Who said that you must pay your own capital when doing business, wouldn’t it be better to do business with other people’s money?”

Qian Duoduo smiled.

“Doing business with other people’s money?”

Qin Yun was a little confused. He was not a fool. How could he agree to use his own money to do business with others.

“You go and inform the managers of the major chambers of commerce to implement the second step plan.”

Qian Duoduo continued, he raised the price of Gypsophila paniculata mainly to let the major chambers of commerce see the strength of the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce and lay the foundation for the second step of the plan.

After all, his goal was to bring down the economies of the two dynasties, not just to get a vote and leave.

Next is the highlight.


Qin Yun nodded. He also knew this second step plan, which was to let the managers of the major chambers of commerce notify the managers of other chambers of commerce and cooperate with them.

Said it is a cooperation, but in fact it is to let them take out real money to buy the equity of the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce, and then everyone makes money together.

But he is not optimistic about this plan with a lot of money, because he has never even heard of this kind of thing.

He doesn’t know what others think, but he would never agree.

It is better to hold the Yuanshi in your own hands.

However, Qin Sheng had warned himself before, that everything is subject to the order of more money, watch more and listen less, you can have questions but don’t make your own claim.

Therefore, he still passed the order.

For a time, the managers and owners of the major chambers of commerce all got an invitation letter from the Daqin Chamber of Commerce and learned about the meaning of shares.

The situation is the same as Qin Yun thought. There are not many people who actually bought shares, and most of them are just for a taste. After all, this is a new thing, and they have heard of it for the first time.

However, the strength of the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce is beyond doubt. In just a few days, the price of Gypsophila paniculata has been increased to more than ten times the original price. It is impossible to achieve without huge funds.

Therefore, there are still some bold people who took the risk to buy some, but their main purpose of doing this is to test. As for how much money they can make, they do not have too much luxury.

“How many shares were sold?”

Qian Duoduo looked at Qin Yun and asked.

“A total of a thousand shares were sold, and a profit of 100 million Yuan Stone was obtained.”

After summarizing the information he received, Qin Yun gave Qianduo an accurate figure, which was really not high.

You know, they released a total of 10,000 shares this time, Dahuang and Daewoo each have 5,000 shares, and one share is based on the price of 100,000 top-grade yuanshi.

This figure is only one-tenth of the released shares, which is far from the plan of a lot of money.

“Yes, better than I thought.”

Qian Duoduo was not disappointed. Originally, he thought it would be good to be able to sell a hundred shares this time, but he didn’t expect to sell a thousand shares. It seems that the chambers of commerce of the two dynasties have been interested in own actions.

“Then what should we do now?”

Qin Yun couldn’t figure out what Qian Duoduo really thought.

“From now on, secretly sell the sky star grass, and strive to clear it up within three days, and then stop the purchase of sky star grass and switch to the acquisition of water cloud fruit, as before, as much as before. In addition, after the liquidation is over, the equity holders’ income will be given away immediately. past.”

With a lot of money, he has given equity holders a high return of 50% this time, and he doesn’t believe that other people can remain indifferent.


Qin Yun breathed a sigh of relief. He was also worried that Duoduo Qian would continue to hold the sky star grass, and now he could finally relax.

Three days later, the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce suddenly announced that it would stop buying Gypsophila. As soon as the news came out, the prices of Gypsophila in the two dynasties began to fall sharply.

It only fell by half in half a day, which directly caused countless people’s assets to shrink by half.

Many people even fainted because of insolvency.

And those individuals or chambers of commerce who bought some shares with a try-and-see attitude directly received a return of 50,000 Supreme Yuanshi.

This news caused an uproar among the two dynasties.

They didn’t expect the stock to come in so fast. It took only three days for the 100,000 top-grade yuan stone to reach 50,000 yuan, which is 50% of the revenue.

To know that the profit reaches more than 50%, it is enough to make the merchant take the risk.

As a result, the remaining 9,000 shares were almost wiped out by the major chambers of commerce in the first place, and it was directly accounted for by the billions of the best yuan stones.

Coupled with the return of the principal and profits of the Star Grass, the funds in Qian Duoduo’s hands have directly reached 250 billion from the original 200 billion.

After setting aside the filial piety to officials at all levels and the benefits of equity holders, they still made a net profit of 50 billion yuan, which is simply stealing money.

“Master, you are too good.”

Qin Yun exclaimed, if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe it was true.

“This is nowhere, save your compliments first, otherwise, you won’t have any good words to praise me later.”

Qian Duoduo reminded: “By the way, from now on, always pay attention to the price of Gypsophila paniculata. Once it falls to the bottom, it will immediately collect it with all its strength. The Great Qin Dynasty lacks a lot of resources.”

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