Chapter 839 Burning Wushan Pass

“General Liu, tell you the truth, now I am the only one left in the accidental deletion. I stay here just to delay time. If you do this at this time, you can directly break Wushan Pass.”

Ye Xiu said calmly: “I just don’t know if you have the courage to attack.”

“Marshal, I think what he said is true, he should really be delaying time, I propose to send troops to attack immediately, and it will definitely break Wushan Pass.”

A general next to him spoke. He felt that Ye Xiu’s actions were a bit wrong from the beginning, but now hearing Ye Xiu’s words, his thoughts became firmer.

“Hold your time. If you are you, would you tell others about your own plan? You don’t know how to use daddy before you speak. It’s a bunch of trash.”

Liu Weichen kicked it directly.

“Then what should we do now?”

Another general said that now the situation in Wushan Pass is unknown. It is obviously not a long-term method for them to stay here, and they have been ordered to attack Daqin Imperial City within a month.

If the time is delayed for a long time, it will inevitably affect their next process. If they can’t complete the task on time, the crime is not small.

“Wait, we can still afford this time.”

Liu Weichen was also very anxious, but in this situation, he didn’t dare to take any risks. If he loses hundreds of thousands of soldiers, he won’t be able to explain to his Majesty even if he wins this battle.

After all, once Daqin died, there was a contest between Dahuang and Daewoo. The more they lost, the more unfavorable the subsequent war.

Therefore, he can only wait patiently for the opportunity, as long as this kid shows a little bit of his feet, he will have the confidence to take it down.


What else can they say, they can only continue to wait.

In this way, time was lost every minute and every second, Ye Xiaoxian came bored and took out a table from the storage ring, along with a few side dishes and a pot of wine.

Xia Yufeng was admired by Xia Yufeng, who even thought about it on the tower.

When is the time, he is still in the mood to drink, changing to be himself, facing the gaze of hundreds of thousands of army, I am afraid that he has already been fidgeting.

However, he understood Ye Xiu’s true intentions at this time. Qin Sheng had told him before that the imaginary was the real and the real was the imaginary, but at the time he didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence.

Now that he saw Ye Xiu’s performance, he had a clear understanding of this sentence, and even the previously ignorant things suddenly became clear at this moment.

I was also very excited.

Originally he thought it was a chore, and he was uncertain whether he could go back alive, but he didn’t expect to have such a big gain today. If he were to lead the army at this time, it would definitely be much better than before.

In this way, the two sides have been deadlocked for more than four hours in a blink of an eye.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from a distance, and Ye Xiu knew that the bridge leading to the Great Qin Imperial City had been destroyed, and he should also run away at this time.

Randomly he stood up, moved his muscles and bones a bit, and then said to Liu Weichen: “Okay, the time is up, I won’t play with you anymore, let’s say goodbye.”

With that said, Ye Xiu quickly went down to the city and called Xia Yufeng to rush out of the city. While walking, he threw fires into the houses next to him.

“Asshole, rush in and catch this kid for me.”

At this time, Liu Weichen didn’t know that he was deceived by this kid. There was no ambush in this city, and even the plan he said before was probably true.

He is here to delay time.

Although he didn’t know what plan this kid had, he had control of the army of a million, and he was deceived by his little Third Stage king. If this spread out, where would he put his old face.

Therefore, he must grab this kid and break his body into pieces, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel his hatred.


The army of millions of people immediately poured into Wushan Pass like a tide. After entering the pass, they discovered that it had become an empty city without even a single ghost.

“Asshole, asshole, asshole!”

Liu Weichen cursed loudly, venting his anger.

And a sneer flashed in the eyes of the general who had proposed the attack before. I told you that this was his conspiracy. You don’t listen, it’s all right now.

“They can’t run far, who can catch Ye Xiu, reward millions of Yuanshi, and seal thousands of households!”

Liu Weichen shouted.

It can be sealed at the first hearing, and everyone’s eyes are red for a while.

You must know that among the three dynasties, once the prince was granted, it was hereditary. Not only did their status rise, but even their descendants would also benefit from Wu You.

Because the reward was too high, the conditions for the appointment of a general among the three dynasties were very harsh. Even when Liu Weichen heard that Ye Xiu said that he could be regarded as king, he was moved.

Now, as long as they kill a Third Stage King, they will have the opportunity to be a Marquis. How can anyone resist this temptation?


Suddenly, the countless generals ignored them, and directly killed Ye Xiu. Those generals were chasing frantically as if they had been beaten with blood.


But just as they sprinted wildly, a raging flame suddenly ignited in the rooms on both sides, and the flame was actually golden, and it only took a moment to envelop the entire Wushan Pass.

The moment the flame touched the soldiers of the Great Wilderness, it spread all over their bodies. Even the masters of the Human King Realm would be burned to ashes by the flames in no time.

Not to mention the ordinary soldiers.

For a time, the entire Wushan Pass was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and painful screams resounded across the sky.

“Hurry up and put out the fire!”

Liu Weichen didn’t expect Ye Xiu to be so insidious, and he still left behind here, so he immediately ordered the fire.

Everyone immediately used the power of the water attribute upon hearing this, and soon a heavy rain swept through Wushan Pass, but soon they discovered that the flame could not only be extinguished, and once someone approached it, they would take the initiative to attack.

Even if a spark falls on a person, it will quickly spread throughout the body.

“Go around from both sides.”

Liu Weichen found that the fire was concentrated in the middle of Wushan Pass, and no flames appeared on both sides, so he immediately ordered, but even so, tens of thousands of people died.

Soon, Liu Weichen’s army walked out of Wushan Pass, and after counting the casualties, his expression became gloomy.

Just one city cost him nearly 50,000 soldiers, among which there were more than ten celebrities, the leader of the king’s realm. This loss was not far from the previous one.

After all, it is easy to get a general and hard to find.

“Ye Xiu, my Liu Weichen is at odds with you.”

Liu Weichen was very annoyed. This kid played with himself over and over again. Not only did he lose his face, but he also lost so many subordinates, which made him feel the great humiliation.

If this revenge is not avenged, he swears not to be a man.

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