Chapter 830: A Proposal of Lots of Money

“Dage, wait a minute.”

At this time, Qian Duoduo hurriedly chased out of the Great Hall, with a little nervousness and expectation in his eyes, which made Ye Xiu very strange.

“What’s wrong?”

Ye Xiu asked, he knew Qian Duoduo very well, but he had never seen Qian Duoduo look like this.

“Dage, I actually have one thing I want to ask you about.”

A lot of money thought about it.

“If anything is straightforward, is there anything else that needs to be concealed between you and my brother?”

Ye Xiu said.

“That’s it. I want to use commercial means to launch a war against Dahuang or the Daewoo dynasty. I am 100% sure that I can disintegrate the strength of the two countries without any effort.”

A lot of money.

“Using commercial means? Is that what you did against the Xiao family last time?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up. Although he didn’t understand this aspect very well, he was surprised at the peculiarities of this method. The enemy could pay a painful price without a bloodbath.

It will kill one or two people thoroughly.

If this method can really be used between the two countries and greatly weaken the national power of the two countries, it can indeed be tried.

“Almost, but there are some differences in the details. After all, the previous target was only a small family in the wasteland. There are billions of middle-grade gemstones at every turn. If you want to deal with a country, the amount of gemstones used will be even larger, but if Properly operated, the two countries can be hollowed out in one fell swoop.”

Qian Duoduo said confidently.

“You wait a minute.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he called Qin Sheng over and said, “King Qin, my third brother has an idea. It is said that the two dynasties can be disintegrated without any effort and blood. I don’t know if you are not interested.”

He now understands that a lot of money finds own purpose.

Using commercial means to wage war against the two dynasties is a new model that they have never seen before, and it would be impossible to complete without strong business acumen and huge financial resources.

For a dynasty, it affects the whole body.

Therefore, even if a lot of money speaks out the own method, I am afraid that no one will agree, so he will endure it until now.

And I happened to have experienced those personally, so I was more receptive to this way of fighting than other people. Qian Duoduo found myself, obviously wanting myself to help him persuade the high level of the Daqin Dynasty.

Because launching this war without gunpowder smoke requires not only a huge amount of primordial stones, but also the courage of those in power to have the courage to break the boat. It is more likely that King Qin and the others will agree to it by themselves.

“Oh, take this seriously?”

Qin Sheng asked in surprise. Although he was very confident before, it was just an illusion he deliberately showed in order to stabilize people’s hearts.

In fact, he was also under tremendous pressure in his heart. Once he made a mistake, the Great Qin Dynasty would fall into a deadly place.

If there is a lot of money, there is a better way to disintegrate the two dynasties without blood. This is also a great thing for him, and he is naturally interested.

“It’s just that this method is a little novel, I just don’t know if you can understand it.”

Ye Xiu said while looking at Qian Duoduo and said, “Duo Duo, tell me what you think.”

“Yes, Dage.”

Qian Duoduo gratefully looked at Ye Xiu, and then expressed his own thoughts: “My idea is to launch an economic war against the two dynasties, so the economic war is actually using commercial means to destroy the enemy’s economy and at the same time use the enemy’s Resources to strengthen yourself…”

After that, Qian Duoduo explained in detail the role of economic warfare and the results that can be obtained.

Because this matter is a war between nations, not a family, many details have also changed accordingly. In order to make Qin Sheng better understand, he also cited many examples, including The case of Fu Xiao’s family was dealt with at the beginning.

Of course, he did this to help the Great Qin Dynasty on the one hand, or to help Qin Wanqing tide over the difficulties, on the other hand, it was also for himself.

He wants to fulfill his own dream and open the Daqin Chamber of Commerce throughout the entire Nine Heavens continent.

Using ordinary methods, it takes a long time to accumulate.

But there is no need for economic warfare. Once successfully implemented, they will steal huge resources from the two great dynasties of Dahuang and Daewoo in a short period of time. As long as he gets a share of it, he can make a lot of money.

Let him accumulate enough wealth directly to lay the foundation for his dream.

This is also the fundamental reason why he wants Da Qin to accept his ideas, because there is only one opportunity like this. Once he misses it, he will probably not be able to encounter such an opportunity again in his life.

“How sure are you?”

Qin Sheng frowned and asked.

“I have been thinking about this matter for several months. I have made detailed preparations for every detail and the result that will happen. Therefore, I am 100% sure that it can be done. Of course, the premise is that Daqin The full support of Dynasty and King Qin, as well as Dage.”

Qian Duoduo said confidently that he might not be able to do other things, but in terms of business, he has never been afraid of anyone, even Qin Wanru, a business genius, can’t stand proud in front of him.

“You let this king think about it.”

After Qin Sheng listened to Qian Duoduo’s words, he was also very moved. If Qian Duoduo’s words were true, then the Great Qin Dynasty would reach an unprecedented height.

But this method was the first time he had heard of it. It was too novel for him, and he couldn’t even control the development of the situation. It became a natural joy for everyone, but once it lost, the Great Qin Dynasty would fall into a dead end.

So he has to be cautious, because they can’t afford to lose.

“I think many ways are feasible.”

At this moment, Qin Wanru walked out of the Great Hall. She also heard a lot of talk about a lot of money. People may not know the power of this method, but she knows.

So after listening to Qian Duoduo’s introduction, her admiration for Qian Duoduo was extremely simple.

This kind of Heavenly Horse’s method of traveling empty space, in the world, I am afraid that only Qian Duo can think of it.

“Like, do you really think this method works?”

Qin Sheng looked at Qin Wan as a way. He knew the abilities of this girl. The reason why the Great Qin Dynasty was able to persist until now was undoubtedly the greatest contribution to this girl.

The existence of own only stunned the two dynasties so that they did not dare to act rashly, but this girl filled the treasury of the Great Qin dynasty.

So in this regard, she definitely has a say.

“Of course, and properly operated, the national power of our Great Qin Dynasty will be a leap-forward Ascension, and it is even possible to annex two dynasties in one fell swoop. Ten thousand steps back, even if it fails, it will have a great impact on the two dynasties. , Create opportunities for you, why not do it.”

Qin Wanru said expectantly, the look in Qian Duoduo’s eyes became different from before.

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