Chapter 829: Order in danger

“Dage, I knew you were here.”

Qian Duoduo came outside the imperial city, and after seeing Ye Xiu, he greeted him directly.

“Why is your kid getting fat again.”

Ye Xiu didn’t expect that a lot of money came to pick him up. He didn’t see him for many days. He really missed this guy, but he was a lap bigger than before.

It seems to have a pretty good time here.

“Dage, don’t make fun of me. I’m completely puffy. I haven’t rested for a day during this period, and I’m almost exhausted.”

Qian Duoduo sighed, he regretted coming over with Qin Wanru.

Originally, he just wanted to come and join Qin Wanru to make more money with the power of the Great Qin Dynasty, but in the end he was directly pulled by them to make coolie.

If it were someone else’s dynasty, then he would have long since quit, but it happened that Qin Wanqing had something to do, so he could only bite the bullet and go on.

“Who can blame, by the way, how is Wanqing now?”

Ye Xiu asked, he came here mainly to help Qin Wanqing, although he learned some things on the road, he only knew that Qin Wanqing had initiated a coup.

But the specific circumstances and results are unknown.

“Now Wanqing Little Sister has become the female emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, but she is in a bad situation now. She hasn’t ascended the throne. The two great dynasties, Dahuang and Dayu, will use troops against Da Qin at this time. I’m afraid it’s going to make people cupped hands.”

Qian Duoduo sighed.

“Then you just watch it like this?”

Ye Xiu frowned. Dahuang and Dayu used troops against Da Qin. He really didn’t know, but he knew that these two dynasties were not weaker than Da Qin dynasties.

Once the war starts, it will be difficult to win.

“This is waiting for you, come with me…”

Qian Duoduo only noticed Jiang Li who was with Ye Xiu at this time, so he asked, “Dage, who is this?”

“This is my friend named Jiang Li, let him go in with him.”

Ye Xiu briefly introduced Jiang Li. Of course, he didn’t want to bring Jiang Li in, but he knew that this kid was very strong. If he didn’t bring him, he would definitely go in by himself.

In this case, it would be better to bring him by yourself, at least it can save a lot of trouble.


Qian Duoduo looked at Jiang Li seriously, and then walked in with them.

“Ye Xiu, Big Brother, you are finally here.”

As soon as she entered the Great Hall, Qin Wanqing rushed out and looked at Ye Xiu with tears in her eyes. After entering Shenzhou, they had been apart for a few months, and she was really worried.

“It’s taller again.”

Ye Xiu stretched out his hand, wanting to pat her little head, because in his heart, this girl is just like his own Little Sister.

But halfway through her hand, she suddenly thought that this girl’s identity nowadays was different. At this time, she was the master of a country, so it would be inappropriate to do so.

So he hurriedly took his own hand back.


Qin Wanqing nodded her head. She naturally saw Ye Xiu’s movements, and she suddenly felt an idea of ​​not wanting the throne, because it blocked herself and Ye Xiu. This feeling made her dislike it.

“It turns out that the person they are talking about is your kid, are you sure you know the strategy of war?”

Qin Sheng didn’t expect that the person they were talking about turned out to be Ye Xiu. He thought it was just the same name.

He admits that Ye Xiu’s strength is very strong. Under the same circumstances, he may not have been able to fight Ye Xiu, but it is not his own strength that leads the soldiers, but the strategy of warfare.

If you don’t understand these, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to lead the fighters to victory.

“Uncle Emperor, you don’t know that Ye Xiu’s Big Brother has a reputation as a young man above the Eastern Wasteland, and this is the name he led the soldiers. In this respect, he is definitely not much worse than you.”

Qin Wanqing replied.


This time Qin Sheng became interested. Although the situation in Eastern Wasteland is different from that in Shenzhou, that’s how it is to lead soldiers to fight, and the lower the Cultivation Base, the more difficult it is to bring soldiers.

Because the Cultivation Base is low, we still need to consider the issue of food and grass, but in China, we don’t need to consider it.

Therefore, being able to lead troops to become famous in Eastern Wasteland will definitely not be a general.

“Yes, I, Dage, once propped up a country by himself. Without him, that country would have been annexed by other countries a long time ago.”

Qian Duoduo praised Ye Xiu and couldn’t stop: “The time I remember the most was that he built hundreds of Jingguan temples outside the city. It was scared that all countries did not dare to cross the thunder pond for several years.”

“Good boy, if that’s the case, do you dare to fight with me and lead soldiers.”

Qin Sheng’s eyes lit up. Although he hadn’t seen Ye Xiu’s success with his own eyes, he was able to support a country close to his fame, which was comparable to him.

Now that the war has started, they don’t have much time to waste.

“Why don’t you dare.”

Ye Xiu said immediately, he came here to help, he couldn’t help much with other things, but leading soldiers in battle was his strong point, and he was naturally duty-bound.

“Well, now I have a total of one million elite soldiers that can be mobilized. I will give you 300,000. As long as you can hold the one million army of the Dahuang Dynasty for ten days, I will be sure to wipe out Daewoo’s army. If you fight with you left and right to destroy the army of the Great Wilderness, can you do it?”

Qin Sheng asked.

“Yes, but I need a lieutenant who is familiar with the situation and the terrain.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, three hundred thousand to one million, it seems that there is a big gap, but as long as you make good use of the terrain, it is not impossible to drag it.

So he needs a guide, otherwise, he can’t display his abilities too.

“Well, without further ado, we will leave at once.”

Qin Shengdao, the current situation is already very tense, they must race against time, otherwise it will be difficult to reverse the situation after they have formed a general trend.


Ye Xiu nodded.

“I am coming too.”

Jiang Li’s eyes were full of fire, and he had seen many of them in the competition, but it was the first time he saw the battle between the two armies, and he was full of expectation in his heart.

“Who is this?”

Qin Sheng glanced at Jiang Li and found that he couldn’t see through this kid’s situation, and he was a little surprised.

“My friend, named Jiang Li, can be trusted.”

Ye Xiu introduced it once, and then looked at Jiang Li and said, “You can follow me, but you have to obey my orders, otherwise, even if you break the big day, I won’t take you.”

The situation of the battle is changing rapidly, and it is impossible for him to bring a disobedient person by his side.

This is not only irresponsible to oneself, but also irresponsible to the soldiers.

“Isn’t it okay if I listen to you?”

Jiang Li immediately assured that although he had never experienced it, he had also seen the cruelty of war from books, so even if Ye Xiu didn’t say it, he would not make trouble.


Ye Xiu nodded, and then walked out with Qin Sheng.

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