Chapter 763: Zhenwu Eight Forbidden VS Proword Mantra


Li Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately recalled all the previous things in his mind, and immediately understood everything. Ye Xiu’s feeling for himself was regarded as a grindstone by Ye Xiu.

Then, a raging anger hit my heart.

He was a real disciple of Martial Ancestor, but Ye Xiu was led by the nose, and he even pushed him. It was annoying to think about it.

“This kid is too crazy, dare to use Li Xuanyi to break through the Cultivation Base, isn’t he afraid of being killed?”

Liu Tianci understood it at this moment. Ye Xiu’s purpose was to use the pressure from Li Xuanyi to break through the Cultivation Base and introduce him into the trap step by step.

This character is also terrible.

What shocked him the most was that his confidence that he had come from would be able to survive, and if something went wrong, he would be dead.

“Don’t think that Cultivation Base can come back after you break through. Today I will let you see what true despair is, the eight bans on true martial arts, and the sixth ban, open it to me.”

Li Xuanyi was extremely angry. He was the only one who used others, and no one dared to use himself. Ye Xiu’s behavior was slapped him in the face, and he started to work from side to side.

So Ye Xiu must die, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel his hatred.

As soon as the voice fell, he directly opened the sixth ban, and his momentum rose rapidly, reaching an extremely terrifying point in the blink of an eye.

At this time, his six bans were fully opened, and his strength was six times as strong. Even if Ye Xiu broke through to the Fifth Stage, it would still be a dead end.


Ye Xiu narrowed his eyes, and his hands immediately formed a diamond mark on his chest.

Immediately afterwards, the power between heaven and earth quickly began to converge towards him, and in the blink of an eye, the aura on his body instantly increased six times as much as Li Xuanyi.

No way, the aura of Li Xuanyi at this time was too strong, and his Cultivation Base and strength at this time could not be compared with it, so he could only use the Pro-word Mantra to compete with it.

Otherwise, he will only have a dead end.

“Pro, the mantra of the word, how could you be the mantra of the word?”

Not only Li Xuanyi, but Liu Tianci and the master of Eighth Stage were taken aback.

This pro-word mantra is one of the nine-character mantra, and the cultivation method has also been lost. The senior leaders of their Sect didn’t know the specific whereabouts, how could Ye Xiu find it.

It seems to have mastered it.

“Come on, let me see if it’s your true martial arts and eight forbiddens, or my proverbial mantra is stronger.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

“as you wish.”

Li Xuanyi slowly calmed down, his eyes also showed a hot light.

Although he guessed that Ye Xiu must have a lot of good things in his hands, he never expected that this kid would even have the mantras of the prosperous words in his hands.

You know, each of the nine-character mantra represents a great way, which is definitely a priceless treasure. At the beginning, all the martial arts were painstakingly searching for the soldier-character mantra, and they have not completely given up until now.

You can imagine how attractive these nine-character mantras are for cultivators like them.

Now, Ye Xiu actually used it in front of him. This was really a gift from heaven.

As long as Ye Xiu is caught, then this proverbial mantra is what is in his own bag, which is more exciting than getting a Dao Item.

With that said, he had already rushed towards Ye Xiu.

No matter what, he must get this proverbial mantra.

“Good job.”

Ye Xiu’s expression remained unchanged, and he greeted him with a sword.

Clang clang…

There was another sound of metal mingling, and the two figures continued to interlace in the air, and the violent collision resounded like thunder, resounding across the entire world.


The two didn’t know how long they had been fighting. Suddenly, there was a cracking sound, and there was a striking crack in the soldier in Li Xuan’s hand.

And with the constant collision, the energy fluctuations on this sword became weaker and weaker.

“Fuck, I forgot about it.”

Li Xuan only woke up at this moment. He was only excited before, but he forgot the weirdness of Ye Xiu’s sword. Now the soldiers are destroyed, and his heart is dripping blood.

Although his sword is only the highest grade of the mysterious rank, it has no worse than a low-grade Dao Item in increasing his strength.

Now he is scrapped because of own negligence, how could he not feel bad.

However, he quickly left this matter behind, as long as he caught Ye Xiu, his own loss could be recovered hundreds of times.


Ye Xiu asked, Li Xuanyi’s soldiers have basically been abolished. Without the help of his soldiers, Li Xuanyi’s combat strength is not even 70% before, and it is impossible to win himself.

So he felt that there was no need for this battle to continue.

Of course, he would not let Li Xuanyi off easily, because only the dead can truly keep secrets.

“Of course, I don’t just have a soldier.”

Li Xuanyi shook his right hand, and another war sword appeared in his hand.

“Dao Item?”

Ye Xiu was startled and asked.

The whole body of this sword was light blue, and although there was no energy fluctuation on it, it looked like an ordinary long sword that could no longer be ordinary.

But as soon as it appeared, the Pluto sword trembles slightly. Obviously, this sword is not a common product, and it may even be a Dao Item.

Dao Item is rare in Wuyu, but not necessarily in Central China.

What’s more, this Li Xuanyi is still a true Martial Ancestor expert, and it is not unacceptable to have a Dao Item beside him.


Li Xuanyi didn’t say a word of nonsense, and directly killed the past.

This sword is indeed a low-grade Dao Item, and it is also a sword of killing. Once used, the own mind will be affected by it and become bloodthirsty and cold.

Therefore, he rarely uses this sword.

But now, Ye Xiu used the pro-word mantra, which is comparable to own Zhenwu Eight Bans, and even faintly wins.

Moreover, the time for the eight bans of true martial arts is about to come, so he has to make a quick fight, and it happens to be able to use it to deal with Ye Xiu at this time, it is best to destroy him with a sword.

This saves a lot of trouble.

“Then I’m not welcome.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes are also full of expectations. This is a Dao Item. If the Pluto Sword refines all its essence, you might be able to directly advance to Dao Item.

This Li Xuanyi is really his own lucky star.

With that said, he directly greeted him.

However, although Li Xuanyi’s consciousness was controlled by the murderous intent in the sword, it was just the beginning, and he had not completely lost consciousness at all, so he didn’t fight Ye Xiu head-on.

A wisp of breeze filled his whole body, stepping out one step, and the figure appeared directly behind Ye Xiu like a ghost, facing his back heart with a sword.

Wind is his second attribute, and with the powerful Movement Technique, his speed and spirit cannot be captured.

Therefore, this Jian Ye Xiu is simply inevitable.

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