Chapter 762: Breakthrough, Fifth Stage

“Eight bans on real martial arts? It’s kind of interesting.”

Ye Xiu said sincerely that this Zhenwu Eight Forbiddens is somewhat similar to the mantras he has mastered, and they are all a means to greatly Ascension’s own combat power.

However, it looks similar on the surface, but it is different in essence.

Linzi Mantra is to use the power of heaven and earth to increase combat power, so this method does not cause much damage to itself, but it requires strong soul power to control the surge of power.

But these eight bans on martial arts are the opposite.

Using secret techniques to forcibly open the dead spots in the human body and stimulate one’s own potential, in exchange for strong power, this method will cause a great load on the body of the person who cultivates.

However, although the Eight Forbiddens of Zhenwu are not as easy to use as the proverbial mantra, and they are accompanied by great dangers, they have the advantage of low threshold and easy to learn.

Of course, its effect is also very significant, and the critical moment can also play a decisive role.

“Geng Jin Jian Jue.”

Without saying a word, Li Xuan played the Gengjin Sword Art again, the tip of the sword flicked, and a sword flower was shot directly, and the extremely fierce Sword Qi instantly enveloped Ye Xiu.

From a distance, it was like a sword curtain sealing Ye Xiu inside, and endless Sword Qi shuttled through it, tearing the space apart one after another.

Surrounded by Sword Qi, Ye Xiu was As steady as Mount Tai, and the Pluto sword rushed from left to right in front of him, stupefied to block these fierce Sword Qi outside, and there was no way for Li Xuan to take him.

“This kid is quite capable.”

Li Xuan’s brow jumped. The reason why he used the eight bans of true martial arts was not because he was overkill, but because he wanted to make a quick decision and take advantage of the situation to abolish Ye Xiu.

He found that Ye Xiu had a lot of good things in his hands. The Broken Sword, the map and the soldiers in his hand were all invaluable.

As long as he abolishes it, everything he has will become own, which is a great thing for him and the real Martial Ancestor.

It’s just that he didn’t expect Ye Xiu’s strength to be so powerful, he had already resorted to the eight prohibitions of true martial arts, and he still couldn’t do anything about it.

“Li Xuanyi, if you only have these means, I am afraid it is not enough to defeat me.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, but his eyes showed a strong look of expectation.

At this time, his bottleneck has been loosened under the pressure of Li Xuanyi. As long as he works harder, then he can take advantage of the situation to break through the Cultivation Base.

Therefore, he needs to add fire to this Li Xuanyi.

“Okay, then I will let you lose completely, eight bans on real martial arts, second and third bans, open.”

As soon as Li Xuan raised his eyebrows, he didn’t want to waste time anymore, he was very cruel, and directly opened the second and third bans at the same time.


A wave of air quickly spread around Li Xuanyi as the center, and the aura on his body was suddenly ascension three times as much, even if compared with the general natal Eighth Stage masters, it was not bad at all.

Then, he struck another sword at Ye Xiu again, and the Sword Qi, who was more fierce than before, shot out and directly merged into the Sword Qi beside Ye Xiu.

The Sword Qi barrier, which was already very violent, became even more violent at this moment.

Puff puff……

Countless Sword Qi raged in it like a squally rainstorm. Ye Xiu was struggling to resist. In the end, he could only cope with it. He couldn’t completely block the Sword Qi, and there were many colors on his body.

The blood flowed out and dyed the clothes red, looking extremely embarrassed.

“Deserve it, dare to challenge Li Xuan, aren’t you seeking your own death.”

Liu Tianci said with excitement, he hated Ye Xiu so much. Not only did he kill his men in front of own before, but he almost died in his hands.

Not long ago, this guy wanted to divorce the relationship between himself and Li Xuanyi.

Fortunately, it was his fate. Otherwise, he might have been scammed to death by this kid.

He has never suffered such a big loss when he grows up, so now he wants to personally frustrate Ye Xiu.

Now that Ye Xiu was so embarrassed, he couldn’t mention how happy he was.


Ye Xiu, who was struggling to defend, suddenly burst into an extremely powerful aura, and even the sword curtain that trapped him outside was directly shaken away.

At the same time, a terrifying breath came out of Ye Xiu’s body.

Ye Xiu knew that he had finally made a breakthrough. With a move in his heart, a large number of high-grade primordial stones were taken out and directly refined by the Da Ri Jinyan scroll. After the transformation of the Nine Transformation Tianxin, they became pure power.

His Cultivation Base also began to make an impact on the Fifth Stage of his life.


Liu Tianci was startled, his eyes widened, he never expected Ye Xiu to break through in this situation.

You should know that before Ye Xiu made a breakthrough, Li Xuanyi had to use the eight bans of Zhenwu to be able to suppress it. Once he breakthrough Realm, it would be difficult for Li Xuanyi to suppress him.

Li Xuanyi was also really taken aback.

In the battle, breakthrough Realm is a very dangerous thing. If you are not careful, you may be successfully attacked by the enemy and die.

If he were himself, he would never break through Realm the first time, but immediately suppress the Cultivation Base, and find a relatively safe place to break through after the battle is over, so that he would be more breakthrough and safer.

Ye Xiu is a breakthrough, didn’t he give himself a chance to start.

“Brother Li, stop him.”

The master who was born in Eighth Stage also yelled.

The movement produced by Ye Xiu’s breakthrough is really too great, far from being comparable to ordinary people. People who don’t know think he is breakthrough in the Seventh Stage of his life.

So if he were to make breakthrough successfully, the consequences would be disastrous.

To be safe, it is better to interrupt his breakthrough.


Li Xuanyi didn’t plan to let Ye Xiu make breakthroughs quietly, he only looked at the results.

The own Cultivation Base was three Realms higher than Ye Xiu. There was no fairness in this competition between himself and him, and even less now.

So if I interrupt him at this time, not only can I win the competition, but I can also destroy Ye Xiu in one fell swoop.

Killing two birds with one stone, why not do it.

With that said, he came directly in front of Ye Xiu, and when he went up, he killed Ye Xiu with a sword.

The already sharp soldiers became sharper under the blessing of metallic strength and combat skills, and directly tore the space and slashed on Ye Xiu’s body.

However, his sword seemed to be slashed in the air, and he didn’t touch anything at all.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiu’s figure disappeared in place.


Li Xuanyi suddenly seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned his head back, just in time to see Ye Xiu who was standing not far behind him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

And his Cultivation Base also successfully broke through to the Fifth Stage.

“Thanks a lot.”

Ye Xiu smiled and said, if it weren’t for his help, he would have to delay another ten days and a half if he wanted to make breakthrough. This had helped him a lot.

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