Chapter 700: The Mantra of Soldier Character Reappears

“Thirty-five Huiyuan Classics, Sixty-One Wuque Sword Art, Hunyuan Classics 333…”

Starting from the first bookshelf, Mu Tianye checked each book from left to right, and read the title and numbers on it. As for Ye Xiu, he took out a piece of paper and wrote it down.

They were very fast, and it took less than half a day to write down all the books on the five bookshelves.

After that, Ye Xiu tore these words into small pieces of paper and rearranged them according to the numbers above. Suddenly, a piece of Cultivation Technique with more than a thousand words appeared before their eyes.

“This, is this the mantra of the word soldier?”

Mu Tianye read it carefully, and the text was almost exactly the same as the three-character mantra that Ye Xiu had shown him before, whether in terms of the writing or the level of mystery.

Seeing this, his mood also became excited, and they actually found the mantra of soldiers.

“It should be.”

Ye Xiu nodded and waved his hand, a ray of golden flame burst out and burned the pieces of paper.

“Dage, what are you doing?”

Mu Tianye was shocked, this was the mantra of the word of war, they finally put it together, how could it be burned in a fire, this is a pity.

“Amano, I don’t need to say more about the degree of danger of this thing, so you just keep the content in your heart, and you can’t tell anyone for the time being.”

Ye Xiu reminded.

Actually is not he is selfish, but various martial sects forcibly suppressed the Scarlet Cloud Sect for tens of thousands of years for this mantra of soldiers. Maybe, there are still many other sects in Scarlet Cloud Sect at this time. spy.

If these people know that they have got the mantra of soldiers, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, this mantra of soldiers can only be known by themselves at present, and even Luo Qianshan can’t tell them, so as not to leak the news, unless they wait for their own strength to protect themselves.

“I understand this, but it’s itchy in my heart that I can’t be cultivated.”

Mu Tianye Dao, Lin, Fighting, and practicing the three mantras, he also knows the method of cultivation, but he can’t grasp it no matter how cultivation, so he puts hope on the mantra of soldiers.

He also understands what Ye Xiu said, but there is a secret technique that can’t be cultivated, which makes him very depressed, it is better not to find it.

“I just said that I can’t tell others, but I didn’t talk about cultivation. When I set up the formation, we will cultivate together, but we must be careful when using it, so that there should be no problem.”

Ye Xiu said.

“That’s good, hehe.”

Mu Tianye breathed a sigh of relief, he thought he couldn’t cultivate.

“When you go out, pick out a few Cultivation Techniques and do them so that you don’t doubt it.”

Ye Xiu reminded that many people now know that they have entered the seventh floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

For those martial artists, there is no need for evidence at all, and suspicion is enough to get them to do it.

“Don’t worry Dage, I know what to do.”

Mu Tianye nodded, even if Ye Xiu didn’t talk about this matter, he knew what to do.

Speaking of them, they walked down from the seventh floor. As expected, a lot of people had gathered on the sixth floor after they came down, all staring at Mu Tianye and Ye Xiu curiously.

That appearance was just about telling Ye Xiu that they were spies.

It’s no wonder that they are all big sects from within Shenzhou, even if they were discovered, the Scarlet Cloud Sect did not dare to do anything to them, so that they dared to be so arrogant.

“What do you want to see.”

Mu Tianye said with an impatient face, almost writing the words “I’m not happy” on his face.

These people didn’t dare to say anything when they saw Mu Tianye’s situation, and left one after another, without any doubt.

“You kid can do it.”

Ye Xiu said in a voice transmission that as soon as he said this, he had dispelled most people’s suspicions without doing anything, which saved a lot of trouble.

“That is.”

Mu Tianye was happy in his heart, but there was no change in his face. After finding a sword art on the sixth floor, he and Ye Xiu left the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

But not long after they left, the people before them gathered again.

“You said, did they find the mantra of soldiers?”

“It shouldn’t. If they find it, they can’t look like this. Moreover, we have seen the above experience, and we have not found it at all. They only watched it for three days, and it must have been three minutes of popularity.”

“Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just in case, let’s go up and have a look.”


With that, a few people ascended to the seventh floor, but here was the same as before, and there was no change.

As for the pieces of paper Ye Xiu used before, they were all burned up by Da Ri Jinyan, and there was no dregs left, so they didn’t even want to find any clues.

After that, the group shook their heads and left here. Obviously, they didn’t believe that Ye Xiu and the others could get the mantra of soldiers.

Besides, Ye Xiu and the others, as soon as they returned to the mountain, Luo Qianshan greeted them personally.

“I said before that there is no mantra in the Scarlet Cloud Sect. You believe it now.”

When Luo Qianshan looked at Mu Tianye’s frustrated appearance, he knew that they hadn’t gained anything in the past three days. If there were really military mantras, they wouldn’t have discovered it for so many years.

“Yes, but the experience left by the ancestors above is not a small benefit to me, so it’s not a waste of trip.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, pretending to be free and easy, and said in his heart: “Master, we don’t tell you this is for the good of you and Scarlet Cloud Sect. Don’t blame us.”

Today’s Scarlet Cloud Sect is swayed by wind and rain, and can’t stand the big turmoil at all. Once the mantra of the soldier word is passed, the Scarlet Cloud Sect will probably not see the sun the next day.

“This is natural. The ancestor is a rare kendo master on the Nine Heavens continent. It is beneficial to you to see what he left behind.”

Luo Qianshan nodded, what he wanted was this effect, and then said: “By the way, in half a month, Shengwu City will hold an auction. If you are interested, you can check it out. There are many more inside. good stuff.”

If it was before, he really didn’t dare to let Ye Xiu and the others go out, this kid killed the two people at the magic knife gate, and would never let it go because of their urination.

But with the Chiyun Sword, the big sects did not dare to move Ye Xiu and the others in a short time.

Moreover, the organizer of this auction is the Chamber of Commerce within China. It is said that there are still many good things. If it is not limited by his identity, he himself would like to go and take a look.


Ye Xiu nodded, really interested in this auction. After all, Shenzhou is different from Eastern Wasteland. Many things here are more precious than Eastern Wasteland.

Maybe there will be something valuable.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, he also wants to see how much money is, and he doesn’t know how this kid is doing now.

“Okay, go and cultivate, and you can always ask me if you don’t understand.”

Luo Qianshan waved his hand and said that Cultivation Base has reached the level of Ye Xiu and the others. They have their own opinions on many things. This is their own way.

If you intervene too much, it will be counterproductive.

It’s better to let them develop freely and come to them when they encounter problems. This will be more efficient and the effect will be better.

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