Chapter 699: Find the Clues

“In that case, the mantra of soldiers really doesn’t belong in the Scarlet Cloud Sect.”

Qi Tian was also a little disappointed. He still wanted to see Ye Xiu gather the nine-character mantra, but the result was that the soldier-character mantra was not in the Chiyun Sect, which invisibly increased the difficulty of gathering the nine-character mantra.

“It seems so.”

Although Ye Xiu didn’t want to admit it, the fact seemed to be the case, and he couldn’t change everything.

“Forget it, if you don’t get it, you won’t get it. Let’s find a few powerful combat techniques and Cultivation Techniques.”

Mu Tianye shook his head and said, it is meaningless to say anything so far, and Scarlet Cloud Sect does have the advantage of Scarlet Cloud Sect, and Cultivation Technique and combat skills are enough for them to use.

As for Yuanshi, they still have a lot of them. Ascension Cultivation Base doesn’t have to worry about it in a short time.

“It can only be so.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, he could only accept this fact.

“Let’s go.”

Mu Tianye walked down as he said, he didn’t want to stay here, so as not to get annoyed.

“Wait a moment.”

Just as Ye Xiu was about to walk down, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, stopped abruptly, and quickly looked back at the five bookshelves.

“What’s wrong?”

Mu Tianye and Qi Tian were a bit inexplicable, but then their eyes lit up, it’s impossible for him to find something.


Ye Xiu didn’t answer, but came to the side of the bookshelf and pulled out a book from it.

But this time he didn’t open it, but stared at the name of the book in a daze. After a while, he pulled out a few more books and placed them in front of own.

“Dage, you are…”

Mu Tianye didn’t understand what Ye Xiu was staring at the covers of these books. He didn’t think there was anything good about it.

But before he finished speaking, Ye Xiu’s voice came over: “Amano, don’t you feel familiar with the names of these Cultivation Techniques?”


Mu Tianye was startled, and then took a closer look, but he didn’t feel familiar.

“now what?”

Seeing Mu Tianye not speaking, Ye Xiu immediately understood that he didn’t understand the meaning of own, so he waved his hand and more than ten books were spread on the ground.


Mu Tian’s ambition was shocked, and at this moment he finally understood what Ye Xiu meant.

It turned out that this mantra of war characters is actually hidden in the name of these books Cultivation Technique.

It was not obvious when it was two or three books. As soon as these more than ten books were put down, he immediately discovered that after these names were connected, they were very close to the content of a few words of mantra.

Even the order has been disrupted, and it looks very uncomfortable.

But this still surprised him.

“Haha, that’s the case, it seems that I was right. How could Old Ancestor Chiyun not pass on such a secret technique, but he didn’t expect that he used the land in such a peculiar way, I am afraid that he would not be able to discover it by another person.”

Ye Xiu laughed loudly. This can be said to be his happiest day since he entered China.

Originally, he planned to give up, but he didn’t expect that Liu Anhua would let him find the mantra of soldiers. This is a great thing.

The inheritance method chosen by Chiyun Patriarch is also eye-opening.

For ordinary people, they are mostly concerned with the content of Cultivation Technique. As for the name of Cultivation Technique, most people just glance at it roughly.

Especially these Cultivation Techniques themselves are not of much value. If there is no experience left by the ancestor Chiyun, then these classics are simply worthless.

So there are very few people paying attention to its name.

Of course, even if someone writes down these Cultivation Technique names in idle time, it is useless, because people who haven’t seen other mantras will never connect these fragmented words with the mantra of soldiers.

This is an extra guarantee, and it is no wonder that the various martial arts and the senior officials of the Scarlet Cloud Sect have not noticed, even if he himself was almost blinded.

“Dage, even if we find the mantra of the soldier character, I am afraid we cannot cultivation. Although the content of this mantra of soldier character is similar to the other mantras, there is still a big difference. Now the order is completely disrupted. Spliced ​​together.”

Mu Tianye asked, the longest titles of these books were only five characters, and after removing the last one, there were only two or three characters left with the empty characters such as Jue.

It is more difficult than puzzles to piece them together in two or three characters to form a complete mantra of soldiers.

In any case, there are still traces of the puzzle to follow, and it can be completed with a little time and energy, but no one has seen the complete mantra of soldiers, how to spell it.

And these books must have been read by countless people, their order has long been disrupted, and they cannot be put together in the order from left to right or from right to left.

If you do that, it’s no different from looking for death.

After all, this mantra of the word soldier is different from other things, even a word difference will affect its function, rash cultivation, and even life-threatening.

Therefore, they also have to be careful.

“This is a difficult problem.”

Ye Xiu also saw this, and at the same time, this was where he worries.

After finally finding a clue to the mantra of soldiers, he could only watch it. This feeling made him very uncomfortable, and it meant that he had entered Baoshan empty-handed.

“Little Ye Zi, please look for it carefully. I think that since the ancestor Chiyun could think of storing the mantra of soldiers in this way, he must have thought of this, so he will definitely leave a clue.”

Qi Tian reminded him that such a peculiar way was the first time that he had even seen him, so it can be seen that this ancestor Chiyun must be a very cautious person.

It is impossible for such a person to leave such a loophole, there must be a back hand, but they have not yet discovered it.

“Yes, Amano, let’s split up and check these books carefully. There must be something on it that we haven’t overlooked before.”

Ye Xiu felt that it made sense. If Chiyun Ancestor didn’t leave the arrangement order, it would be no different from throwing away at will.

After speaking, the two of them began to re-check these books, without letting go of any details.

“Dage, look, there is a number on the side of these books, and the books must be curved to a certain degree to be able to see clearly.”

Not long after, Mu Tianye suddenly yelled, and at the same time he picked up a book and moved it to a certain arc, on which the number thirty-two was written impressively.

“By the way, this should be the order. In this way, we divide the action, you come to search, I will record, I believe it will not take long, the mantra of the word soldier will reappear in the world from our hands.”

Ye Xiu said excitedly, even his voice trembled a little, it was not easy.

Fortunately, he didn’t listen to Luo Qianshan’s words, and insisted on coming over. Otherwise, he would really miss the mantra of war.


Mu Tianye was also very excited. He had planned to give up before, but he didn’t expect to be discovered by their mistaken hit.

If Luo Qianshan knew about this, he didn’t know how he would feel.

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