Chapter 689: Stop

“How can it be!”

Xiang Shaolong’s eyes widened. This was the strongest blow in Yin & Yang’s three palms, and it was even more powerful with the increase of Tiangu Ice Flame and the Fourth Stage Cultivation Base.

How could they be tied with Ye Xiu.

You know, at this time, I am two Realm taller than him.

“You can’t be rude to come and go, you can also take my trick, the seal of the king of nine temples.”

Ye Xiu has completely lost interest in this Xiang Shaolong. Ascension is still so vulnerable on the Fourth Stage of his destiny, and there is no point in it except wasting time.

As soon as the voice fell, a large black seal appeared in Ye Xiu’s hand, exuding a frightening aura.

The grimace on it sprang out directly from it, turning into a huge phantom of the demon king, a pair of extremely red eyes, without any emotional fluctuations.

After the demon king’s phantom appeared, he directly rushed towards Xiang Shaolong with his teeth and claws.

“not good!”

Xiang Shaolong was shocked, and just about to escape, he found that a terrifying aura fell on him, directly causing him to lose control of his body.

He could only watch Ye Xiu kill himself.


Ye Xiu’s palm with the black seal hit his chest hard.

Xiang Shaolong felt a terrifying force crashed into his body, interrupting all the Meridians in his body, and the whole person flew upside down like a broken kite, and fell heavily to the ground.


After landing, Xiang Shaolong’s throat was sweet, and a blood arrow was sprayed out by him. His face instantly became extremely pale, his hair scattered, and he was very embarrassed.


This time, the entire square exploded.

“My goodness, after breakthrough, Xiang Shaolong is a Cultivation Base with a fourth stage of his life, and he was hit by Ye Xiu. Is this still a human being?”

“It’s not just as simple as flying. Look at Xiang Shaolong carefully. The Meridians in his whole body are interrupted by Ye Xiu’s palm. He is already powerless to fight again. It’s terrible.”

“I can see it too. It is because of this that I am even more surprised. I have not seen the leapfrog challenge, but it is the first time I have seen Ye Xiu crush and beat people who are two Realms higher than him. .”

No one is surprised.

In fact, leapfrog challenges are rare in China, because there is a huge gap between Cultivation Base by one Realm, and it is difficult to completely equalize the gap between the two before using combat skills alone.

However, for those who have a special physique, or who are exceptional in some aspects, leapfrogging challenges is a common occurrence.

For example, Wu Yidao, who was defeated in the previous battle, is a knife idiot, and he is extremely talented. He created his own Wentian Sword Art, and has extremely high achievements in the path of the sword. The average Fourth Stage master is not his opponent.

The same is true for Xiang Shaolong. He possesses the dual-attribute physique of wind and fire, and supplemented by the powerful ancient ice flames, it is easy for him to leapfrog challenges.

But even if they are the pride of these days, crossing one level is already the limit, and it is almost impossible to overcome the enemy by crossing two levels.

Unless the opponent is seriously injured, or taking Medicine Pill forcibly ascension so that the foundation is unstable, but such people are rare in the Martial Domain.

But Ye Xiu’s performance refreshed their cognition.

You know, what he defeated was a genius among geniuses. There was a difference of two Realms, which was simply a world of difference. As a result, Xiang Shaolong lost. Can it shock them.

“No wonder you were so calm before, and Ye Xiu’s strength turned out to be so terrifying.”

Yi Wushuang on the side was also amazed. After breakthrough, Xiang Shaolong was completely different from before. His strength more than doubled tenfold. In the end, he was defeated so easily by Ye Xiu.

Looking at it this way, even the Fifth Stage world master is probably not its opponent.

If he had known Ye Xiu had such terrifying strength, then he wouldn’t be as nervous as before.

“This is only part of the strength that my Dage has shown, and you will know how good my Dage is in the future.”

Mu Tianye said indifferently, Ye Xiu had more than these methods. If all of them were used, the master of Fifth Stage Heaven would basically have no power to fight back in front of him.

But these were Ye Xiu’s secrets, his hole cards, of course he wouldn’t tell anyone casually.

“This is only part of his strength!”

Yi Wushuang’s eyes widened. Originally, he thought this was Ye Xiu’s full strength, but now listening to Mu Tianye’s words, he seemed to underestimate him.

But is this still a human?


On the battle platform, Ye Xiu stepped forward and came to Xiang Shaolong again, looking at him with a cold expression on his face.


Xiang Shaolong was ashamed at the moment, and now his whole muscles and veins have been interrupted, and he has lost the power to fight again. Even if he recovers, his foundation will be greatly damaged.

So now he doesn’t dare to insist anymore, and he just surrenders.

But before he finished speaking, he felt a force confining his throat, and he couldn’t even utter a word.

At this time, Xiang Shaolong’s eyes were round and his old face was flushed, he looked at Ye Xiu in horror, as if he was saying, what do you want to do.

Ye Xiu ignored him and pressed his right hand directly on his Dantian.

A golden flame appeared, frantically poured into Xiang Shaolong’s body, and after a moment, a white flame appeared in his hand with a gentle pull.

It is Tiangu Bingyan.

As if anticipating the fate of own, Tiangu Bingyan began to struggle fiercely, as if to escape from Ye Xiu’s clutches, but was blocked by Da Ri Jinyan.

As soon as Ye Xiu waved his hand, Da Ri Jin Yan wrapped Tian Gu Ice Flame and returned to own body, slowly refining.

“Why is this, why is this!”

Xiang Shaolong roared in his heart. Gu Bingyan was his biggest support this day, but now he was forcibly pulled away by Ye Xiu. Not only his own strength was greatly damaged, but his Dantian was also damaged.

Even if Sect could help him recover, he would probably lose his qualifications as a breakthrough king. Ye Xiu’s actions would be equivalent to completely cutting off his future.

“I want you to die.”

Xiang Shaolong yelled in his heart, and then endured the pain of his body and took out a jade charm from the storage ring.

Then, a tyrannical beam appeared out of thin air, killing Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu frowned and used the Dragon Step to avoid this strike, but the terrifying power directly blasted on the formation, and was blasted through the formation in an instant.

No one was spared where this beam passed, and was beaten to fly ash on the spot.

“court death!”

A sharp light appeared in Ye Xiu’s eyes. With a movement, he came to Xiang Shaolong’s face again, and directly hit his heart with a punch.

Originally, he didn’t want to do too much, but this guy was as dangerous as Xiao Can, so he couldn’t keep Xiang Shaolong.


At this moment, an angry shout came from a distance, and at the same time, a terrifying force directly descended on Ye Xiu’s body, trying to stop him from committing a crime.

Ye Xiu didn’t even see it, and a dazzling golden light shot out from his fist.

A punch hit directly through Xiang Shaolong’s chest, and then a golden flame rose from his body, instantly burning his corpse to fly ashes.

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