Chapter 688: Still Too Weak


An air wave spreads around Xiang Shaolong, his aura climbed to the extreme, and Cultivation Base also moved from the third stage of the natal Ascension to the height of the Fourth Stage.

“Boy, since you didn’t stop me from breaking through, I’ll leave you a dead body later.”

Xiang Shaolong sneered and said, he is no ordinary person, breakthrough a Realm’s strength at least ten times Ascension, Ye Xiu’s strength is very strong, but it is definitely not his own opponent at this time.

Of course, not only would he not be emotionally aroused by this incident, but he would think he was extremely stupid.

You know, to be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to own.

“Stop talking nonsense, do it.”

Ye Xiu said expectantly, he had been waiting for a long time at this moment.

“Fenghuo Knife Jue.”

Xiang Shaolong grabbed the battle knife on the ground, stepped out in one step, his body shape turned into a breeze and rushed behind Ye Xiu, going up and slashing down.

His wind attribute physique can not only be used for the power of the Ascension Saber Technique, it is also a very peculiar energy, and the Ascension effect of the Movement Technique is very significant.

Under full urging, ordinary people’s spirits can’t lock themselves, and it is absolutely harmless to use for sneak attacks.

At the same time, with the help of the wind attribute power, the sword in his hand also became extremely swift and violent. Everyone only saw a cold light flashing by, and Ye Xiu’s body had been split in half.


However, Xiang Shaolong, who succeeded in one blow, was not happy for long, and frowned.

The next moment, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“not good!”

Xiang Shaolong was shocked, and instinctively raised the sword in his hand to block the vital parts of own, and then, there was a thunderous sound in his ear.

A terrifying force was transmitted to his right hand through the sword, and just a face-to-face, he felt his own tiger’s mouth torn apart.

If he hadn’t gritted his teeth and persisted, this war knife would have been blasted out by Ye Xiu’s strike.

After blocking Ye Xiu’s sword, Xiang Shaolong hurriedly backed away, and his entire right arm was numb, and he couldn’t hold the sword.


Suddenly, Xiang Shaolong seemed to have noticed something, and hurriedly put his own saber in front of own’s eyes. It didn’t take long for him to realize that the aura on the saber had weakened a lot.

He was about to fall from the high-rank Xuanbing to the middle-rank Xuanbing.

But the problem is that there are no cracks or signs of damage on this sword. How could this happen?


Ye Xiu didn’t give him time to think. He rushed in front of Xiang Shaolong again, and slashed at him with a sharp sword. Before the sword arrived, Xiang Shaolong felt the sharp Sword Qi and That intense murderous intent.

At this time, Xiang Shaolong didn’t care about other things either, he moved his heart, and once again held the saber in front of him.

Clang clang…

Ye Xiu stopped after more than ten strikes, standing 100 meters away from Xiang Shaolong, looking at him quietly.

At this time, Xiang Shaolong’s entire right arm had lost consciousness, and the sword in his hand could not be controlled at all, and it fell directly from his hand.


The moment the sword fell, it broke into countless fragments like a mirror, and there was no energy fluctuation on it, and it looked like a piece of ordinary scrap iron.

“what happened……”

Xiang Shaolong’s eyes widened. How could this high-grade Xuan Bing shatter, and it looked like it had been drained of all its power and turned into a pile of scrap iron.

This is incredible.

“What the hell is going on? That’s a high-rank Xuanbing, how could it break directly?”

“I think it might be related to the sword in Ye Xiu’s hand. Didn’t you see that his sword is a little different from before.”

“What’s so special about that sword? It’s no different.”

“watch carefully.”

This situation stunned the people around. The value of high-grade Xuanbing in the Martial Realm is also very high, and ordinary natal masters can’t even use medium-grade Xuanbing.

Xiang Shaolong was able to get it because his talent was valued by Sect.

But now, this high-grade mysterious soldier was actually broken. This but who did not expect the result, so many people turned their eyes to Ye Xiu, especially the sword in his hand.

Compared with before, the power of that sword is a bit more powerful than the previous Ascension. Although the magnitude is not very large, it is still Ascension.

So some people guessed that Xiang Shaolong’s sword was not broken, but was given by Ye Xiu’s sword.

But many people still can’t understand.

Xiang Shaolong’s knife is a high-grade mysterious soldier, and even the highest-grade mysterious soldier can’t cut it so easily. The most important thing is that the fragments have become so common, it is not as good as a piece of scrap iron.

That’s why they attributed the reason to Ye Xiu’s sword, but they didn’t know why it was so.

“Still too weak.”

Ye Xiu was a little disappointed. He originally thought that after the breakthrough of the Shaolong Cultivation Base, there would be some extraordinary performance, but the result was still so vulnerable.

This made him very disappointed.

“We have the ability to fight with our bare hands.”

Xiang Shaolong is not good, weak? You ask if Yi Wushuang dares to say this.

However, he was unable to refute, after all, after he broke through, he was still pressed and beaten by Ye Xiu. This feeling really annoyed him.

But he is not stupid. The reason why the own saber is broken must be directly related to the sword in Ye Xiu’s hand. Although he has no evidence to prove this, he does not want to continue to face it.

“as you wish.”

Ye Xiu put the Pluto sword away as he spoke. This guy was not his own opponent, and using the sword would be really bullying.

“Idiot, let you see my strongest trick, Yin & Yang are all destroyed!”

When Xiang Shaolong saw Ye Xiuzhen put the Pluto sword away, his eyes suddenly brightened, but he dared to be careless and directly used the strongest blow he had mastered.

Yin & Yang is an ultimate move hidden in the three palms of Yin & Yang. Although it cannot destroy a world, it can be done easily to destroy a person.

If Ye Xiu were hit by this palm, he would definitely die.

“Nine Sun Profound Palm!”

Ye Xiu remained unmoved, and slapped directly, a giant flame palm rose up and greeted him.

However, Ye Xiu seemed to have only one palm, but actually nine palms in a row, but the speed was so fast that the naked eye couldn’t catch it before it looked like a palm.

Therefore, nine powers are also condensed on this giant flame palm, and when they are superimposed on each other, its power has reached the extreme.

Under the gaze of everyone, the two giant palms collided together without any sound or energy fluctuations, because at the moment they collided, the space was torn apart.

Everything was absorbed by the void, and after a while, the heaven and the earth returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

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