Chapter 686: All-round rolling


There was another loud noise, and the two directly staggered, Xiang Shaolong looked at Ye Xiu with a somewhat ugly expression.

His Yin & Yang three palms were used for the power of Ascension Heavenly Ancient Ice Flame, and what they competed was also the power of their own fire, how they turned into a physical and power contest.

Ye Xiu’s physical body and strength are too strong, every time he hits, he can feel a powerful force invading his own body.

Now, his entire right arm is numb, and he can’t hold his fist.

Not only that, but he also noticed that in the process of the collision, the strength of the ancient ice flame was still weakening, as if it had been absorbed by something.

Although he didn’t know how it was all right, he knew that if he continued to fight, his entire arm would be destroyed by Ye Xiu.

So he stopped quickly.


Ye Xiu looked up to the sky and screamed. It’s been a long time since he played so happy.

And after absorbing a large amount of ancient ice flames, his own Cultivation Base is also fast Ascension, at this time his Cultivation Base is only one step away from the third stage of life.

“Fenghuo Knife Jue.”

Xiang Shaolong’s eyes showed a stern look, Ye Xiu’s strength was stronger than he had imagined. If he didn’t show some real skills, he might really not be able to surrender Ye Xiu.

As he said, a cyan sword appeared in his hand, and a layer of blue flame was attached to it.

At the same time, a wisp of fresh breeze blew, if it meant that it usually coiled around his body, and then spread on the saber, making the alternating hot and cold on it more obvious.

“A physique with dual attributes of wind and fire?”

Ye Xiu was startled. The fire attribute physique is more common, but the wind attribute physique is extremely rare, and the dual attributes of wind and fire are also a rarer intergrowth physique.

The intergrowth here is not the intergrowth in Five Elements, but because the wind helps the fire.

In addition, the ancient ice flames are special, which can be hot or cold, so Xiang Shaolong’s physique with wind attributes is stronger than wood attributes.

Because the power of the wind attribute also has two sides, it can not only increase the intensity of the fire, but also reduce the temperature of the surface of the object, which is just in line with the characteristics of the ancient ice flame.

It makes Tiangu Ice Flame hotter when it is hot, and colder when it is cold.

“go to hell.”

Xiang Shaolong yelled, and the sword in his hand snapped out suddenly, and the blade of Spirit Power was mixed with the coldness of the ancient ice flame, and instantly came to Ye Xiu’s.

And two extreme situations also appeared on both sides of this blade, one side was hot as fire, the other side was as cold as frost.

Between the alternation of cold and heat, a peculiar power was formed, full of an aura of destruction.


Ye Xiu didn’t expect that this young dragon would actually combine the two powers of wind and fire, and with the help of the ancient ice flames, they would exert these two powers to the extreme.

Of course, this only surprised Ye Xiu a little, because fusion power was his specialty.

But Ye Xiu didn’t intend to bully people in this way. With a sway of his right hand, the Pluto sword appeared in his hand. Then, the sword body trembled, and a murderous aura of real substance spread.


Ye Xiu’s figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, the figure had already arrived behind Xiang Shaolong.


With a dull light sound, the blade light shattered, Xiang Shaolong’s shoulder burst directly into a cloud of blood, and a bone-bearing sword wound appeared on his shoulder.

“How can it be!”

Xiang Shaolong was shocked, this Wind Fire Saber Technique was formed by fusing the Gale Saber Technique and the Chiyan Saber Technique.

Although the power of Fenghuo Dao Jue is not as powerful as Wu Yi Dao’s Wentian Dao Jue, it can be made extremely powerful with the power of Tiangu Ice Flame.

Moreover, under the alternation of cold and heat, an effect similar to a grinding disc is formed, which can completely wipe out the enemy’s offensive, which can be called an absolute defense.

But Ye Xiu’s sword not only broke his attack, but also wounded him.

The most important thing is, if Ye Xiu’s sword is not looking at his own shoulders, but his own neck, isn’t he already in a different place?

“Do you have any means, just use it, otherwise, you won’t have a chance.”

Ye Xiu hadn’t played the game yet, and finally ran into a decent opponent. Wouldn’t it be too wasteful if he didn’t squeeze out his methods.

However, if this Shaolong didn’t have a hole card at the bottom of the box, then he wouldn’t bother to continue playing.


Xiang Shaolong was very annoyed. The master of his own destiny Third Stage Heaven was beaten by Ye Xiu without any power to fight back. This felt that it was more difficult for him to accept than killing him.

He had thought that Ye Xiu’s strength would be very strong before, but he didn’t expect to get to this point. In front of him, he was crushed in all directions like an ugly duckling.

Own’s physical body is inferior to him, there is no advantage in combat skills, Tiangu Bingyan does not take the slightest advantage here, even the wind and fire knife art that he is proud of looks so weak and weak.

The only thing higher than him is own Cultivation Base, but this Cultivation Base still has no advantage in front of others.

How to fight this special.

But he couldn’t directly admit defeat like Murong Bing.

Murong Bing is a woman, and his power is completely restrained by Ye Xiu, even if he admits defeat, no one will say anything. If he knows he is defeated and continues to fight, it will be truly ridiculous.

But he was different. Ye Xiu’s power didn’t restrain himself. He had killed the disciple of the Sword Sect before and forged a vengeance of life and death with the Sword Sect.

If he admits defeat at this time, then the entire magic knife gate will be ashamed of it, which is something he can’t accept anyway.

“Daddy fights with you.”

A look of determination flashed in Xiang Shaolong’s eyes. He could not lose in this battle, even if he lost the qualification to compete for the first place, he would kill Ye Xiu here.

Otherwise, not only his Face can’t get through, but the Sacred Sword Gate will also be affected.

So with a move in his heart, he directly took out a Medicine Pill and swallowed it.

Since the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage can’t beat you, then I will break through to the Fourth Stage. I don’t believe you can beat me across two Realms.

Immediately afterwards, the aura on Xiang Shaolong’s body began to surge, like an erupting volcano, unstoppable.

“Breakthrough? Well, this is also a hole card.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, but there was no change in his expression, but a look of expectation was revealed.

Xiang Shaolong of the Third Stage is too weak. If he breaks through the Fourth Stage, then this battle will be more interesting, and it will not be useless for him to participate in this competition.

“Brother Ye, what are you doing, stop him, don’t let him break through the Cultivation Base.”

Yi Wushuang on the side stopped doing it. You must know that Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base only had his second stage of life. No matter how strong his strength, Xiao Shaolong, who could defeat the third stage of life, was already at his limit.

Once Xiang Shaolong breaks through, his strength will be several times that of Ascension, and by then, their situation will be reversed by an eighty degree.

But Ye Xiu didn’t even mean to make a move. Are you still waiting for him to make a breakthrough?

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