Chapter 685: Ye Truce and Xiang Shaolong

“Let’s compete for the top three places. In the first game, Ye Xiu will play against Xiang Shaolong. Please take the two to come on stage.”

The old man came to the stage again, and it was the number plates of Ye Xiu and Xiang Shaolong that he drew. As soon as he said this, everyone on the scene became excited. This time, he should not be overkill.

“Finally it’s my turn, boy, immediately kneel down for me, and I can give you a good time later.”

Xiang Shaolong’s eyes immediately shot a strong murderous intent, and he suddenly appeared on the battle platform with a cold look on the opposite Ye Xiu.

Although Ye Xiu’s previous performance was amazing, it was still within his tolerance.

“Bai Yanqing also said this.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

“This is an absolute answer, directly using Bai Yanqing to top Xiang Shaolong, it is really a relief.”

“We haven’t started the fight, and the smell of gunpowder between the two is so strong. If we can’t do it, the battle before Mu Tianye was still fierce.”

“After waiting for two days, I finally got a good show.”

Everyone was shocked by Ye Xiu’s strong counterattack, and at the same time they felt very relieved.

He Xiang Shaolong bullied others on weekdays, and now someone can teach him a lesson, and at the same time they are more looking forward to the next battle.

“Stop talking nonsense, see the real chapter under your hand, Tian Gu Yin.”

Xiang Shaolong’s face was livid, this kid really doesn’t open which pot to pick up which pot.

Bai Yanqing did say this, but Ye Xiu didn’t kneel down and didn’t die. On the contrary, Bai Yanqing was killed by Ye Xiu. His proposal at this time was a naked provocation.

That being the case, he didn’t have much to say. When he flipped his right hand, a blue flame rose up and exuded an icy breath, like a flame condensed from ice.

The coldness from this flame is not the coldness of the body, but the coldness of the soul, so cold that it can freeze the soul of a person.

Under Xiang Shaolong’s control, this cyan flame was distorted and turned into a cyan seal, shining brightly.

“This is… Tiangu Ice Flame!”

Some people below recognized the origin of the flame and exclaimed one after another.

Celestial Ice Flame is a kind of extremely cloudy and chilling flame, ranking fifth in the high-rank fire list. At the same time, it is also the only flame that can be controlled by both ice and fire systems.

The ancient ice flame on this day is a kind of flame produced after the ice is extremely cold, and it is a manifestation of the cathode generating yang.

This kind of flame generally only exists under the glaciers formed tens of thousands of years, so it is different from ordinary fires. It can be hot or cold, and the conversion between cold and heat depends on the person who controls it.

Very rare.

So possessing this fire is equivalent to possessing the two physiques of ice and fire, which is invaluable.

Everyone knows that Xiang Shaolong has a powerful flame, but he didn’t expect it to be the ancient ice flame. Murong Bing looked extremely jealous.

You know, this is the kind of flame she wants most.

If he had the ancient ice flame before, coupled with the increase of his ice spirit sacrament, I am afraid he would not concede defeat to Ye Xiu.

It’s a pity that she searched for a long time and couldn’t find any clues related to it.

“Li Huo Yin.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up suddenly, Tiangu Bingyan was a kind of fire that could not be met, and its value was extremely high.

Although it is only ranked fifth in the advanced fire list, getting it is equivalent to having an extra physique, so its value is more precious than the third-ranked blood phagocytic purple inflammation.

If he can absorb and refine it, maybe he can directly break through to the third stage of his life.

As he said, a flame seal was also condensed in the palm of Ye Xiu’s palm. The whole body was gilded, exuding a hot aura, like a rising sun, instantly dispelling the surrounding chill.


The two made their voices almost at the same time, and then, two mysterious big seals of white and gold flew out at the same time and collided together.


The two large flame seals are like two comets colliding together, making a deafening roar, and randomly turning into flames at the same time to spread out and gradually dissipate.

“You, what kind of flame are you?”

Xiang Shaolong was shocked. Tiangu Bingyan was the fifth-ranked high-level fire. Naturally, he was not powerful enough to say that Ye Xiu was able to tie himself, which was completely beyond his expectation.

Could it be said that his fire is also a high-level flame, but he has never seen an introduction about this fire.

“Kill your flames.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, the reason why they were tied this time was not because Da Ri Jin Yan was not strong enough, but because Lihuo Yin itself was not as strong as Tian Gu Yin.

This Lihuo Yin was the talented supernatural power obtained by refining a Demonic Beasts before. It was of low grade and pitiful. After that, he didn’t take the time to study it.

However, this ancient seal of the sky was created by Xiang Shaolong based on his original combat skills and based on the characteristics of the ancient ice flame, capable of exerting the power of the ancient ice flame to the extreme.

If it wasn’t for the power of the big day golden flames to be strong enough, this strike would not be a tie.

“Looking for death, Yin & Yang has three masters.”

Xiang Shaolong was furious and slapped it out with a palm, and the ancient ice flame of alternating cold and hot was directly attached to his palm and struck Ye Xiu.

The Yin & Yang Three Great Palms are the palms he chose specifically for the ancient ice flames. This palm contains the Yin & Yang Dao, which is fully in line with the characteristics of the ancient ice flames.

Among them, the three musts are Juetian, Judi, and Jueren. The cultivation to the extreme, it can directly destroy one world.

This palm technique is the same as the Heavenly Ancient Seal he created with all his strength. It can exert the power of the Heavenly Ancient Ice Flame to the greatest extent, and the power is naturally very impressive.

Even the masters of Fourth Stage can’t resist this strike.

“Nine Sun Profound Palm.”

Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged, and he also slapped.

Da Ri Jin Yan began to churn, also attached to Ye Xiu’s palm, stepping out in one step, and the whole person was like an arrow from the string, and instantly came to Xiang Shaolong’s face.


The two palms collided together, directly wiping out the flames, and the surrounding space was distorted by the terrifying temperature.

After a brief stalemate, the two retreated at the same time, standing a hundred meters apart, with their eyes facing each other.

“Come again!”

Ye Xiuyi said unfinishedly, this Xiang Shaolong could be regarded as the first opponent he encountered after he came to the Martial Domain who could contend with him.

This made him very excited, after all, nearly a month of sailing at sea made him feel dull.

Especially seeing Mu Tianye playing so happily, he was also very envious in his heart.

Now that he has run into an opponent, he has to play a game happily.

With that, he rushed towards Xiang Shaolong again.

“as you wish.”

Xiang Shaolong didn’t shrink back, strode out, and rushed towards Ye Xiu again.

Boom boom boom…

There was a strong collision sound, and everyone could only see the two figures of white and gold constantly moving on the battle platform. At the moment of collision, sparks were flying everywhere, it was so gorgeous.

It looks like an explosion of fireworks, gold and white, and beautiful.

If the sky were darker, they would really think that this was the married couple giving fireworks.

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