Chapter 677: Mu Tianye fights with a sword

“One cut, don’t keep your hand in later.”

Xiang Shaolong said with a cold face, Wu Yidao was the strongest among the core disciple disciples, and even he would have to spend some hands and feet to defeat it.

This Mu Tianye came with Ye Xiu, and it seemed that their previous relationship was not ordinary.

Since he couldn’t kill Ye Xiu to avenge Bai Yanqing and vent his anger, he would use the people around him to vent his anger.

Although Mu Tianye’s Cultivation Base is not low, it is definitely not Wu Yidao’s opponent.

“Senior brother, don’t worry.”

Wu Yidao nodded and replied, Bai Yanqing was killed. This is simply the shame of their Divine Sword Sect. As a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, he naturally has the responsibility to help the Sacred Sword Sect to save his face.

Mu Tianye, he really doesn’t To put in one’s eyes.

With that, Wu Yidao jumped and jumped onto the battle platform.


The formation is turned on, and everyone’s eyes are focused on these two people.

“Who do you think will win this competition?”

“It’s hard to say, if it were before, I would definitely think Wu would win with a sword, but now, I am not sure, who knows if he is as perverted as Ye Xiu.”

“It is true. As the so-called tales gather, people are divided into groups. This person can get together with Ye Xiu, and his strength is definitely extraordinary.”

“I still think that Wu will win with one sword. He is not Bai Yanqing and his like. It is said that it will not take long to be promoted to the true legend. The Saber Technique is even more fascinating. It may be difficult for Mu Tianye to win.”

“It’s also more interesting, isn’t it, this kind of suspenseful competition hasn’t been encountered for a long time.”

“That’s true.”

Everyone talked a lot, it was indeed Ye Xiu’s previous performance that refreshed their understanding.

However, there are still most people who think that Wu Yidao will win. After all, they all know the strength of Wu Yidao, and it is difficult for the masters of the Fourth Stage to be their opponents.

As for the people who are optimistic about Mu Tianye, it is also because of Ye Xiu’s relationship. People who can become friends with him will never be easy.

However, whether it is those who support Mu Tianye or those who support Wu Yidao, they are looking forward to this competition.

They all know the situation of the four major sects, and they know which one is strong and which one is weak at a glance. That is to say, there is a little suspense between Xiang Shaolong and Yi Wushuang and the others.

But this time it was different. They didn’t know anything about Mu Tianye and couldn’t judge who was stronger.

The winner can only be determined when the two are over.

So this competition also made everyone look forward to it.

“Boy, let’s go to war.”

On the battle platform, Wu Yidao flicked his right hand, and a middle-rank Xuan-rank sword appeared in his hand, and asked Mu Tianye.

He is full of confidence in own strength, but will not underestimate Mu Tianye, let alone any opponent, this is the difference between him and Bai Yanqing.

The lion’s fight against the rabbit still needs its full strength, not to mention a contest between people.

“Coincidentally, I also use a knife.”

Mu Tianye shook his right hand, and a nine-ring golden sword appeared in his hand, and said faintly: “Yours is a middle-grade mysterious soldier, and mine is a high-grade mysterious soldier. It is not fair to you to fight like this. Let me give you an arm.”

“What did you say!”

Wu froze with a knife and gave me an arm, which really looked down on people.

But again, he really didn’t expect Mu Tianye to have a high-grade mysterious soldier in his hand. This thing is extremely rare in the sacred sword gate.

You know, the middle-rank Xuanbing in his hand was given to him by his master as an exception, and there were not many magic swords.

And he also knows that Mu Tianye is from Eastern Wasteland, why he is richer than himself.

“Little Ye Zi, Amano is a little bit bigger now.”

Lin Qingcheng was also taken aback. She didn’t know how strong Mu Tianye’s real strength was, but due to the same rank master, she was a little overwhelmed.

Don’t look at it, it’s just an arm loss, but the strength is directly reduced by 30%, and Mu Tianye may also have a hard time winning.

“Don’t worry, he will be fine.”

Ye Xiu was also a little speechless, this kid pretended to come to China.

However, he is still very confident in Mu Tianye’s strength, not to mention his Heavenly Demon body, just his Dragon Slaying Sword Art. It is really not easy for ordinary people to defeat him.

No matter how bad it is, he can still draw a tie with this Wu, and defeat is impossible.

“You are confident.”

Lin Qingcheng was defeated by his two brothers, couldn’t he fight a good fight? If you have to give out these moths, treat the enemy fair and unfairly, just go straight up and beat him up.

Ye Xiu smiled silently.

“Very well, you asked for it.”

Although Wu Yidao felt that his own dignity had been humiliated, he had nothing to say about the enemy. Since Mu Tianye was looking for death, he had no reason to refuse.

“Stop talking nonsense, do it.”

Mu Tianye’s eyes burst out with a strong intent to fight, and his whole body is constantly trembling, which is excited.

He hasn’t played a good game for a long time, and this time he must have a good fight.

“As you wish, Zhu Lang Sword Art!”

Wu Yidao no longer talked nonsense, and slashed it out, and the sharp sword aura directly pulled out a thunderbolt and trained on the horse, like a stormy sea, and slew towards Mu Tianye.

In Mu Tianye’s eyes, he even saw a huge wave emerging, rushing towards him.

The sacred sword gate is named after the sword. You don’t need to think about it. They majored in the sword technique, and this wave of the sword technique is the best among the many sword techniques, and the grade is as high as the top grade of the mysterious rank.

This slash went down, it was like a huge wave, unstoppable.

If Mu Tianye did not have a powerful Saber Technique, then this strike would be enough to kill him.

“Good job, Dragon Sword Art.”

Mu Tianye’s eyes shone brightly, and the aura on his body was suddenly shaken, and the monstrous fighting intent was immediately released, even causing the sword aura to stop.


At the same time, the nine-ring golden sword in Mu Tianye’s hand trembled violently, making a thunderous roar.

Suddenly, he slashed out, as if opening up the world, directly smashing the huge wave in front of him, and at the same time, the sword surged into the sky, turning into a hundred-zhang sword, Ying Chaowu slashed straight down.


Wu Yidao was shocked, he had never seen him such a domineering sword art, and it was only a single stab that broke his attack.

Moreover, at this time, he was firmly locked in by this sword aura, and even a breath of Death was born in his heart. This was the first time he felt this feeling.

However, after a while, he calmed down, and his eyes also showed strong excitement.

He has seen a lot of Saber Techniques, but such a domineering and fierce Saber Technique is definitely very rare. Fighting against it is a good opportunity to hone his own.

If you can get this sword art, maybe you can perfect your own sword art.

This is what he wants to encounter in his dreams.

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