Chapter 675: Mu Tianye goes to war

“Thank you three for speaking up.”

Ye Xiu didn’t care about Xiang Shaolong’s threat at all, but bowed to Yi Wushuang and the others, thanking him.

Although he didn’t take Xiang Shaolong’s threat to heart at all, they had helped himself after all, and he had written down this favor.

“You don’t have to thank us, it was his magical swordsman who did too much.”

Yi Wushuang waved his hand and said, this is what he should do. He has long been uncomfortable with the magic sword gate, and this time it can be regarded as a lesson for them.

And Ye Xiu helped them a lot, but he didn’t help him.

Murong Bing didn’t speak, and just sat back, without even looking at Ye Xiu.

The reason why she came forward was also because she couldn’t get used to the practice of the Divine Sword Gate, and because she looked at Lin Qingcheng’s Face, it was not to help Ye Xiu.

“Brother Yi, I see that you and Brother Ye have a close temper, and the strength of Brother Ye is not to be underestimated. Why don’t you do good deeds to the end and include him in your Scarlet Cloud Sect. In this way, he wants to find Brother Ye. The troubles have to be weighed.”

Zhou Yan’s face still has the harmless look of humans and animals.

“This feeling is good, but I don’t know that Brother Ye can’t look at our Scarlet Cloud Sect anymore.”

Yi Wushuang had this intention, but now he is not good at taking the initiative to bring it forward, otherwise he would be a little bit of a plan to repay his favor. Zhou Yan’s words have solved his troubles.

“It’s a great honor, but let’s wait until after the competition.”

Ye Xiu gave Zhou Yan a thoughtful look and said.

Scarlet Cloud Sect is definitely going to go. If Yi Wushuang’s recommendation is given, he should have less trouble, but this way, Scarlet Cloud Sect will not necessarily get the attention of him in the past.

The main purpose of his going to Scarlet Cloud Sect was for the mantra of war characters. If he didn’t get the attention of Scarlet Cloud Sect high-level officials, it would be difficult for him to come into contact with some secrets that ordinary people can’t touch.

Therefore, he intends to use this big competition to prove his own strength to Scarlet Cloud Sect, which can save a lot of time.

As for Zhou Yan’s actions, he felt a trace of conspiracy.

He first hinted that the Sacred Sword Gate waited for Dabi Technology before coming to own trouble, and then introduced himself to the Sacred Sword Gate to avoid future troubles.

It seemed well-intentioned, but Ye Xiu felt something was wrong.

Although he still doesn’t know what the purpose of this guy is doing this, it must be uneasy, so he thinks he has to guard against it in the future.

“Okay, then I’ll just sweep the couch and wait.”

Yi Wushuang didn’t notice this, but he saw Ye Xiu’s intentions, and he didn’t mind it either.

Because he also wanted to see how strong Ye Xiu was.

“Then congratulations to Brother Yi, for recruiting another master for Scarlet Cloud Sect.”

Zhou Yan smiled.

“Same joy and joy.”

Yi Wushuang smiled and sat back.

Zhou Yan didn’t say anything, and Ye Xiu also returned to Mu Tianye and the others.

“Senior Brother Zhou, why do you give such a master cupped hands to Scarlet Cloud Sect?”

A disciple next to Zhou Yan is strange, this is not in line with Zhou Yan’s consistent style of monopolizing benefits.

This Ye Xiu’s strength has been proven, even Bai Yanqing is not his one-one enemy, his potential is very huge, such a disciple, Five Elements Sect has received a great help.

But this time Zhou Yan changed his normal and gave Ye Xiu cupped hands to Scarlet Cloud Sect, which really made them puzzled.

“What do you know, Ye Xiu’s potential is great, but do you think the Magic Sword Sect will just let it go?”

Zhou Yan said with a smug look: “It’s absolutely impossible, so whoever accepts him will be unlucky, Chiyun Sect is no exception, wait and see, the good show is still to come.”

Ye Xiu killed the disciples of the Sacred Sword Sect, and they would not give up with the style of the Sacred Sword Sect in the past.

If Scarlet Cloud Sect had to protect Ye Xiu, then this battle would be inevitable.

At that time, as long as you use a few tricks yourself, the Scarlet Cloud Sect and the Divine Blade Sect will consume more of each other’s strength.

Maybe, his Five Elements sect can take this opportunity to rise quickly, sweep away the magic sword and the scarlet cloud, and become the master of the entire martial arts domain.

“Brother wise.”

Everyone understood Zhou Yan’s purpose, and at the same time they secretly sighed that this smiling tiger really deserved its reputation.

It was the afternoon in a blink of an eye, and more than ten competitions were held, and only a dozen people were left without the competition.

At this time, the old man walked onto the platform and once again drew two number plates.

“Thirteen versus forty-two, please come to the stage to challenge the person with the corresponding number plate.”

The old man said.

“Finally it’s daddy’s turn.”

Mu Tianye almost jumped up in excitement, watching other people fight, sitting on a cold bench by himself, his mood was extremely depressed.

If he doesn’t call himself again, he will go crazy.

With that, he rushed to the battle platform in one stride.

At this time, another person walked out of the magic knife gate.

“This is really a narrow road for Yuanjia.”

With a lot of money, Ye Xiu just killed a disciple of the Sacred Sword Sect, and now Mu Tianye has encountered another one, and they have slammed into the Sacred Sword Sect.

But he didn’t worry about Mu Tianye.

The strength of his second brother is very strong, and only Ye Xiu can suppress it if his life is below Fourth Stage. As for the others, it is not enough.

“It’s okay.”

Ye Xiu said, it was easy to deal with this person with Mu Tianye’s strength.

“Dage, I’ll go out for a while.”

Qian Duoduo’s eyes turned around. When Ye Xiu tried before, he found that a handicap was opened outside, and Ye Xiu’s odds reached a height of one to ten.

In other words, if you buy Ye Xiu with a high-grade primordial stone, if Ye Xiu wins, he will get ten top-grade primordial stones.

This is a huge profit.

It’s a pity that when he knew it, the other party had stopped betting, which made him earn a lot of yuan.

This time his second brother will definitely win the competition, and he will naturally not miss it again.

“How did it become one to three.”

When there was a lot of money to the handicap, he found that Mu Tianye’s odds were one to three, not even one-third of the previous one, which made him a little disappointed.

“Hurry up if you want to sell, there will be others behind.”

The group of people said irritably, how could Ye Xiu be so tough, and the person who came with him, could it be simple? If it weren’t for the strength of the people who played at the magic sword gate, this ratio would have been lowered.

“Of course I bought it, one million top-grade yuan stones, I bought the No. 42 to win.”

Qian Duoduo directly took out a storage precept, not because he didn’t want to buy more, but because he was afraid that buying too much would scare the other party away.

The ratio of one to three does not seem to be high, but if the base reaches a certain level, it will be a fortune. The organizers of this market are just a group of Rogue Cultivators, I am afraid that they will not be able to come up with such a multiplicity of stones.

Isn’t that the only option left to run the road?

“My friend, you are sure you want to buy No. 42 to win. I can tell you that No. 13 is named Wu Yidao. He is one of the best masters in the core disciple of the magic knife. Cultivation Base has reached the third stage of his life. It is not at all. Bai Yanqing is comparable, I advise you to buy him to win.”

Someone next to him reminded him aloud that one million high-grade Yuanshi is not a small amount, he was afraid that he would lose too badly because of a lot of money.

“Thank you senior for reminding me, but I can afford to lose just one million high-grade Yuanshi.”

Qian Duoduo thanked him, after all, they were also kind.

“Oh, it’s up to you.”

The man shook his head and didn’t say much. He just saw that his Cultivation Base was not high. This was a kind reminder that after all, it is not easy for Rogue Cultivators to earn some gems.

But if others don’t take it seriously, what can I do.

It was not his money that lost anyway.

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