Chapter 666: Arriving in Shenzhou

With the passage of time, the power of the exotic wind is getting weaker and weaker, which gradually reduces the pressure on them.

After they drove for an hour and a half, the power of the exotic winds was also weakened to the point where formation could resist them, and there was no need to worry about things.

Moreover, they had already seen the land far away at this time, which was exactly the boundary of China.

“Aren’t I dreaming? We actually survived. It feels like a dream.”

“Do you hurt or not, if it hurts, you are not dreaming.”

“Of course it hurts, it seems that all this is not a dream, but why don’t you pinch yourself?”

“I fear pain.”


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, many of them wept with joy, and some knelt on the ground and yelled, venting their emotions.

The experience of going to sea this time was not easy, especially in the last few days, it was even more shocking.

They all thought that they couldn’t go back this time.

But I didn’t expect that things had taken such a big turn. This feeling of big ups and downs was really exciting, and it made them feel like they were left behind.

At the same time, I secretly vowed in my heart that even if the Chamber of Commerce gave more Yuanshi, they would not go to sea again, it was terrible.

“Now is not the time to relax, just work harder.”

The manager sat cross-legged on the ground to restore the Cultivation Base, and reminded them at the same time.

Although I have seen Shenzhou now, it is still a long way from Shenzhou. It takes at least three hours to reach it. It is also possible to encounter danger in this process.

So they can’t relax until the last moment, lest they fail.


Everyone also calmed down. The steward was right. It was not the time to relax, so they gritted their teeth and continued to sprint.

After three hours, they finally entered the port. By this time, the exotic wind that they could feel was minimal.

When the warship really landed, they were relieved, and their hanging hearts fell to the ground.

Many people were directly tired and paralyzed on the ground, panting heavily. Unconsciously, their eyes became wet and they began to cry bitterly.

Many people jumped off the boat directly, and they secretly vowed that they would never board the boat again. This experience cast a shadow in their hearts.

The moment my feet landed, an unprecedented sense of steadfastness came to my heart.

It’s good to be alive.

“You can come back.”

Before this warship entered the port, it attracted the attention of nearby people and surrounded them.

You know, the window period of the endless seas ended seven days earlier, and everyone was caught off guard, so if nothing else, this warship will be the first and the only one coming from Eastern Wasteland. Warship.

As for the other warships, I am afraid they have been buried in the endless sea.

After this battle, the major chambers of commerce may also have suffered heavy losses, and the loss of the warship alone is enough for them to suffer.

The lowest-grade warships all have the Xuan-rank high-grade, and their value can even be comparable to the average Dao Item. Once lost, even in a powerful chamber of commerce, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

As for the people at the scene, what they value is the goods brought back from Eastern Wasteland.

Don’t look at Eastern Wasteland in the hearts of their Chinese people, but there are many things that are unique to Eastern Wasteland, so the price in China is very expensive, and many of them are directly luxury goods.

It is precisely because of such huge profits that the major chambers of commerce are rushing to send ships to Eastern Wasteland. As long as they can return a ship, they will make a profit.

But like this time, only one of dozens of warships returned, the first time in ten thousand years.

This directly led to the increase in the value of the goods on board, so they immediately surrounded them, wanting to buy more things, because in the next hundred years, these things will continue to increase and eventually become luxury items in luxury goods.

The more you grab now, the more you will earn in the future. Who wants to miss such an opportunity to make a big profit?

“Dage, you guys are here for a while, I’m going to sell something.”

When Qian Duoduo saw the people below who were clamoring to buy things, his eyes immediately lit up. It seemed that his estimation was not wrong this time, and he could take the opportunity to make a lot of money.

“You also brought something?”

Ye Xiu was a little strange. This kid only left for one day. He thought he was going to accompany Uncle Qian, but he didn’t expect to bring private goods. He didn’t even know about this.

“Of course, this is a necessary trait for a good businessman.”

Qian Duoduo smiled and said. When he heard Xiao Tianxing talk about the situation in China, he keenly sensed that this was an opportunity to make a lot of money, and he might be able to accumulate his original funds for opening a chamber of commerce in China in one fell swoop.

Although he brought millions of top-grade primordial stones, compared to Shenzhou, a few million top-grade primordial stones are nothing at all.

That’s why he moved his mind. As long as he didn’t make a mistake, he didn’t need to start from scratch like he did in the wasteland before.

“How many things did you bring?”

Mu Tianye also asked very curiously.

“Not much, just a few hundred storage rings. Okay, you are waiting for me here, depending on the situation here, I will be able to sell out soon.”

Qian Duoduo ran out directly.

He couldn’t wait to make a fortune, and even he was a little grateful that the window period ended early.

In this way, these goods in his hands can become exotic, and he can definitely sell for a hundred or even a thousand times the price.

Moreover, he was still prepared to bring goods this time, basically all things unique to the wasteland, rough calculations, these goods in his hand can at least earn him hundreds of millions of high-grade gems.

“If this kid can turn half of his business energy to cultivation, he might have reached his fate now.”

Lin Qingcheng is not very polite and authentic. Her Lin family is considered to be a merchant’s home. She has been nurtured since she was a child, but even so, she does not have such a keen business sense.

No wonder he was able to do such a big business, and in just one year, he became one of the three giants in the barren land chamber of commerce.

If it weren’t for the influence of Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor and Own, I believe it won’t take long for the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce to force them to run out of business in the Lin Family.

Even her self-proclaimed Bufan Big sis, she has boasted a lot of money in front of her more than once.

This has never happened before.

“It’s probably difficult.”

Ye Xiu smiled. This kid’s biggest interest is doing business. If he can transfer half of his enthusiasm to cultivation, then he won’t have a lot of money.

“It’s not that it’s difficult, but it’s impossible.”

Mu Tianye shook his head and said, under his persecution for the previous six months, this kid still couldn’t stop thinking about doing business, thinking about how to make money all day.

Therefore, I know more about money than Ye Xiu.

In his opinion, this kid is impossible to change unless the sun hits the west.

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