Chapter 665: The cloud swallowing beast repays his favor

“It’s too early to say this, Ye Xiu, do you have any ideas?”

The manager shook his head. Although he wouldn’t be so stupid to die here with them, he wouldn’t give up until the last moment.

Otherwise, he would not even be able to pass his own level.

So he looked at Ye Xiu, this kid could defeat the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor with his own destiny, he must have an extraordinary point, maybe he could have any good way at this time.

“Can you sink the warship to the bottom of the sea?”

Ye Xiu asked, he had never seen the power of this wave, but judging from their performance, this warship couldn’t resist it at all.

Then they might as well avoid their sharp edges and sink directly into the bottom of the sea. In this way, not only the huge waves cannot cause damage to them, but they can also effectively evade the foreign winds and win respite.

After the huge wave passed, they surfaced again, and the crisis would not be as great as before.

“No, our warship is not level enough. It can only dive thousands of feet to the bottom of the sea, but this depth can’t get rid of the influence of the waves, and it may even be thrown directly from the bottom of the sea to the sky. The final result is still the ship destroyed. People die. What’s more, there are powerful sea beasts on the bottom of the sea, which we cannot resist at all.”

A sailor shook his head and said that they had used this method before, but it could only be used in general weather conditions.

But now the weather in the endless sea is in a very extreme situation. This method does not work at all. Unless you dive deep below the seabed, you can completely get rid of the impact of the huge waves.

But the huge water pressure was enough to squash the warship.

If they lose the protection of the warship, in the deep sea, people without water physique will definitely be a dead end. This is still not counting the situation in which the living sea beasts pose a threat to them.

So this method simply doesn’t work.

“Is there really no way at all?”

Qian Duoduo frowned.

“Unless there is a miracle.”

The sailors glanced at each other, and then said in unison, their moods have fallen to the bottom as they watched the surging waves that had already begun to appear.

And their so-called miracle is basically impossible in the endless sea.

Can only watch the warship being swallowed by the huge waves little by little.


But at this moment, there was a loud noise from the rear of the ship, and then everyone saw a huge monster appearing behind the ship, setting off a shocking water column.

This is just a huge Izumo beast.

But this Izumo beast was very huge, and it looked like a big mountain emerged from under the sea, and there was a small Izumo beast next to it.

It was the one who sent Ye Xiu over.

But compared with the size of the two, it is almost a hundred times worse.

Compared with the adult Izumo beast, the warship they were riding on was as small as an ant.


The other party let out a dull cry, then opened the blood basin and swallowed the warship in one mouthful.

Ye Xiu and the others only felt the darkness in front of them, and immediately understood that they had entered the mouth of the Cloud Beast.

“Fuck, this Chuyun Beast En will avenge revenge.”

Everyone was speechless, even Ye Xiu felt a sense of powerlessness.

But they saved their family before taking care of it, and they didn’t repay their gratitude. They even swallowed them by gratitude. How could it be done?

It’s simply crossing the river to demolish the bridge.

It’s not as good as the little Izumomon, at least people still know a word of thanks, but he is better, and directly intends to turn them into own dung.

“Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t know, it’s here to repay your gratitude. With its help, all of us on this ship should be able to return to China alive.”

Guan Shi got in touch with this Izumo beast, and it swallowed the warship not to feast, but to protect them.

Although the strange winds and waves were terrifying, they couldn’t get the slightest bit of the cloud beast.

So they are safe now.

“Really, it’s too interesting.”

When everyone’s eyes lit up, they immediately understood, and a few of them cried with joy.

They had watched the two ships sank before, and none of the people on it had a good end, they were directly torn apart by the foreign wind.

Now with the help of Izumomon, at least they don’t have to suffer from the bitterness of the Exotic Gangfeng Body.

If you are lucky, it is not impossible to return to China.

“Everyone quickly regained their strength during this time, and Izumo Beast can only send us to the offshore of Shenzhou, so we still need to take the road behind.”

The steward reminded aloud that this Izumo Beast was too big, so it was too close to the Shenzhou that it could not rely on. It needed to leave a space for itself to turn around.

According to his calculations, in the end there should be half a day’s journey for them to make their own way.

However, this is already a great thing for them, because the closer they are to China, the weaker the power of the exotic wind.

So they only need to survive the first two hours, even if they have survived this crisis.


Everyone saw hope, and the atmosphere on the boat changed 180 degrees for a while, and they immediately sat down cross-legged and began to recover the Cultivation Base.

They also don’t want to die, because they had no choice before, so they chose to give up.

But now it’s different. Whoever has the chance to live wants to die.

It was pitch black here, and I couldn’t feel the passage of time at all, and didn’t know how long it had passed, everyone just felt the light in front of them suddenly shine.

Immediately afterwards, sharp winds blew in from the outside, leaving many scars on them.

This immediately reminds them that the final sprint is about to begin.

The steward stood up and reactivated the large array to block the harassment of the wind. The others were already in their positions, and everything was ready.

The speed is so fast that only an afterimage can be seen with the naked eye.

Bang bang bang…

In the process of advancing, the fierce foreign wind is like a hammer, constantly beating the formation, causing the pressure on the steward to increase sharply.

But he can only grit his teeth and persevere.

The others also used twelve points of strength.

But as their power continues to output, their breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Many people have begun to take out Medicine Pill to restore Cultivation Base, because this is their only chance to survive.

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