Chapter 636: Facing Ten Thousand Bones

“Don’t be foolish. You can kill the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor with certainty. You will not help him if you go in, but will become a drag on him. If I were you, stay and kill the enemy as much as possible. Slow the recovery of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor.”

At this moment, Long Aotian’s voice rang in the three of them.

He said before that if there is someone who can completely kill the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, then it must be Ye Xiu. His Great Sun Golden Flame can be said to be the most powerful flame he has ever seen.

Even the top fires that Longmen once mastered can’t be compared with it.

What’s more, maybe he used this fire to kill the Demon King, which meant that even Li Qingxuan could not kill.

The most important thing is that the overall strength of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor at this time is not very strong after a long period of time. Ye Xiu’s strength is more than enough.

So it makes no sense for them to go in.

Instead of that, it’s better to stay and do what he says.

The Ten Thousand Bone Ceremony created by the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor is indeed terrifying, but it requires the power of Shura to connect with these bone warriors. Once they are killed, they need to absorb the Shura power from the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor to restore it.

In other words, the more bone warriors they killed, the more the power of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor would be consumed, and the slower his recovery rate would naturally be.

This is much better than going in to die.


Several people responded and immediately began to behead the bone warriors.

In fact, they themselves knew that even if they went in, they wouldn’t be able to help Ye Xiu, but they couldn’t help Ye Xiu encounter danger.

Now that Long Aotian had given them a way to help Ye Xiu, they also had a goal.

For a moment, the three of them seemed to be crazy, and fragments of bone warriors were beheaded by them.

But it is a pity that without Ye Xiu’s help, and the ten thousand bone demon emperor has broken the seal, these bone warriors have obtained sufficient Shura power, and their recovery power has become more rapid.

As soon as they were killed here, they recovered again over there.

More than that, the brothers who died in the previous battle are also affected by the power of Shura at this moment, and they have risen from the ground to become members of the bone warriors.

As one grows, the gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.


Xiao Tianxing commanded that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to them. The opponent now has a nearly immortal body, but his side is a flesh and blood body.

Moreover, if one person died on their side, it would be equivalent to one more person on the other side, and this battle could not be fought at all.

So he immediately changed his strategy, formed a battle formation and tried his best to kill these bone warriors, to buy time for Ye Xiu.

He also knew very well that the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor was different from these demon kings. If he did not kill him, it would be useless to destroy all the bone warriors on his side.

As long as the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor is still alive, he can pull up an army of bones at any time.

Moreover, the strength of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor is also very terrifying. Once restored, not only the wasteland will be threatened, but the entire Nine Heavens continent will face a catastrophe.

So they can only pin their hopes on Ye Xiu.

While talking, the people around us combine three and three to form a basic battle formation, and then combine with the other two battle formations on this basis to form a second-level formation, a third-level formation…

This battle formation is exactly the three talent battle formation created by Ye Xiu.

This is the result he summed up from countless battles, and the battle formation formed after many improvements. It is a way to maximize the power of the people under him.

This formation is not complicated, and the formation speed is also several times that of the same type of battle formation, which is very suitable for large-scale battles.

So after he returned to the Lingwu family, he told Xiao Tianxing about the battle formation of three talents, and he was responsible for passing it on to other strengths for cultivation.

Today, people in the entire wasteland have mastered the three-talented battle formation.

They actually used it before when they were fighting the army of bones, but they were all used on a small scale, which is naturally different from what they are now.

Hundreds of thousands of people were directly twisted into a rope with the help of the Three Talents Battlefield, and transformed into a huge meat grinder.

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of bone warriors were killed, and they only injured dozens of people.

Their recovery directly consumed a lot of Shura’s power.

At the same time, after Ye Xiu entered the great formation by virtue of the mantra of running characters, he came directly to the front of Emperor Wangu.

The latter was also surprised, and didn’t understand how Ye Xiu got in.

You know, this is his own condensed guardian formation, formed by the powerful Shura power, even if it is the King of Humans, it is difficult to force it to break open.

Ye Xiu at this time was nothing but Ninth Stage Sky, how could it be possible to do this.


Suddenly, Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor noticed a very familiar aura in Ye Xiu’s body, and immediately said: “So you have mastered the mantra of running characters, so it’s no wonder that you can come in!”

He found this line of mantra first, and Li Qingxuan got it from him.

After that, he also spent some time on Insight.

Although he also knew that he did not have a physical body and was unable to cultivate the mantra of the mantra, it would be a great blessing if he could understand the true meaning of the mantra of the mantra.

It’s a pity that he hasn’t been able to find anything useful until now.

Therefore, he is very familiar with the breath of the mantras of Xingzi, but he didn’t expect to encounter one directly after breaking the seal.

“However, what did you come in for, did you change your mind to submit to the widow?”

Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor asked expectantly, since Ye Xiu could master the mantra of the characters, he had to pay attention to this potential.

You must know that the power of the mantra of running characters is very powerful, and the difficulty of its cultivation is also very high.

Back then, he also asked many people to try the cultivation mantra, to see if it is as powerful as the legend describes it, but it ended in failure.

Moreover, Li Qingxuan once taught this method to others, but in the end no one succeeded.

Since Ye Xiu can master it, it shows that his potential is no lower than Li Qingxuan, or even higher. After all, Li Qingxuan at that time was already a powerhouse of the Supreme Realm.

Ye Xiu’s strength now, the two are completely different.

“I’ll kill you.”

A sharp light flashed in Ye Xiu’s eyes. He came in this time to kill the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor. Only by killing him will all this come to a successful conclusion.

“Kill me? It’s up to you?”

Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world. You must know that Li Qingxuan and the major forces failed to kill himself.

I really don’t know where he has the confidence to say such a thing.

Although this kid really surprised him by killing greed, greed is just an extension of his own strength, and it is absolutely different from himself.

As long as he has a thought, he can create countless greed in an instant, and those bone warriors are the best example.

The difference between the bone warrior and the demon king lies in the amount of Shura power he has injected.

Even if he stood here and didn’t move, it would be impossible for Ye Xiu to kill himself.

“How can I know if I don’t try.”

Ye Xiu’s right hand swayed, and the golden flames of the sun rose directly, turning into a fire dragon coiling on his arm, and the surrounding temperature rose rapidly because of its appearance.

The moment that Shura’s power touched it, it was immediately vaporized and made a sizzling sound.

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