Chapter 635 The Devil Emperor of Ten Thousand Bone Breaks the Seal

“not good!”

Ye Xiu seemed to have thought of something, and immediately looked in the direction of the formation, and saw that a huge bloody vortex appeared there, and Blood Qi was sucked into it by this vortex.

At this moment, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem, and they turned their attention to this side, even forgetting most of them, and the bone warriors also stopped one after another.

Each heart mentioned his throat.


Blood Qi seemed to have gathered to a limit and became extremely tyrannical. With a loud noise, the bloody vortex suddenly exploded, and the large array behind was also shattered, causing a burst of smoke.

At this moment, a faint light shot out from the smoke and dust, revealing the immortal coldness and murderous intent, causing everyone’s heartbeat to slow down by half a beat.

Breath also became abnormally heavy at this moment.

When all the dust settled, a black, tall skeleton walked slowly out of it, and the hollow eyes flashed with blood-colored light that could devour human hearts.

Swipe it!

Eight figures descended from the sky, landed around the skeleton, and then knelt down all together. It was the six demon kings and two guardians who had fought the six kings before.

At the same time, all the bone warriors around also knelt down and bowed their heads to the skeleton.

“Welcome your majesty.”

The loud shouts resounded throughout the world and shocked people’s hearts.

“How come there are only you, greedy?”

The black skeleton asked. Obviously, he also felt very surprised by this situation.

All of own’s subordinates were cultivated by his heart, and they are at stake for his life. As long as he does not die, they can survive forever.

But greed is not there, he doesn’t have the courage to ignore him.

“Back to your Majesty, greed has been killed.”

One person said.


Wan Bone Devil Emperor was startled, and then said: “This joke is not funny at all.”

“Your Majesty, this is true. Greed is killed by him. He possesses a very peculiar flame that poses a great threat to us. Please also your Majesty’s consent to let your subordinates kill him and avenge greed.”

The man pointed to Ye Xiu not far away.


Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor looked at Ye Xiu, looked up and down, and said faintly: “Would you like to surrender to the widow, take the place of greed, and assist the widow to rule the world?”

His tone was flat, but his words contained a kind of domineering that people didn’t dare to refute.

At the same time, there was a strong pressure coming down, and Ye Xiu was a little breathless, and a feeling of worshipping came in his heart.

In the eyes of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, since he can slay greed in the cave world, his potential is evident. If he can conquer it, it will be a good thing for him.

Moreover, he also wanted to know how Ye Xiu killed greed.


Under the stimulus of this pressure, Jiuchang Tianxin began to beat violently, directly dissolving the pressure, making Ye Xiu’s slightly curved body straighten again.

“There is no word surrender in daddy’s dictionary.”

Ye Xiu said firmly with a face.

“It’s kind of interesting, but it’s a pity that you don’t know the current affairs. Kill it.”

After the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor finished speaking, he stopped visiting Ye Xiu. Although he was a little curious about Ye Xiu’s situation, he would not pay too much attention to those who did not want to surrender to his own.

As for those who cannot be used for their own use, what is the use?


Everyone got the order and immediately killed Ye Xiu.


Six figures descended from the sky, it was the six kings on their side.

They were also extremely difficult in the previous battle. These people were all high-rank masters of the king, and the highest Cultivation Base on their side was the third stage of the king.

So except for Long Aotian, everyone else basically suffered some injuries, but they were not fatal.

“If you want to kill the little one, you have to step on my body first.”

Long Aotian yelled angrily and killed them. Others also shot one after another, once again fighting with the four great demon kings and the two great guardians.

The terrifying vigor erupted centered on these people, and the sky collapsed in an instant, as if the end had come, it was extremely terrifying.

This is the master of the human king realm. They fought in the void before, so other people couldn’t realize the terrible death of human beings at all, but now they act directly in front of humans, just the aftermath of the battle makes people feel like lightning.

Many people stepped back, otherwise, they would definitely be shaken to death by this force.

“Qi Tian, ​​you leave first.”

Ye Xiu suddenly spoke. Since the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor broke the seal, his gaze has been locked on the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor.

Although this Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor had an aura that ordinary people could not bear, his strength was not much higher than that of Xia Jiuyou who was controlled by the shadow.

Moreover, at this time, he returned to the Sealed Land again, and a large formation was laid between his waves.

Obviously, he intends to take the opportunity to regain his strength.

Li Qingxuan said before that the Cultivation Base of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor was as high as the Supreme Realm at its peak, but after a long period of time, the strength has long been out of ten.

So if you want to get rid of him, you can only take advantage of this time.

Once let him recover, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even if he only recovered 10% of his strength, it would be enough to wipe them all out.

Therefore, he must find a way to kill him before he recovers.

It’s just that this time is extremely dangerous, he can’t let Qi Tian take risks with him, after all, Qi Tian has done enough for himself.

“Little Ye Zi, don’t mess around, this Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor is not something you can deal with alone.”

Qi Tian seemed to see Ye Xiu’s thoughts and immediately persuaded him.

“I know what I’m doing.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, regardless of Qi Tiantong’s disagreement, he directly shook his soul out, quickly sealed his hands, and slowly spit out a line.

Then Ye Xiu turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the large formation laid by the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor.

“Don’t think about it!”

The remaining two demon kings immediately noticed Ye Xiu’s intentions, and directly tried to stop him.

But it is a pity that their Cultivation Base has not recovered, and their strength is only Ninth Stage, and they can’t stop Ye Xiu, who is extremely extravagant with mantras.

Under the gaze of the two of them, Ye Xiu’s figure directly sank into the big formation under the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor’s cloth, and disappeared.

“Little Leaf…”


Lin Qingcheng and Mu Tianye who saw this scene almost subconsciously called out. They didn’t expect Ye Xiu to do this kind of thing. Isn’t this feeding a tiger with his body?

Follow up immediately.

However, the power generated by the battle between the kings is so terrifying that no masters of the fate can bear it, let alone them.

Therefore, the few of them were shaken back by the aftermath of the battle before they got close to the formation, and they couldn’t get close at all.

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