The 631st chapter all three words come out

“I underestimated you, but then I’m going to be serious.”

Xia Jiuyou’s eyes narrowed, and Ye Xiu’s strength was stronger than he expected, but it was still within his acceptance range. If Ye Xiu was killed directly, it would be meaningless.

“If you have any means, just use it.”

Ye Xiu said disapprovingly.

“Then look at it, Heavenly Demon is here.”

Xia Jiuyou yelled abruptly, and the already turbulent sky became extremely gloomy again, and then, a phantom face appeared on the top of everyone’s head.

Those unsentimental eyes, looking at everything below indifferently, this scene surprised everyone.

Under Xia Jiuyou’s control, this human face emerged from the void. It was a figure measuring a hundred meters in size, and then quickly shrunk and merged into Xia Jiuyou’s body.

The arrival of Heavenly Demon was the inheritance method of the Heavenly Demon gate, but this combat skill was obtained by the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor inadvertently.

This method uses a powerful force to communicate with heaven and earth, get in touch with the ancient Heavenly Demon’s consciousness, and get the other party’s approval, so as to come down and increase the overall strength of the person who performs the operation.

Although this method is powerful, it also has great side effects. People who are not conscious enough to use it rashly will be directly countered by the ancient Heavenly Demon, who will occupy the magpie’s nest and be resurrected.

This situation is somewhat similar to the situation when the Heavenly Demon body awakens.

The only difference is that Heavenly Demon’s body is conceived as the king of Heavenly Demon, which is not comparable to ordinary Heavenly Demon.

Therefore, few people in the Heavenly Demon gate have mastered the arrival of Heavenly Demon, and there are even many people who dare not even try cultivation, for fear of taking their own life into it.


After Heavenly Demon merged into Xia Jiuyou’s body, his aura suddenly increased three times, and the aura on his body became darker and colder, making people afraid to look directly.


Ye Xiu didn’t dare to be careless when he saw this scene.

Then, the power between heaven and earth began to converge on Ye Xiu’s body quickly, and his breath instantly tripled, once again filling the gap between them.

But after doing this, Ye Xiu didn’t stop. After all, he faced an opponent who was several Realms higher than him, and had rich experience, so he didn’t dare to have any reservations.

The fingerprints changed and he slowly opened his mouth.


An angry shout was like thunder, and the terrible pressure directly turned into a beam of energy, which was firmly locked on Xia Jiuyou’s body, causing his body to shake and almost fell to the ground.

“Fight word mantra, you actually got three mantras!”

Xia Jiuyou looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief. You must know that Li Qingxuan had only obtained two mantras back then, so he defeated the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor with his powerful strength and sealed them.

Throughout the history of Nine Heavens mainland, no one has ever obtained more than two mantras. Ye Xiu can be said to be the first and only one.

As for the Mantra of Fighting Characters has long been lost, no one knows its whereabouts at all, and his master, Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, has never seen it.

Ye Xiu not only got it, but also mastered it, which is unbelievable.

From his feelings at this time, it can be roughly inferred that this fighting character mantra is a means of Ascension’s own momentum and combined with the general trend of the world, to double the enemy’s spirit and body, thereby causing the enemy to lose a certain amount of combat effectiveness.

Even if it was him, he could still feel the extremely powerful oppression, which directly reduced his strength by as much as 30%. He had never seen a similar method.

If his Cultivation Base is lower than Ye Xiu’s, then the moment Ye Xiu uses the Douzi Mantra, he may be fainted directly.

No wonder the nine-character mantra has attracted countless people, and this ability is indeed extremely desirable.


Ye Xiu’s handprints changed again, and he used the mantra of running characters again, and his figure directly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place. When his figure appeared, he had already arrived in front of Xia Jiuyou.

With a punch, he directly penetrated the space and hit Xia Jiuyou’s face.

Because the speed was too fast, Xia Jiuyou hadn’t even reacted, and the person had already flown out, and the entire face was deformed by Ye Xiu’s punch.

“So strong!”

Xia Jiuyou was amazed.

The power of Ye Xiu’s punch was very terrifying. If Heavenly Demon’s power hadn’t helped him block some of his power, then Ye Xiu’s punch would be enough to smash his head.

At the same time, he also had a clear understanding of the nine-character mantra.

Pro-words enhance their own strength, fighting-words deter and weaken the enemy’s strength, and run-words increase speed and interlock with each other, greatly increasing the strength of the person who uses them.

The three characters come together, and the Ascension of a person’s strength is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but the Ascension of geometric times.

Fortunately, Ye Xiu only mastered three mantras. If there were one more, then he really had nothing to do.

“Heavenly Demon disintegrates.”

Xia Jiuyou yelled, his figure shook, but there were eight more bodies around him.

The avatars are like carved out of a mold, no matter their appearance, breath or other things are the same, there is no difference.

The disintegration of Heavenly Demon is a very powerful method of avatar that can instantly divide a person into nine.

Each body possesses a combat power equivalent to 90% of its own body.

In other words, after using Heavenly Demon to disintegrate, its own strength will instantly increase Ascension nine times. The only drawback is that it consumes a lot of money, so it cannot be used for a long time.

“Dragon Fights Eight Wastes.”

Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged, and his body was divided into eight when he moved in his heart. Although the number of clones was one less than Heavenly Demon’s disintegration, each clone possessed the same power as the body.

The fly in the ointment is that it cannot hide the clone like Long Zhan Si Ye, but it is also extremely powerful.


The two shot at the same time, standing together in mid-air, with various methods emerging in endlessly.

However, in the eight-to-nine situation, the two sides actually fought like each other, and no one could do anything about it, and the more they fought, the more frightened Xia Jiuyou became.

Before, he thought the Greedy Demon King was very useless, and he couldn’t even beat a little Ye Xiu, and finally got his own life into it.

At that time, he was so angry that he almost scolded his mother.

Now after I personally fought Ye Xiu, I realized that it was not that he was too greedy, but that Ye Xiu’s strength was too terrifying. The three mantras plus various endless methods were simply invincible.

Fortunately, he can’t use more power now, let alone breakthrough Dao.

Otherwise, I am afraid I have already lost at this time.

“Five Thunder Forbidden Domain!”

Ye Xiu can’t delay with him for too long, and the use of the three mantras is not unlimited, and it consumes a lot of money. The longer the time is, the more dangerous his situation is.

Moreover, he is still doing two things with one heart, and while fighting Xia Jiuyou, he continues to absorb Shura’s power.

Otherwise, the situation of others will be even more dangerous.

So he must make a quick decision.

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