Chapter 630: Fighting Xia Jiuyou

“Boy, do you think this seat will be alive?”

Xia Jiuyou snorted coldly, strode out, as if a flash of lightning rushed to Ye Xiu’s face, and blasted it with a punch.

He already had a clear understanding of what happened in Fangcunzhi. The reason why Ye Xiu was able to win was because he absorbed Shura’s power, making the bone warrior unable to recover.

Therefore, Ye Xiu is a great threat to them, and this is one of the reasons why he wants to subdue it.

Since this kid is not exaggerating, he must get rid of it as soon as possible.

“If you want to kill Ye Xiu, you have to pass me first.”

As soon as Wang Xuan next to him made a direct shot, he immediately blocked Ye Xiu’s front and killed Xia Jiuyou.

They also knew very well the battle in Fangcunzhi, as long as Ye Xiu was on their side, then they still had the possibility of winning this battle.

Therefore, before leaving the Lingwu family, Xiao Tianxing asked Wang Xuanyi to follow Ye Xiu to protect his safety.

“Your opponent is me.”

At this moment, Yi Daoist Ying rushed to Wang Xuanyi’s front.

This person is dressed in a black robe and his eyes are like knives. He is the master of the Heavenly Demon gate, Nie Wudi.

“Nie Wudi, you let me go.”

Wang Xuan frowned. He and Nie Wudi once fought together, so the two had a good personal relationship. Even though the Heavenly Demon’s style of acting was disgusting, it still did not affect his impression of Nie Wudi.

But he didn’t expect that they would become enemies now. This was the last thing he wanted to see.


Nie Wudi didn’t care about the others at all, and directly shot and killed him.

He had been instilled with the idea of ​​opening up the territory for the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor since he was a child. Although he didn’t want to fight Wang Xuanyi, his position was different, especially now that he had no other choice.

“Okay, then let me see your strength.”

Wang Xuan shouted loudly and also shot to greet him, and soon the two of them fought together.

The Cultivation Base of the two is between the two, and the overall strength is not much different, so it is impossible to tell the winner for a time.

As for Xia Jiuyou rushed to Ye Xiu’s face, directly hitting Ye Xiu’s heart with a palm.

“not good.”

Wang Xuan was shocked. Although he was fighting Nie Wudi, he did not forget his own mission, so he rushed towards Ye Xiu in the first place.

But how could Nie Wudi allow him to succeed, his body shape flashed to block his way again, and he took out a war knife and slashed straight forward.

On the other side, Xia Jiuyou had already come behind Ye Xiu and slapped it out.

But the moment he was about to hit Ye Xiu with his palm, an angry shout came from his ear, and Xia Jiuyou could hear it very clearly. This was the mantra of the line.

After that, the chapter he was determined to win passed through Ye Xiu’s chest, but he didn’t feel like touching the entity at all.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Ye Xiu’s body drifting away in the wind.

Obviously this was just an afterimage left by Ye Xiu after moving quickly. After a while, Ye Xiu had rushed to a kilometer away, continuing to absorb the almost inexhaustible Shura power between the world and the earth.

While preventing the bone warrior from recovering, his Cultivation Base also quickly Ascension at this moment.

“Kill him for me.”

Xia Jiuyou became furious. After receiving the order, the bone warriors around him immediately gave up the previous enemies and started to attack Ye Xiu continuously, but couldn’t touch his body at all.

At this time, Xia Jiuyou also realized that Ye Xiu, who possessed the mantra of running characters, could not be grasped at all.

So he changed his strategy and turned his attention to Mu Tianye and others not far away.

“I don’t believe you are ignoring their life and death.”

With that, Xia Jiuyou immediately gave up chasing Ye Xiu, instead rushing to Mu Tianye and the others.

“not good.”

Mu Tianye and the others were beheading the bone warriors at this moment, but the sudden sense of crisis made him immediately stunned, turning around and looking, only Xia Jiuyou was killing them.

The three of them were all taken aback, and hurriedly backed away.

But they were just Cultivation Bases of the Tongxuan Realm, how could they escape from Xia Jiuyou’s side.


Just when he was about to catch them, Ye Xiu’s figure suddenly appeared in front of him, looking at Xia Jiuyou calmly and saying, “Aren’t you going to kill me? I’ll give you this opportunity, come on. ”

After speaking, the aura on Ye Xiu’s body began to surge, and in the blink of an eye, Ascension reached the level of the Fourth Stage of his life.

It is the function of the Great Wuxiang Array.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t dare to use too much power now, otherwise, other people will also be implicated by own and directly fight to death on the spot. After all, they are also fighting at this time.

However, for Fu Xia Jiuyou, the power of the Fourth Stage Heaven was enough.

“Okay, Heavenly Demon handprint.”

A cold color flashed in Xia Jiuyou’s eyes. He was worried that this kid would not fight him, but he didn’t expect that he would be sent to the door. In that case, he would naturally not be polite.

As for Ye Xiu’s situation at this time, he didn’t care at all.

Although he used this method to kill the Greedy Demon before, but now this time is different from before, Ye Xiu didn’t dare to mobilize too much power at all.

With the Cultivation Base of the Seventh Stage of his life and Superman’s first-class combat experience, it is no problem to behead it.

A palm was shot, and the billowing devilish energy immediately surged. In the void, a palm the size of a hundred meters fell from the sky, and it was printed on Ye Xiu.

This situation was like a palm from the ancient Heavenly Demon hidden in the void. Heaven and Earth seemed to be unable to withstand its oppression, and was directly crushed to pieces.

At the same time, a terrifying aura firmly locked Ye Xiu’s aura, making him inevitable.

“Nine Temples King Seal!”

Ye Xiu had no intention of fleeing at all, and his hands quickly formed seals.

When the seal was completed, a stamp that was as black as ink with a billowing devilish energy appeared in his hand, and at the same time, a ghost of the demon king appeared behind him.

The face that was not so good-looking, under the violent aura, the side became more and more terrifying, just like the demon from The Underworld.

It’s scary to look directly at it.


Suddenly, the demon king let out a roar, and the surrounding space was shaken violently.

After it slapped out, the pitch-black seal moved with it, falling on his fist, and violently colliding with Xia Jiuyou’s Heavenly Demon handprint.


The collision of fists and palms is like two big mountains colliding together, and the terrifying force spreads around the place where they touched as the center.

Where this force passed, the space was torn apart, the ground was opened, and the people around were not spared from being thrown out directly by the tremor, which was extremely terrifying.

However, this force did not spread too far, it was completely absorbed by the broken void, and the broken space was quickly restored.

If it weren’t for the one hundred meters deep pit on the ground, people around would think that nothing happened before.

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