The 623rd chapter: the mad corpse sect is destroyed

“No, it’s not right, it’s not over yet.”

Li Qianshan suddenly thought of the hundreds of thousands of bone warriors sleeping underground, his eyes immediately showed a hot light, his right hand shook, and a black token appeared in his hand.

Divine Sense was injected into it, and the order to attack was immediately launched.


At this moment, the earth was roaring, as if there was a major earthquake, the entire tower was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn’t take long before the underground base buried underneath was exposed.

Then, a corner of the sixth floor suddenly cracked, and the stones on both sides wanted to move on both sides, forming a huge stone gate.

But after the door was opened, only a flame rushed out from it, and nothing else appeared.

“what happened?”

Li Qianshan was taken aback, and immediately rushed to the entrance, and saw the empty sixth floor. The whole person was not good. What about the bone warriors made over the years?

Was it taken away by the ancestor?

Thinking of this, Li Qianshan’s heart suddenly had ten thousand horses galloping past.

This was the last battle between him and the Mad Corpse Sect. He still wanted to rely on these bone warriors to come back, but he didn’t expect the ancestor to be so ruthless that even these bone warriors would not be left to him.

This is to push them on the road of absolutes.

It’s just that he didn’t know that this was not a masterpiece of the ancestor of the mad corpse sect at all, but was burned by Ye Xiu’s fire.

“Li Qianshan, come out and die.”

Yellow Dragon also came to the depths of the mad corpse sect and shouted angrily.

He used to be the Elder of the Crazy Corpse Sect. He also worked hard for the Crazy Corpse Sect. Although there were some contradictions with Li Qianshan, it was only because he couldn’t understand his behavior.

In Yellow Dragon’s view, Li Qianshan’s character has serious flaws and is too harsh.

If he continues to control the mad corpse sect, sooner or later he will lead the mad corpse sect into the abyss.

That’s why he came forward to compete with it.

Originally, this was just a normal competition within Sect, but I didn’t expect this guy to be so insidious that he would be so insidious behind him and almost killed him.

If it weren’t for someone from the Lingwu family who happened to pass by and rescued him, he would probably be dead now.

So he couldn’t just settle this account.

“The damn thing is you.”

Li Qianshan’s eyes were splitting, and he looked at the Yellow Dragon angrily and roared.

Had it not been for the betrayal of this old bastard, how could the other seven forces know the secret of the mad corpse sect, and how dare to attack the mad corpse sect at this time.

After all, everyone’s attention is now focused on the Six Demon Kings, and no one would have thought that their Crazy Corpse Sect was also part of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor.

Therefore, at this time he was quite regretful.

Of course, he didn’t regret calculating this old thing, but regretted not cutting off his head, so that he got his life.

It is precisely because of own negligence that the Crazy Corpse Sect has fallen into such a situation, and he wants to break this Yellow Dragon into pieces.

“Then you will see the real chapter.”

Yellow Dragon also exudes a strong sense of war, looking directly at Li Qianshan Road.

The strength of the two of them was originally between the first and second, although he had previously suffered a serious injury by him, but after this period of cultivation, they have recovered nearly 70% of their strength.

This Li Qianshan was abused by Long Aotian for a while, and his strength was probably only sixty-seven out of ten, and the two could just fight a fair fight.

“I killed you!”

Li Qianshan shouted and rushed directly towards Yellow Dragon.

“Hmph, it’s not always certain who kills who.”

The person said this on Yellow Dragon’s mouth, but he didn’t dare to be careless in his heart, his hands suddenly formed a handprint, and then a coffin swelled up on the ground, and a golden corpse galloped out from it and greeted him with him.

Boom boom boom…

The fierce collision sounded endlessly, and the momentum was shocking.

In this battle, they persisted for half an hour before they had decided the victory and defeat, and finally ended in the Yellow Dragon defeat.

Although Yellow Dragon has the help of the Golden Armor Corpse, he himself is very weak, and this is a common problem among the disciples of the Crazy Corpse Sect, and Li Qianshan naturally knows this.

Therefore, he ignored the Golden Armor Corpse and pursued the Yellow Dragon.

However, Li Qianshan’s cultivation method perfectly compensated for this, so even with the same strength, it is difficult for Yellow Dragon to defeat Li Qianshan.

“Trash is trash, go to death for me.”

After defeating Yellow Dragon, Li Qianshan’s anger was slightly calmed down.

At this time, he was betrayed by the Yellow Dragon and abandoned by his ancestors. This one thing after another, almost became the last straw that crushed his heart.

He also knew that he would definitely not be able to survive this battle, but being able to kill the Yellow Dragon before he died was a relief for him.

“Let’s go on the road together.”

A resolute color flashed under Yellow Dragon’s eyes, and with a movement in his heart, a strong corpse aura burst out of the golden armor corpse, which directly enveloped the entire body.

At the same time, a terrifying force was brewing in the body of the golden armor corpse, and even the people around were aware of the changes here and looked at it.

Suddenly, this golden armored corpse suddenly rushed to the two of them, and the power on his body instantly climbed to the extreme.

“This, this is the corpse burial method of the Crazy Corpse Sect. Get out of here, everyone!”

Someone directly recognized the name of Yellow Dragon’s trick, his face changed abruptly, and he screamed and backed away quickly.

But it was still a step too late.


Hearing a loud thunderous noise, the entire mad corpse sect was violently shaken, and the terrifying power was vented to the surroundings, and everything was overturned wherever it went.

Those who were too late to leave were directly hit by this force.

The higher Cultivation Base is okay, I just feel that the blood in the body is surging, and I vomit a mouthful of blood and it’s all right, but people with insufficient Cultivation Base are directly fainted.

A large area lay down directly on the scene.

This force almost covered the entire range of the mad corpse sect. The disciples of the mad corpse sect were the first to bear the brunt, and they were directly in a coma by two-thirds.

Ye Xiu and others were among them, but with the help of the three-talented battle formation, their strengths combined to form a whole, so they didn’t suffer too much injury, but they didn’t feel much better.

As for the coalition forces of the major Sects, they didn’t suffer much damage at all because they were too far away.

When all the dust settled, a pit of a hundred meters wide appeared directly where Yellow Dragon and Li Qianshan were.

The Yellow Dragon was nowhere to be seen at this time, and it was obviously shaken into fly ash by this violent force, but Li Qianshan was standing at the bottom of the pit, and there was no good place up and down.

But after holding on for a while, Li Qianshan also raised his head and fell to the ground, his eyes filled with unwillingness, humiliation, anger, regret, confusion and other complex emotions.

Gradually, the vitality in his body gradually dissipated, but his eyes were still open in anger, obviously not looking at him.

Xiao Tianxing and others came to the top of the pit and looked at the dead Li Qianshan below, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

A generation of heroes died in this way. To be honest, they were very unhappy in their hearts.

After all, most of them are people from the same era. Even if they have different positions, they still have a sense of sympathy in their hearts.

But they also knew that the moment the Crazy Corpse Sect chose to come together with the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, the two sides could no longer coexist.

With the fall of Li Qianshan, it means that the Crazy Corpse Sect has withdrawn from the stage of history.

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