Chapter 622 Abandoned?


With a roar, the lid of the coffin burst open, and a battle corpse of gold and silver stepped out of it, and slew towards Ye Xiu at an extremely fast speed.


Another sound of metal came over, and Ye Xiu and the war corpse retreated at the same time, and they stood opposite each other at a distance of tens of meters.

“Come again!”

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Xiu’s eyes, and he strode out to kill him again.

“Since you want to die, I will fulfill you.”

With the help of the war corpse, the uneasiness in his heart was wiped out. He didn’t believe that he would lose to Ye Xiu, a kid who only had a cave in the sky.

With that, the two Daoist shadows were dispatched at the same time, and they came to Ye Xiu from two different directions.

But the next scene made him stare directly, because he saw that the own war corpse turned out to be stopped by something, unable to move forward.

Suddenly, its limbs were torn off abruptly.

“what happened?”

This person was frightened and somewhat unclear at the same time. So, could this Ye Xiu have any powerful means to abolish the own war corpse without knowing it.


Ye Xiu had already arrived in front of him at this time.

“not good.”

This person only reacted at this time, just about to dodge, but suddenly found that own two arms seemed to be grasped by two invisible hands, and firmly fixed him in place.

But when he turned his head to look around, he couldn’t see anyone at all, and he was a little unbelievable.

This situation not only made Ye Xiu feel strange, even Li Qianshan, the Sect Leader of the Crazy Corpse Sect, couldn’t understand it. He didn’t understand why the ancestor stopped at this time.

Isn’t this to make the mad corpse sect fall into a place where no one can recover.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately used the secret method to get rid of Long Aotian’s pursuit. When the figure appeared again, he had already reached the depths of the mad corpse sect.

There is a huge pool of blood here, all around it is soaked with blood, and the air is still filled with rich blood.

But the blood in it has been drained.


Li Qianshan looked at all this with an ugly expression.

At this point in the matter, he had actually guessed what the ancestor did. He abandoned the Crazy Corpse Sect, and also used the Crazy Corpse Sect to restrain the attention of the big sects.

And he himself might have taken the blood from here to the places of the demon kings to help them break the seal.

In other words, they were just a chess piece of the ancestor from the beginning, and now his goal has been achieved, then there is no need for the Crazy Corpse Sect to exist.

“how so.”

After trying to understand all this, Li Qianshan just sat down on the ground.

He has always been a very proud person. In order to develop the mad corpse sect, he has devoted countless efforts and efforts.

In the end, he knew that he was just a chess piece and tool in the hands of his ancestors that he could discard at any time.

This really made him unacceptable.

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